Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Why? The left and right are wings of the same bird.

Do you wanna know why your tribe is losing? Look inward.

Because you're in a thread about mass shooting events babbling about guns. Would probably be a more appropriate setting. Or an NRA thread. There's a legal gun thread too. Defending gun rights in a thread about people dying via.....gun...doesn't seem respectful.
Because you're in a thread about mass shooting events babbling about guns. Would probably be a more appropriate setting. Or an NRA thread. There's a legal gun thread too. Defending gun rights in a thread about people dying via.....gun...doesn't seem respectful.
Go back a few pages.... how many posts here are "about" MASS shootings?

Your upset im contemptuous, you dont like dissenting views. Youd rather outright ban them then adress their validity. Where is that playbook from?
You mean like that time you made the knife/steel ban comparison in this thread and everyone laughed at you and you decided to run away rather than defend your position?

We all remember.
What are you talking about? You want to FEEL safe. I GET IT. Your thought process apparently cant go beyond your feelings.
Go back a few pages.... how many posts here are "about" MASS shootings?

Your upset im contemptuous, you dont like dissenting views. Youd rather outright ban them then adress their validity. Where is that playbook from?

I'm not upset :lol:

I'm just saying vehemently advocating for guns in a thread about gun fatalities ain't it.
Lets address it now. Youre scared of gun violence, no? Especially AR 15s, right? When confronted with the information that fists and blunt force instruments like bats are actually killing more people, that knives are killing more people, that suicides and alcohol make up the VAST majoroty of gun fatality cases your outlook isnt altered. ...The information isnt allowed to inform you, why is that?
You mean like that time you made the knife/steel ban comparison in this thread and everyone laughed at you and you decided to run away rather than defend your position?

We all remember.
Or when he said the Tulsa massacre would of been like Vietnam :rofl: tail between the legs and hid like a young pup
Youre scared of gun violence, no?
Not really.

Especially AR 15s, right?
Not particularly.

When confronted with the information that fists and blunt force instruments like bats are actually killing more people, that knives are killing more people, that suicides and alcohol make up the VAST majoroty of gun fatality cases your outlook isnt altered. ...The information isnt allowed to inform you, why is that?
Because it's an absolutely moronic comparison.
I'd be interested to know how many of those bat, knife, drug/alcohol-induced gun homicides are random like these mass shootings tend to be. Just out of curiosity. The data should be more tailored, since this is a thread about a specific type of crime that people are fed up with.

Obviously people aren't okay with other types of violence that plague this country. But this thread is about mass shootings.
Drugs are already against the law, the fire marshall limits venue capacity to the maximum legal threshhold. We need more laws on this too?
Ban concerts, like they want to ban guns.

I guess it’s true what they say. . . People kill people.
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