Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

....Usually pretty good at controlling the "burst" when I'm pleasin' myself, but the other day I was getting it in, felt "it" coming and paused in order to collect myself because I had no paper towels and was just on the bed in my shorts.

But then I thought of this beautiful 30 something half German half Italian tourist I spent an hour helping at work that day and her impeccable mass, and her bronze skin, and her beautiful voice....

Had the bed like

I'm talking like the demons of Hades unleashed themselves from my loins. Superman wouldn't have survived a point blank shot to the face with that nut. I left a crack in my ceiling.

The shame I felt as I changed my sheets
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Just like the, "Who do you find attractive for whatever reason" thread, some of yall are naming some basic everyday human acts that have NO place in here.
I've done everything to this **** possible... I've open palmed smacked her and back handed her back and forth... I've dragged her across my apartment by her hair as she tried to get away... I've held a knife to her throat, and she said she orgasmed when I did that... I've put her in rear naked chokes and used the magic wand... I've shoved metal hooks up her bum.... I've jizzed all over her face and fisted her till she sprayed like a fountain... I've slammed her against the wall by her throat, told her she was my piece of meat, and choke slammed her onto my bed.... .
The hell? hahahahahahhaha
I've done everything to this **** possible... I've open palmed smacked her and back handed her back and forth... I've dragged her across my apartment by her hair as she tried to get away... I've held a knife to her throat, and she said she orgasmed when I did that... I've put her in rear naked chokes and used the magic wand... I've shoved metal hooks up her bum.... I've jizzed all over her face and fisted her till she sprayed like a fountain... I've slammed her against the wall by her throat, told her she was my piece of meat, and choke slammed her onto my bed.... .
The hell? hahahahahahhaha

Kanye gif...

This thread reminds me of a time I ate an ice cream sundae out of shorty's booty.

Dude that wasn't chocolate sauce or strawberry sauce... The peanuts were peanuts tho....
I just read your post CelticsPride34 to somebody and told them I will reenact that scene. Will give details in a week
I just read your post CelticsPride34 to somebody and told them I will reenact that scene. Will give details in a week

The one where I pissed on the girl I posted a couple pages back?.... Or the one where I held a knife to her throat?....

Either way, I suggest at least 2 forms of consent...
ima catch up on this thread later but.........

I touch myself waaaaay too much.

If im by myself, my hand is clutching and gripping.
Anyone else like to troll hookers on Craigslist?... Hit them up, offer a couple g's for a night/weekend... And talk bout some weird fetishes?... Remember trolling one bout being a furry and having suit for her to wear...
Anyone else like to troll hookers on Craigslist?... Hit them up, offer a couple g's for a night/weekend... And talk bout some weird fetishes?... Remember trolling one bout being a furry and having suit for her to wear...
lol i have done this before.... that and googled searched their pics and posted their social media
Well I have read through all 106 pages this thread in the past week and a half.. Very entertaining and nasty.. Literally have went from crying laughing to dang near throwing up in my mouth..
However, next time I go to walmart i think I will be purchasing baby wipes.. some contributions for you nothing too serious..

Have never fapped myself.. have had my girl give me a handy's before, just always found it a little gay to watch another dude do the nasty.. that's just me..

If i dont sweat during the day, don't see the need to take a shower, but am an athlete so I usually sweat.. but right now season is over soooo.....

Have ate the cat one time and it was a little hairy, but i didnt mind till some of the hairs were in my mouth..

I hate hot pockets,,, but love pizza rolls.. Pretty much lactose intolerent and dont drink milk so i eat my cereal with orange juice or apple juice in the bowl.. Dont knock it till you try it..

That's all for now..
Well I have read through all 106 pages this thread in the past week and a half.. Very entertaining and nasty.. Literally have went from crying laughing to dang near throwing up in my mouth..
However, next time I go to walmart i think I will be purchasing baby wipes.. some contributions for you nothing too serious..

Have never fapped myself.. have had my girl give me a handy's before, just always found it a little gay to watch another dude do the nasty.. that's just me..

If i dont sweat during the day, don't see the need to take a shower, but am an athlete so I usually sweat.. but right now season is over soooo.....

Have ate the cat one time and it was a little hairy, but i didnt mind till some of the hairs were in my mouth..

I hate hot pockets,,, but love pizza rolls.. Pretty much lactose intolerent and dont drink milk so i eat my cereal with orange juice or apple juice in the bowl.. Dont knock it till you try it..

That's all for now..

Youre too normal. This thread isnt for you
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