March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week


Hania :evil::evil::evil:

Congrats! We will see how far Foles can take y’all.

Thanks :nthat:
This took a long *** time to catch up and create. There will never be a quote tower to surpass this one due to sheer length... View attachment 2040506 for some reason a bunch of gems from the live feed of WK12 mysteriously disappeared even though I quoted quoted a few, so I’ll gloss over my opinion of the PPV. The Young Bucks vs Roppongi 3k was a good starter match, Cody vs Ibushi was highly entertaining and his interactions with Brandi had Cody rightfully concerned bout his girl choosing. Archer and Davey Boy Vol 2 Best the crap outta Sanada and Evil but the persevered. Goto vs Suzuki was very legit and the way Minoru’s hair was cut had me :lol: :rofl: Also the fact he did it his damn self. The Jay Whito roasting has me damn near dead. Omega vs Jericho will be debated but I enjoyed it in the moment but it wasn’t 5 star worthy. Naito vs Okada was ****** wild and the counters leading to the finish had me like 6A14DC88-91DB-46CB-9B8B-082936752CB5.png 6A14DC88-91DB-46CB-9B8B-082936752CB5.png I was amazed Naito didn’t win between the crowd support and Okada having a lengthy title reign already. NJPW has a history of playing the long game so I’m not furious at the finish either. :lol: New NT has its benefits and detriments... in any case...y’all know what’s next...
hey warmachine youre a stupid doo doo head
This is a known fact hustle. :lol: :rofl:
Probably going to Tokyo for first 2 nights of G1.

If you can, be there
Me and wifey probably gonna make that move next year. We wanna go real bad...
:smh: You’re one of those... :rolleyes
Bandwagon fans are the worst. I hate them passionately. Especially my StepDad. :smh:
Ya'll never gonna let this **** go :lol:
I’m damn tired of the trolling mention of it at this point. It’s absurd.
The Aliens might want to talk to Andre The Giant of all the wrestlers as he was Nephilim, a descendant of The Watchers.

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee
The homie Rhino too woke for y’all...
You guys honestly put too much weight and emphasis of these 'critics'.

Why not just like what you like and be done with it
They need reinforcement that someone else’s idea is the same as theirs to boost their confidence b. Thought you knew...
Orton vs Sheamus is still the best example of that.
They really made me not care about a Randall match when that **** was going down. :frown: :smh:
as far as titles, I Ego is always saying Hustle has one, I swore Ego himself had one.

Eff if I know who has the rest.
Someone will come through with the actuals. :lol:
They don't even @ you when they do their Shield roll call :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Damn b. It hurts more cause it’s true.
I don't recall that. I see Cock Sox, 5th grade reading level, and BMI.

Only time you @ Hustle is in the F13 thread so ya'll can gang up on him.

Poor guy is the ugly girl with the cheerleaders. Raising the stock of the average *** white girls around her just so they can be part of the clique.
Jeez. :lol: :rofl:
He’s the Chris Hero of Shield..Was supposed to be in, but got replaced at the 11th hour..
This was some high grade ether. I’d post more gifs
but I’m at my limit.
Quit tagging Bones' btch..Thanks
I’m disappointed in you....pick a side a stay on it. Just a month ago.....

Damn B. Hit him with those facts. Of course he began the walk back to make up for his double talk.
Y’all petty tryna bring up old stuff that we’ve obviously made amends on. Y’all can’t stop us. Between myself Meangene45 Meangene45 @ihust1e @B Sox and @Bad Moon Rison we just too much for y’all. If you removed us from this thread y’all would have a bunch of brokeboy, Old joke telling, 7 day workin, bums. Thread would be DEAD!!! Aside from green rhino123 green rhino123 bigego24 bigego24 and JCMojica24 JCMojica24 of course.
Glad to know I am held in high regard. It was odd not posting or reading the thread for so long.
This is what you wanted, kayfabe 24/7.
It gets no better.
Mandy Rose can get.......IT
All of IT. Balls deep for sure. 30F948DA-CFD4-4791-B535-3A837BE2DE89.gif
Balor charisma already 100 times better with the good brothers next to him
Dudes don’t realize he was holding **** down as a Real Shooter and Rock and Rolla...
Damn...Dana about to spill out
Now that we got JoJo and Kaitlyn leaks Dana NEEDS to be next.
He consistently gets amazing segments. Seriously.
So they've mentioned Tama and Fale, showed pictures of them in NJPW, and talked the IWGP titles...
The infiltration is real. :nerd:
For a company that doesn't ever acknowledge it's competitors, they've definitely referred to some NJPW stuff tonight.
They seem to be the only brand they acknowledge... :smokin
Los Flys 4 life :pimp:

They'd prolly like that.

I was gonna go look real quick but Hustle got it all covered. IC is vacant tho.

You gonna draw Shinsuke and win just because you said this :lol:


As soon as I read Gene post I knew this would be soon after :lol:

You gonna get Cena.


They thought they were getting Kurt Angle

But they got Eric Angle instead

The darkest timeline.


A Rhino never forgets. His memory rivals the homie bigego24 bigego24


Good look biHust1e. IC vacant tho.

DSK & bigpat the only sane ones left.

