March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Which of the CWC signees can you look at and say "it's a good thing he's in WWE"? What was their position in the business beforehand?

We have seen the failure of WWE's CW abomination. Aside from the money, I don't understand how you can even pretend that it is an optimal situation for any wrestler...especially one like Ibushi.

Money and value are not the same and Ibushi loses value if he signs with WWE

I'm also not sure how much I believe that EVERY outsider wrestler gets a pay increase when signing with WWE. I know that wasn't the case with a couple joshi they wanted.

TJP - It put him on the map for me. If he went to NJPW, I'd immediately view him as a viable contender against Ospreay, KUSHIDA, Scurll, and Hiromu because of his tournament performance.

Cedric Alexander - The guy has star potential because he's just believable in the ring. You could put him on Smackdown and I guarantee he'd tear it up with Nakamura, Orton, and Styles. If he left, I don't know what we be there for him on the indies though. He would have to reinvent himself and really up his character.

Gallagher definitely needed the stage to shine, but at this point, it might've been better for him to have been in the UK Tournament.

Pretty Much the whole Zo Train needed to be in WWE. All can wrestle, but none were developed as characters until the hit WWE.

It really is a character and story telling business. All the moves in the world can be cool for a snapchat video, but it won't have people invest in you. Broken Matt Hardy is a prime example of that. All character, barely moves. Now of course the Young Bucks break that mold, but they've got some character too (BTE is cool). Plus their match psychology is good.

I agree that Ibushi definitely did what was best for him. Sabre Jr. could've gone either way. If he wasn't on 205, but in the company, I think he would've been okay. Dude's pretty funny on the mic as a heel.
Depends on who we are talking about.

For HIM, probably so.

It just isn't MONEY.

He is moving to a completely new continent.

Working way more frequently than he probably would prefer.

High probability that he wouldn't be used properly.

What exactly is HE missing out on?

If he’d have signed I guarantee that he’d have won the CWC and the entire division would’ve been built around him..And his name recognition would’ve probably attracted more people to sign which would’ve made the division better..
TJP - It put him on the map for me. If he went to NJPW, I'd immediately view him as a viable contender against Ospreay, KUSHIDA, Scurll, and Hiromu because of his tournament performance.

Cedric Alexander - The guy has star potential because he's just believable in the ring. You could put him on Smackdown and I guarantee he'd tear it up with Nakamura, Orton, and Styles. If he left, I don't know what we be there for him on the indies though. He would have to reinvent himself and really up his character.

Gallagher definitely needed the stage to shine, but at this point, it might've been better for him to have been in the UK Tournament.

Pretty Much the whole Zo Train needed to be in WWE. All can wrestle, but none were developed as characters until the hit WWE.

It really is a character and story telling business. All the moves in the world can be cool for a snapchat video, but it won't have people invest in you. Broken Matt Hardy is a prime example of that. All character, barely moves. Now of course the Young Bucks break that mold, but they've got some character too (BTE is cool). Plus their match psychology is good.

I agree that Ibushi definitely did what was best for him. Sabre Jr. could've gone either way. If he wasn't on 205, but in the company, I think he would've been okay. Dude's pretty funny on the mic as a heel.

J!!!! how you been dude?

Totally agree with Ibushi, as much as I would have loved to be selfish and see the dude for awhile in NXT, he is too big a talent to waste away just to try and learn some ******* english to get over for lazy fans.

Didn't think I would like Gallagher as much as I do, but again, he got lost quick in the shuffle because they forced him to be this goofy *** poncey dude.

I am actually really glad that Dunne and Bate haven't been ruined yet, but I am not optimistic after seeing them bury other talent.
J!!!! how you been dude?

Totally agree with Ibushi, as much as I would have loved to be selfish and see the dude for awhile in NXT, he is too big a talent to waste away just to try and learn some ****ing english to get over for lazy fans.

Didn't think I would like Gallagher as much as I do, but again, he got lost quick in the shuffle because they forced him to be this goofy *** poncey dude.

I am actually really glad that Dunne and Bate haven't been ruined yet, but I am not optimistic after seeing them bury other talent.
Fans are lazy because they'd want to see someone speaking English in an American company where mic work is incredibly important?
Fealess Leader drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 ! I'm over here just working, trying to clear my debts and keep the lights on until I move back East and start travelling up and down the coast. How's every going on your end?

And for my DC brethren DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , I finally noticed who Mr. Aries is trying to be:
Fans are lazy because they'd want to see someone speaking English in an American company where mic work is incredibly important?

I wouldn't say their lazy, just possibly uncultured. It's just like how some people can watch Ongbak and other foreign fight films and not care if it is dubbed or have subtitles. I can sit through a foreign language film and not care if I understand the dialog or not. Most in our country can't.

I am also a kid who beat a Super Nintendo Tenchi Muyo game back in the late 90s that was in complete Japanese. Odd I know.

*edit* it was an RPG by the way.
I do agree with Case Case though that they probably would have had Ibushi win the CWC and built the division around him if he would have signed with them.
I read that TJP was basically option C. It was supposed to be Ibushi vs Zack Sabre Jr but they both didn't sign and they chose TJ over Metalik because he speaks English
If he’d have signed I guarantee that he’d have won the CWC and the entire division would’ve been built around him..And his name recognition would’ve probably attracted more people to sign which would’ve made the division better..
Headlined 205???????
See how that worked for TJP?
But him vs Neville, yea that would be nice
I do agree with Case Case though that they probably would have had Ibushi win the CWC and built the division around him if he would have signed with them.
Nobody denied that.

But what on earth does headlining 205 division mean for Kota Ibushi.

How would that be better than being in the G1?
At Sky Zone trampoline park for my son’s 10th bday party and I’m losing my mind..Parents let their kids just act like brainless savages in public..
Should they have them on a leash?

It is a fun park, the kids should be running wild.

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