Method Man, Ghostface & Raekwon On Waka Flocka. 2/24/10 Waka Flocka Responds (video on page 1)

Selling out venues overseas >>>> doing shows at clubs in the Carolinas with fire codes of <200 people
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Selling out venues overseas >>>> doing shows at clubs in the Carolinas with fire codes of <200 people
Then @#$$@ dont sell out no shows
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Selling out venues overseas >>>> doing shows at clubs in the Carolinas with fire codes of <200 people

Going overseas because thats the only place you can get booked >>>>>> Having so many shows in America you dont have time or a need to go overseas yet???

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

tune205 wrote:

Master Zik wrote:

And let me get this straight doing a shooting motion with your hand is a dance now? Is that the dance that Ballin had with it? I must've missed the instructions Jimmy was spitting in the song.

I mean Stanky leg had no instruction we just kinda...ya know saw it in the video. 

Harlem On The Rise wrote:

The south is like what the west coast was in the late 80s-early 90s...

With the chip on their shoulder...

Except the West actually had something important to offer to hip hop culture...

the south wasnt rapping early late 80s - early 90s?

Thats the misconception people think the South just picked up a mic in the 2000s. I mean dudes was rocking it independent since the early 80s. Dudes in NY was trying to get signed by Priority and Def Jam. The south rap been around just as long as East coast rap. understand that

And I agree the West influenced hip hop more than any other region.
I think you kind of missed what I was saying...

But who in the south was doin noteworthy !*+$ in the EARLY 80s??... 

As far as NYers tryin to sign to a major label... You gotta understand NYC is one of the entertainment capitals of the world (maybe 2nd to only Hollywood, but even thats debatable)... The music business is a MULTI-Billion dollar business, Def Jam was independent @ one point, Cold Chillen, etc all the way to Uptown Records, Bad Boy, Roc A Fella, Rawkus etc these are all small labels that garnered enuff attention and critical acclaim to be distributed by MAJOR labels... That might look small now, but back then thats a bigger deal then some Joe Shmo burned a bunch of CDs (or dubbed taped) and selling them @ the gas station around the corner (not to take anything away from cats that so)...

And the independent !*+$ is from the WEST coast ANYway, all the south did was recipricate a stategy that was taught to them...

I love how cats get all territorial about music... If someones is selling out shows overseas it's almost frowned upon if they aren't doin the equvelent to that in the US... Is hip hop NOT an art?? If I painted a picture and people from all walks of life, all over the globe appreaciated the portrait, would it hold less weight because its not Americans supporting??... Hip Hop Music had its roots in ANOTHER country ANYway... Some of you are just STUPID (not that its news or anything)

yeah it holds weight because one YOU STARTED YOUR MUSIC OVER HERE and NOW you cant even sell out a venue in your OWN not saying going to other countries is bad, because its most definitely a damn good look and accomplishment.....BUT doing good in your own country out weighs being relevant overseas
But Rae will sell out a show in any Massive metropolitan city across the world before any southern "buzz" rapper...and Hip-Hip wasn't started in America, it was started in the Bronx, New York, a multi-ethnic/racial area.  NYC is more like international cities than it is America.  When you go to a lot of countries overseas and tell them you are from America, they will hate on you.  You tell them you are from NYC, you get a pass and respect.  Honest truth.  The South is still sort of underdeveloped as a whole culturally due to numerous factors(Jim Crow laws, corrupt politicians during the Solid South reign, the some of the worst educational systems in America, strict adherence to religion, etc).  The South has always been the boondocks culturally of America except for New Orleans.
Originally Posted by tune205

Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Selling out venues overseas >>>> doing shows at clubs in the Carolinas with fire codes of <200 people

Going overseas because thats the only place you can get booked >>>>>> Having so many shows in America you dont have time or a need to go overseas yet???



Who's strugglin with such a dillema?? Wacka Flocka Flame??
   Im saying dudes like him, Yo Gotti, Plies are getting booked all week. The chitlin circuit as far as show money is lucrative than a mahfka. I doubt if they are thinking hey lets get this UK money too. 

Waka: "Ay Tay you got your passport?"

Road manager: "Hell naw I got warrants"

Waka: "Me +$+! overseas we got 4 shows in Mississippi this weekend"
Look I lived in FLA my whole life I'm just callin it how I'm seein it...some people say we're east coast, in a way we're kind of both so my perspective is not as bias as a lot of yalls. New Yorkers are so quick to act like they own Hip Hop, while disregarding the history of other genres of black music and culture that lie outside of the 5 Burroughs which PAVED the way for hip hop to come into existence. I mean this art is based on SAMPLING others artists for crying out loud....