I picture Case being a grumpy uncle version of Kevin Owens

Even with all the :smokin I do my memory is on point. Don’t believe propaganda folks... :lol:
D Fly D Fly you sure about that NTWT IC title?..
Case is IC champ and Rhino explained it all like Clarissa...
I didn't know 22stylez 22stylez had money until he started flaunting all his new watches and ****.

BUT i knew damn well this grave digging, inspector gadget wannabe was gonna go and deep dive some "dirt" on me like he did when he was searching out my IG/FB/Twitter etc. apparently when blowing money on things and not experiences.

I admit when I came in here, I had to find my way, but within all the jokes, I became nothing but transparent about who and what I am. Grave dig me coming out to all of you, bring up the in depth posts about identity.

I called out everyone in the beginning.
I wanted a shot at bigego24 bigego24 and now he is affiliated. I had a quick succession of members join LINTWT, JCMojica24 JCMojica24 , CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity , and D Fly D Fly . @Warmachine85 co signed.

we continue to get stronger, because even if someone isn't outright affiliated, they can't get with the money,power, respect bull the 3 or 4 of you trying to push. You aren't the shield, you are the AUTHORITY playing dress up. You want so badly for what you all are doing to be what's "best for NTWT business" that you didn't see that this thread went from one ****ty leader to another but this time he was surrounded by yes men. You are Steph, Shane, Vince, and Linda you aren't vest wearing hounds of justice, you are wolves in sheep's clothing.

So no matter what I win from this rumble, I'm gonna take it, and I'm gonna throw the money in a trash can next to scraps of paper with all 4 of your SNs on em, cuz this isn't about some ****ing chump change.

Screencap this promo, save it on your desktop, whatever you need to do, cuz this will go down as one of the greatest promos EVER cut in this ****ing group. This is attitude and reality era rolled into one.

So me and Los Ingobernables de Niketalk, aren't going anywhere.

you can ****ing "believe that".
Talk to em Drew...
Like I said, people forget both myself and 22 can destroy a day with words...a talent few possess.
Nattie thirsty AF! Tyson must not be hitting it right !
After the Paige Natty lick gif/Total Divas convos we knew Tyson wasn’t knocking it down right. :lol:
I got a 10.5 EEE..It’s damn near impossible to find a shoe that’s not basketball related that fits the width of my foot and has excellent comfort..
Damn homie. :frown:
Good. That jobber can kick rocks.
Dawg I’m gonna have to send you a fade. You can’t keep up the Nak slander for various reasons you refuse to recall that I’ve brought up. :smh:
It pains my soul Jinder became champ cause Sev da Gawd got hurt. :frown: :smh:
Emma about to make an appearance at my local wrestling shop in East LA in February. Lessgo!
I may need to do some further research on this matter...
Brotha D Fly, you and @dat dude chris bigego24 bigego24 ready for Saturday's game? Last time we played the Falcons in the playoffs, I was at that game and got the W. Hopefully Foles works out his kinks and our ground game is on point.

That 4th and 2 has my heart racing. This was a good day for me. :lol: :pimp:
Morning gentlemen. It’s my Thursday. 4-day weekend coming up...
I somehow got Friday through Monday off. Been :smokin so damn much. Good times.

My mans William Regal needs to be in the WWE Hall of Fame.
This. I remember his WCW days with Squire Dave Taylor. 568BC0C3-74E5-4E04-9A59-8670C77958A3.png 568BC0C3-74E5-4E04-9A59-8670C77958A3.png
Jericho-Omega got 5 stars :nerd:
Not deserving of that ranking IMO.
they chose the wackest characters outside of Cell to model stuff after.

No Piccy, No Trunks, No Vegeta? Adi dropped the ball.
They always short change the Prince man. It gets tough being a Vegeta fan sometimes.
Smoked a blunt with konnan super chill dude
Was it reggie or was it his stuff? Was his stuff reggie?
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Bayley's face covered :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Didn’t even notice that at first.
Feel sorry for Paige.
This. She’s been through a lot. Some of that self inflicted but the **** she has been through the past year plus has been significant and I can only hope she doesn’t do something I don’t even wanna put into text and gets her life back in track.
Does the Paige injury come from Sasha hurting her?
From what I’ve read yeah.
Also what happened to Akira Tozawa? He was with Titus Worldwide and after he lost the cruiserweight title he disappeared off TV
Good point. Dudes just drop outta rotation without any logical reason or explanation.
Heard Mark Henry has retired..

Henry should have beat Cena during that run man. Really disappointing he lost like that after that promo and what not. :frown: :smh:
At Sky Zone trampoline park for my son’s 10th bday party and I’m losing my mind..Parents let their kids just act like brainless savages in public..
This goes for adults too. The way people leave stuff at my store has me like 95D4C1A1-24B2-4DA9-93AC-17B0A5AABB55.png 3FA368F9-B8A5-4C15-B095-E743034A16D5.png DADF7EB1-D58C-4887-9DFF-9D3D761FC332.gif
Yeah man, seeing kids there or Chuck E Cheese makes me always want to avoid kid parties there.

1F8CFDDC-373A-48F3-9DDF-7320E2FB8236.png 22C22F81-E188-4DF9-9FDB-1458724FE970.png
bigego24 bigego24 D Fly D Fly Congrats guys. Great upset.
from the rafters of course[/QUOTE
You stay with the slick talk. :nthat: :lol:


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