Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

although not weird to me I use wet wipes/baby wipes.... my folks friends etc... will get on me like what you a grown man cleaning yourself like a baby...too which I respond you a grown @ZZ person who wakes around with shid crust and residue on your butt all day until you bathe again...

Like really wiping your butt with toilet paper to clean it is like trying to clean up peanut butter outta shag carpet...
I alternate between wet wipes, disinfectant wipes (the burn let's you know it's working :pimp:); and literally taking paper towels, splitting them in half, and making them wet and soapy; to clean my Angus. I only use toilet paper to dry things up when I'm done.
I can be super antisocial sometimes.

Say for example, I'm walking down a hallway towards room A, which is my destination, and between myself and someone I just don't want to acknowledge--who just so happens to be heading my way-- I will often turn around, find the nearest stairwell, go up or down a floor, walk down the new hallway to the exit stairwell on the other side of the new hallway, come back up or down to my original floor--at this point I am "behind" the person I wanted to avoid--and then finally walk to room A. All this because I just don't want to say hi or make small talk.

gotten bj's once from a drug addicted women, and once from some random dude on the street

gotten bj's once from a drug addicted women, and once from some random dude on the street

Hey a mouths a mouth.

SOO not serious

I get the weirdest (non-sexual)pleasure from pulling large boogers from my nose.
I warm my milk before eating cereal.

I do this if it is early in the morn, cant have anything cold early or I get a stomach ache.

I use to we will use the words "raid" or "borrow" if you will panties from all the girls a slept with and collected them and kept them as a keepsake a memento if you will... until got with old lady and she found it.... bow that was a rough time

Damn, I had the same issue but with nudes of exes :lol:. Mine was different becuase she saw them before we got serious and asked me to delete it. I didn't know how long it was going to last so I wasn't about to give up my gems. A few months later she was lookin for a memory card for the camera and found it and :smh:. It was a rough start for us, brought up all these trust issues. So as I deleted them infront of her and assured here there weren't any duplicates.

At least you made it through. Real talk, was it hard to get rid of them?

I eat skin off my fingers.

I talk to myself when I'm alone.

I won't eat or drink after anyone at all. But I'll eat the poon and bunghole.

I sometimes burn the hair in my legs.

I use the sink as a urinal a few times.

I was having sex with a dime once and I asked her to spit in my mouth (I have no clue why to this day)

You got things flipped homie :rofl:

i flush mid piss to race against the clock

do that too, been doing it since a kid and I still find myself doing at least twice a week.

I strip my girl butt naked whenever she gets too physical with me cause I can't hit her back.

Nice :pimp:

although not weird to me I use wet wipes/baby wipes.... my folks friends etc... will get on me like what you a grown man cleaning yourself like a baby...too which I respond you a grown @ZZ person who wakes around with shid crust and residue on your butt all day until you bathe again...
Like really wiping your butt with toilet paper to clean it is like trying to clean up peanut butter outta shag carpet...

real talk, I use them too. Use both actually, and it work so I'm nice and clean. I don't understand why people laugh at that? I guess we aren't real men unles we skid marks in our undies :smh:. I make my son do the same thing, I don't want getting comfortable with that. That is something to be ashamed of.
i've jacked off at every job I've ever had. kinda like a marking my territory kinda thing. and also most hotels i go to. annnnd when i do it in hotels...ugh...i find like a spot, usually in the corner, or on the side of the bed i wont be on, and i'll jack and let it just fall on the carpet...then i just leave it. if i'm in the room for a week or so, you might find 5-6 different chronological nuts on the floor. idk why i do this, shrugs.

on a side note, I've never peed on a female.

and i really don't like washing my hands. feels like if i wash em too much, it'll wash off the good germs. i refer to it as real world seasoning. i will if someone is watching though hahaha

i wash my hair every day.

separate towels for my body and face.

i keep water bottles in my car. when people ask, i tell them theyre for when i'm really thirsty or dehydrated.....but really, its in case i have to pee. i pour the water out and unload. last time i did it, about a week ago, i filled 2 16.9oz nestle pure life bottles. that hole is hella small, and my meat is some on me. lol. the hard part if pinching my d while i switch bottles hahahaha
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