I'm 100% hip hop, but come on now, if NY wants hip hop that bad yall can take it....this !@+% isn't even black culture/artistic expression at it's best anymore and really never was....the quality of the music is down in every !+$%@$% region so anti-productive arguments like these should really stop.

The future is york....we're in this together right?
The real money is overseas dude....the biggest musical acts in the world don't due domestic-wide tours but worldwide tours.
Originally Posted by tune205

Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Selling out venues overseas >>>> doing shows at clubs in the Carolinas with fire codes of <200 people

Going overseas because thats the only place you can get booked >>>>>> Having so many shows in America you dont have time or a need to go overseas yet???


 at yet. That ain't finna to happen. Has Waka ever sold out anything bigger than the size of room he was in when he did that interview? Wu will constantly cake.

to ol boy who said Wu is only relevant on the east coast. Even if that were true, yall act like the east is comprised of two states or something. Waka prolly save mad gas money, cause the only time this N' ever do shows is on exits right off I-85.
They BEEN doin this... You haven't seen The Show??

But ANYway...

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td]Upcoming Shows[/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]( view all )[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 11 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PRINCE[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MELBOURNE[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 12 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]METRO[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SYDNEY[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 13 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]VILLA[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PERTH[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 18 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]HQ[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ADELAIDE[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 19 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]STEP INN[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BRISBANE[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 20 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]POWERSTATION[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]AUCKLAND[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Apr 16 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FILLMORE[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MIAMI, Florida[/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Apr 25 2010[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8:00P[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]HIP HOP SUMMIT[/font][/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MOSCOW[/font][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

tune205 wrote:

Master Zik wrote:

And let me get this straight doing a shooting motion with your hand is a dance now? Is that the dance that Ballin had with it? I must've missed the instructions Jimmy was spitting in the song.

I mean Stanky leg had no instruction we just kinda...ya know saw it in the video. 

Harlem On The Rise wrote:

The south is like what the west coast was in the late 80s-early 90s...

With the chip on their shoulder...

Except the West actually had something important to offer to hip hop culture...

the south wasnt rapping early late 80s - early 90s?

Thats the misconception people think the South just picked up a mic in the 2000s. I mean dudes was rocking it independent since the early 80s. Dudes in NY was trying to get signed by Priority and Def Jam. The south rap been around just as long as East coast rap. understand that

And I agree the West influenced hip hop more than any other region.
I think you kind of missed what I was saying...

But who in the south was doin noteworthy !*+$ in the EARLY 80s??... 

As far as NYers tryin to sign to a major label... You gotta understand NYC is one of the entertainment capitals of the world (maybe 2nd to only Hollywood, but even thats debatable)... The music business is a MULTI-Billion dollar business, Def Jam was independent @ one point, Cold Chillen, etc all the way to Uptown Records, Bad Boy, Roc A Fella, Rawkus etc these are all small labels that garnered enuff attention and critical acclaim to be distributed by MAJOR labels... That might look small now, but back then thats a bigger deal then some Joe Shmo burned a bunch of CDs (or dubbed taped) and selling them @ the gas station around the corner (not to take anything away from cats that so)...

And the independent !*+$ is from the WEST coast ANYway, all the south did was recipricate a stategy that was taught to them...

I love how cats get all territorial about music... If someones is selling out shows overseas it's almost frowned upon if they aren't doin the equvelent to that in the US... Is hip hop NOT an art?? If I painted a picture and people from all walks of life, all over the globe appreaciated the portrait, would it hold less weight because its not Americans supporting??... Hip Hop Music had its roots in ANOTHER country ANYway... Some of you are just STUPID (not that its news or anything)

yeah it holds weight because one YOU STARTED YOUR MUSIC OVER HERE and NOW you cant even sell out a venue in your OWN not saying going to other countries is bad, because its most definitely a damn good look and accomplishment.....BUT doing good in your own country out weighs being relevant overseas
But Rae will sell out a show in any Massive metropolitan city across the world before any southern "buzz" rapper...and Hip-Hip wasn't started in America, it was started in the Bronx, New York, a multi-ethnic/racial area.  NYC is more like international cities than it is America.  When you go to a lot of countries overseas and tell them you are from America, they will hate on you.  You tell them you are from NYC, you get a pass and respect.  Honest truth.  The South is still sort of underdeveloped as a whole culturally due to numerous factors(Jim Crow laws, corrupt politicians during the Solid South reign, the some of the worst educational systems in America, strict adherence to religion, etc).  The South has always been the boondocks culturally of America except for New Orleans.

