Release date IS 2/15/2011.  Get your Valentine's Day lovin in then at exactly 12am go get MvC3

Zero is... NASTY!
TvC he was a problem but now it just doesn't look fair. Expect paper-life though.. She-Hulk actually doesn't look that bad in battle.
Zero, Felicia, Morrigan = Gameover
i think the d/l content characters will be available on day one if you cop the special edition but available to everyone else a month later if you cop the regular version.
Capcom can go straight to Hell with this. Who the Hell announces DLC before the full roster is even revealed? Seriously.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Capcom can go straight to Hell with this. Who the Hell announces DLC before the full roster is even revealed? Seriously.
Yea..  At least make us think that DLC characters are coming as a result of demand AFTER release.  But I will be picking up the SE and all DLC characters regardless
.  I understand the outrage over the principle but I wont deprive myself to prove a point..
As for demand, Capcom knows that fans want DLC characters, but do they ever listen to them? I mean, who the Hell requested Shuma-Gorath? Outta Cable, Jin, Hayato, Bishop, Strider, etc., they give us SHUMA GORATH?! I think that Capcom is just ignoring fans' demands and just releasing these characters as DLC to make themselves look good and be like, "We are releasing characters as DLC!" Fans demanded it, and we gave it!" Well, that's kinda pointless if they're releasing characters that no one really asked for.
I stand by what I said about Capcom putting in random characters in the roster to make it interesting. She-Hulk? Seriously?
Originally Posted by debs 168

i think the d/l content characters will be available on day one if you cop the special edition but available to everyone else a month later if you cop the regular version.

Would I have to pay for this 
?  Still new to this, just recently got an Xbox360.
^It's not official until it's out. They delay the release dates of games all the time, sometimes weeks before the scheduled release, and this game's official release date is 3 months from now.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

As for demand, Capcom knows that fans want DLC characters, but do they ever listen to them? I mean, who the Hell requested Shuma-Gorath? Outta Cable, Jin, Hayato, Bishop, Strider, etc., they give us SHUMA GORATH?! I think that Capcom is just ignoring fans' demands and just releasing these characters as DLC to make themselves look good and be like, "We are releasing characters as DLC!" Fans demanded it, and we gave it!" Well, that's kinda pointless if they're releasing characters that no one really asked for.
Shuma is a unique character so that got him in.  Him being DLC is questionable but again, you have a right to buy/download him or not. 

But I do agree, save DLC for the Phoenix Wrights and God Hand Genes that have huge demand that came a little late in development.  Also the inclusion of one character does not imply the exclusion of others.  You very well may get your desired characters (Strider has considerable demand but I think some licensing issues).

Lets give Capcom their due credit.  For every She-Hulk and X-23 you at least have a heavily requested Deadpool and Dante.  Even if the roster isn't appealing, you cannot deny the diversity in play styles which is the mission of the Vs. series if not all fighting games.  

think the d/l content characters will be available on day one if you cop the special edition but available to everyone else a month later if you cop the regular version. 
As it stands now, they will be made available 4 weeks after launch regardless of which version you buy.  Capcom wouldn't alienate their customers with in-game content like playable characters. 
Few notes:
-The game is officially finished and has been submitted to the ESRB board
-More DLC is being considered and not just characters
-Special Edition is pretty limited so get your preorders in

Hope we get some gameplay vids of Shuma and Jill soon..
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