March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Nobody denied that.

But what on earth does headlining 205 division mean for Kota Ibushi.

How would that be better than being in the G1?
Yeah I mean I don't know what he values. I don't really have any problem with him not signing. Not being able to do anything on the mic in the WWE is going to give you a low ceiling.
Fans are lazy because they'd want to see someone speaking English in an American company where mic work is incredibly important?

The first issue here is that the acting is more important than the athleticism and performance itself. But yes, they instead revert to "hurr durr, he don't speak anglish, go back home to China" type mentality to the uninitiated fan. I get the company likes money,. but to snub talent (vince is more guilty than Trips is here) because they can't work a mic is dumb as hell. Muta did fine with a mouthpiece, it could have been utitlized like that with Asuka, Nakamura, Ibushio, etc. Heyman and others could have managed and it would have been fine because then they can focus on the thing they are best at, ******* wrestling.

Fealess Leader drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 ! I'm over here just working, trying to clear my debts and keep the lights on until I move back East and start travelling up and down the coast. How's every going on your end?

And for my DC brethren DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , I finally noticed who Mr. Aries is trying to be:

Working, grinding until next weekend when I get two days off to start my right arm sleeve. been along time coming. When you make your way to FL, let me know, I am down to come and mark out.

At Sky Zone trampoline park for my son’s 10th bday party and I’m losing my mind..Parents let their kids just act like brainless savages in public..

Jump in and start serving them power bombs Case.

I wouldn't say their lazy, just possibly uncultured. It's just like how some people can watch Ongbak and other foreign fight films and not care if it is dubbed or have subtitles. I can sit through a foreign language film and not care if I understand the dialog or not. Most in our country can't.

I am also a kid who beat a Super Nintendo Tenchi Muyo game back in the late 90s that was in complete Japanese. Odd I know.

*edit* it was an RPG by the way.

Same. I beat the og Chrono trigger in Japanese on super famicom. It always kills me when people have this weird "need to be dubbed" syndrome. Like goddamn, you can't read? God forbid you watch a movie more than once to truly appreciate it.

drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345

Is there any place that has a list of Kinnikuman wrestlers with their real-world counterparts?

I am not sure. Let me do some digging, but I don't recall seeing anything like that before. I know a friend of mine and I used to play a game where we matched the guys to their counterparts unofficially.

Side bar: In Japan they have a Kinnikuman bar and I took some photos outside of it. Also saw a bunch of vintage Kinnikuman toys in various toy shops in Tokyo and Osaka. That was cool as hell to see being a 80's kid.
Yeah I mean I don't know what he values. I don't really have any problem with him not signing. Not being able to do anything on the mic in the WWE is going to give you a low ceiling.
Yea and then trolls will claim, "HE was never that good"
I am not sure. Let me do some digging, but I don't recall seeing anything like that before. I know a friend of mine and I used to play a game where we matched the guys to their counterparts unofficially.

Side bar: In Japan they have a Kinnikuman bar and I took some photos outside of it. Also saw a bunch of vintage Kinnikuman toys in various toy shops in Tokyo and Osaka. That was cool as hell to see being a 80's kid.

I had some of the toys when I was little...but they changed the name to M.U.S.C.L.E. here in the states
At Sky Zone trampoline park for my son’s 10th bday party and I’m losing my mind..Parents let their kids just act like brainless savages in public..

Yeah man, seeing kids there or Chuck E Cheese makes me always want to avoid kid parties there.

Did anybody in here watch "White Famous?" That show is amazing. I'm sad to hear it got canned after only 1 season. I've been binge watching all day.
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