You said new Orleans one of the poorest if not the poorest state in the US....keep it music man I'm not here to talk about the negativity of the south, back to the music as far as I'm concerned NYC is behind now when it comes to rap now it's all circulation everyone gets a turn and right now it's the south and the only people who complain is one complained when yall had it and the radios were bias as well as the tv shows....these dudes are flat out hating on waka WHY because people are not over these dudes sacks like they use to be hell these are new generations of listeners and they can't handle it so they hate
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The real money is overseas dude....the biggest musical acts in the world don't due domestic-wide tours but worldwide tours.

Cats in here are moronic... they think selling out shows in 10 southern cities is the greatest thing ever. Simple economics the larger your market the more potential for growth and sales. You think best sellings musical acts made all there money touring the US
The Beatles, MJ, Celine Dion, Pink Floyd made their money touring oversees.

Check out this page. A Bigger Bang Tour is the highest grossing tour of all times... grossing over 500Million.
Look at where majority of their touring was... OUTSIDE of the US
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

tune205 wrote:

Master Zik wrote:

And let me get this straight doing a shooting motion with your hand is a dance now? Is that the dance that Ballin had with it? I must've missed the instructions Jimmy was spitting in the song.

I mean Stanky leg had no instruction we just kinda...ya know saw it in the video. 

Harlem On The Rise wrote:

The south is like what the west coast was in the late 80s-early 90s...

With the chip on their shoulder...

Except the West actually had something important to offer to hip hop culture...

the south wasnt rapping early late 80s - early 90s?

Thats the misconception people think the South just picked up a mic in the 2000s. I mean dudes was rocking it independent since the early 80s. Dudes in NY was trying to get signed by Priority and Def Jam. The south rap been around just as long as East coast rap. understand that

And I agree the West influenced hip hop more than any other region.
I think you kind of missed what I was saying...

But who in the south was doin noteworthy !*+$ in the EARLY 80s??... 

As far as NYers tryin to sign to a major label... You gotta understand NYC is one of the entertainment capitals of the world (maybe 2nd to only Hollywood, but even thats debatable)... The music business is a MULTI-Billion dollar business, Def Jam was independent @ one point, Cold Chillen, etc all the way to Uptown Records, Bad Boy, Roc A Fella, Rawkus etc these are all small labels that garnered enuff attention and critical acclaim to be distributed by MAJOR labels... That might look small now, but back then thats a bigger deal then some Joe Shmo burned a bunch of CDs (or dubbed taped) and selling them @ the gas station around the corner (not to take anything away from cats that so)...

And the independent !*+$ is from the WEST coast ANYway, all the south did was recipricate a stategy that was taught to them...

I love how cats get all territorial about music... If someones is selling out shows overseas it's almost frowned upon if they aren't doin the equvelent to that in the US... Is hip hop NOT an art?? If I painted a picture and people from all walks of life, all over the globe appreaciated the portrait, would it hold less weight because its not Americans supporting??... Hip Hop Music had its roots in ANOTHER country ANYway... Some of you are just STUPID (not that its news or anything)

yeah it holds weight because one YOU STARTED YOUR MUSIC OVER HERE and NOW you cant even sell out a venue in your OWN not saying going to other countries is bad, because its most definitely a damn good look and accomplishment.....BUT doing good in your own country out weighs being relevant overseas
But Rae will sell out a show in any Massive metropolitan city across the world before any southern "buzz" rapper...and Hip-Hip wasn't started in America, it was started in the Bronx, New York, a multi-ethnic/racial area.  NYC is more like international cities than it is America.  When you go to a lot of countries overseas and tell them you are from America, they will hate on you.  You tell them you are from NYC, you get a pass and respect.  Honest truth.  The South is still sort of underdeveloped as a whole culturally due to numerous factors(Jim Crow laws, corrupt politicians during the Solid South reign, the some of the worst educational systems in America, strict adherence to religion, etc).  The South has always been the boondocks culturally of America except for New Orleans.

