March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Ibushi is floundering? ZSJ hasn’t done much since the G1 but he’s had matches with Tanahashi for the title so idk if that’s floundering to me...

Other than WK, what high profile match has Kota been in since the CWC?..Buick came in, joined a group, and has proceeded to do nothing of real note..Just cause they’re in NJPW don’t mean you gotta think they’re setting the world on fire..It’s ok if you say someone sucks or isn’t being used right..
I think this was the last time I was legitimately shocked about something in wrestling. And before then, it was probably something in the early 00s. There’s no reason why Henry couldn’t have beaten Cena heading into that PPV. After that loss and turning face after the Shield jumped him, it was curtains for him being taken seriously after that.

That promo was so great. Too bad my last memory of Mark will be him crying hysterically during the national anthem or Seth beating him with his own jacket. :lol:
I got you uce!
Check dm!
Other than WK, what high profile match has Kota been in since the CWC?..Buick came in, joined a group, and has proceeded to do nothing of real note..Just cause they’re in NJPW don’t mean you gotta think they’re setting the world on fire..It’s ok if you say someone sucks or isn’t being used right..

I don’t think they’re setting that world on fire I never said that. They don’t suck and right now the only one who could be used a little better is ZSJ. I was pissed he got thrown on that never 6 man bs as well as Juice and Ishii.

Ibushi had one of the higher profile matches at WK against Cody and by the looks of it will be in some more big matches this year. He’s being used correctly IMO and for a guy who won’t commit to a contract there really isn’t much they can do with him.
Juice is awful. If anything, he should've been in the NJ Rumble instead of the Never match.

ZSJ is meh. It's good that he's at least aligned with Suzuki-Gun. He probably wouldn't be doing anything in 205.

Agree with you on Kota. IMO, he's a top 3 worker in the company, but the fact that he won't commit is going to hinder his ceiling. He'll also likely play a hand in Kenny leaving BC and Kenny vs Cody.
Other than WK, what high profile match has Kota been in since the CWC?..Buick came in, joined a group, and has proceeded to do nothing of real note..Just cause they’re in NJPW don’t mean you gotta think they’re setting the world on fire..It’s ok if you say someone sucks or isn’t being used right..
Don't forget Kota being in the G1 would probably be greater than anything WWE would have had him do on 205 Live :lol:

And then his match vs Okada last year as Tiger Mask W...........

Speaking of which
Watch Tiger Mask W English Dub, Sub Free Anime Streaming Online Full Episodes, Movie - KissAnime
Two young wrestlers face each other in a recently revived underground wrestling organization, the Tiger’s Lair, which destroyed the wrestling dojo they grew up in. One took over the training facilities of Naoto Date at the foot of Mount Fuji, as well as the mask he left behind. The other dared to enter the Tiger’s Lair and won a fierce competition, receiving a jet-black tiger mask. One tiger walks the path of light, while the other walks the path of shadows. Neither one knows the other’s face. On the ring, they are natural enemies, but they have the same purpose—destroy the Tiger’s Lair!
So re-watching TJP vs. Metalik from 205 Live.

Metalik is ahead of the curve. TJP whipped him into the steps, instead of Metalik running his OWN shoulder into the steps, or his knees, guess what he did? He AVOIDED THE STEPS.

Take notes rest of the roster.

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