You said new Orleans one of the poorest if not the poorest state in the US....keep it music man I'm not here to talk about the negativity of the south, back to the music as far as I'm concerned NYC is behind now when it comes to rap now it's all circulation everyone gets a turn and right now it's the south and the only people who complain is one complained when yall had it and the radios were bias as well as the tv shows....these dudes are flat out hating on waka WHY because people are not over these dudes sacks like they use to be hell these are new generations of listeners and they can't handle it so they hate
Man if you want to take to an intellectual discussion you'll lose...New Orelans was the biggest city in the South, the real only metropolitan ara for about 200 years G.  It was also an area that had various ethnic minorities and groups.  It has distinct Italian/Spanish/French and African influence.  French Acadians came down from Canada, Spanish orignally owned the territory, it is the city most in touch with it's roots to Africa (congo circle etc) since it was the center of America's slave trade.  New Orleans is often referred to as the most Northern Carribean city.  Atlanta really has only became a major city within the past 50 years or so.

And that is not to say the South hasn't produced a huge amont of great things in this country, @#%% it created Jazz and the Blues.  But it is an area with extreme prejudice and segregation, that is rooted in a self-absorption of Southern pride and a rejection of other +*+!.  I am not salty at all man.  I have listened to practically every Southern artists there is, it is my second favorite regiona Hip-Hop wise and has created some of my favorite acts.   But what's "poppin" usually iusn't good.  Fat Joe and Ja Rule were poppin when I was in Middle School but they sure weren't making quality music.  My roomate last year at School was from Dallas...listend to all his +*+!, Boosie, Foxx, Gucci, Z-Ro, Jody Breeze, UGK, everything.  I was open to it, even if a lot of it wasn't really my style.  When I tried to put him onto some Main Source, Lost Boys, Tribe, AZ, etc...Straight hate and unopenness.  I have basically gotten that from most Southern Hip-Hop cats...Sorry if I don't let my fellow peers, hip-hop executives determine what my tastes are man.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The real money is overseas dude....the biggest musical acts in the world don't due domestic-wide tours but worldwide tours.

Cats in here are moronic... they think selling out shows in 10 southern cities is the greatest thing ever. Simple economics the larger your market the more potential for growth and sales. You think best sellings musical acts made all there money touring the US
The Beatles, MJ, Celine Dion, Pink Floyd made their money touring oversees.

Check out this page. A Bigger Bang Tour is the highest grossing tour of all times... grossing over 500Million.
Look at where majority of their touring was... OUTSIDE of the US

WOW really yall comparing world tours to the random 3,000 seat shows the Wu does? Really? I thought we were speaking about how they go over there and pay for their on transportation (the band & the equimpment travel seperately), their own rooms and get modest money for doing what they could have done in Boston for less expenses? Why do you think record labels dont send their artist out of the country that often? I mean if they doing a Wu World Tour in sold out arenas or stadiums then yeah alot of money is to be made. But thats NOT whats going on.

World Touring is different than doing clubs in another country dude. I mean simple economics: if it cost me more to get there than what im getting paid for ummmm im not going.
The only difference between the north and the south is our lame rappers make A LOT more money than the north's lame rappers

Other than that, get over yourselves

Cats typing essays and shooting mad airballs
Originally Posted by All Ready

The only difference between the north and the south is our lame rappers make A LOT more money than the north's lame rappers

Other than that, get over yourselves

Cats typing essays and shooting mad airballs
property value in the south is lower than up north so yeah its understandable if u think they make more

they just make more

for instance, most houston rappers signed a major label deal outta jealousy, not lack of money
Originally Posted by flossb15

lol my only question is, how yall know they selling out overseas??? proof please

I been asked that ++#.
These cats talking about selling out overseas like they be over there. You N's don't leave the 5 burroughs so stop talking about what goes on outside of it. Especially overseas of all places. I notice cats started bringing up that dumb argument when they seen how well loved Akon and Fif are liked over there. Now everyone wants to bring that up.

Originally Posted by All Ready


they just make more

for instance, most houston rappers signed a major label deal outta jealousy, not lack of money

Thisis the truth. Slim Thugga had a mansion before the deal. It wasn'tbecause of album sales. He was cakin' off doing shows. Some rappersdown here do shows everyday. Get anywhere from a stack a show to 10stacks and that's the average local cat. Durrough cakes in like 5stacks a show. Same goes for Lil Will. Dudes talking about overseasmoney man F outta here. Cats ain't gotta sell out overseas because theycan cake over here doing a show. And Raekwon can too just as long as hegot Wacka Flocka or Gucci Mane opening up for him.
Off topic but the main reason cats in houston started chasing deals was because Lil Flip

As lame as yall think he is now, he had every rapper in houston jealous

They were already calling him the freestyle king then he went to be the first rapper this generation to get a major deal outta houston

boys was mad and had to look as rich as he did
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