Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Stop blowing smoke up there *** giving them false hope! This is life at its finest! This is how i spend 90 percent of my free time after making money moves.

Best thing
did for my mental and financial health was put down alcohol,weed and random strange yambz.
As you guys are settling into the status of "washdom" do you find different demographics of women hotter now as opposed to what you thought was hot say 5-10 years ago?
I got one, so when I was younger me and my absolute best friend who is a year older than me would argue who was the greater rapper between Ice Cube and Scarface. So I rode for Cube and he rode for Face, those arguments would almost culminate in fisticuffs. 30 years later, we argue about who was the better singer in their prime. Ron Isley or Al Green. I ride for Ron and he rides for Al, although the arguments are still contemptuous, we aren't going to square up though because we old.
I got one, so when I was younger me and my absolute best friend who is a year older than me would argue who was the greater rapper between Ice Cube and Scarface. So I rode for Cube and he rode for Face, those arguments would almost culminate in fisticuffs. 30 years later, we argue about who was the better singer in their prime. Ron Isley or Al Green. I ride for Ron and he rides for Al, although the arguments are still contemptuous, we aren't going to square up though because we old.

Marvin >>>
I'm in the best physical, mental, and spiritual shape of my life but I know I'm washed because:

- everytime I get in and out of the car I make the old man "ugh" noise
- doing something physical that I'm not used to leaves me sore as hell the next day (skating). No I don't skip leg day lol
- When I quote Friday and young folks look at me funny smh
- I'd much rather chill in the house with the lady than be out
- My joints crack at the most random times
- I'm slowly converting from liq to wine smh
- Sleep >
- I have my girl pick the grays out of my beard
- A couple yrs ago I threw my back out when I bent over to pick something up and coughed. Had to lay on the floor the whole day
I'm in the best physical, mental, and spiritual shape of my life but I know I'm washed because:

- everytime I get in and out of the car I make the old man "ugh" noise
- doing something physical that I'm not used to leaves me sore as hell the next day (skating). No I don't skip leg day lol
- When I quote Friday and young folks look at me funny smh
- I'd much rather chill in the house with the lady than be out
- My joints crack at the most random times
- I'm slowly converting from liq to wine smh
- Sleep >
- I have my girl pick the grays out of my beard
- A couple yrs ago I threw my back out when I bent over to pick something up and coughed. Had to lay on the floor the whole day

Are you really in the best physical shape of your life you're making noises getting in and out of the whip though? :lol:

Or do you mean you just look the best you ever have?
I remember high school all the way up to like 24 years old, I didn't even have my shoe laces tied while balling. I used to ball in AJ 1's without a care in the world. Now? I can't even walk on a court without top of the line orthopedic shoe inserts, ankle brace, knee brace, or tape.

Having to be fully strapped anytime you're playing ball = WASHED
Are you really in the best physical shape of your life you're making noises getting in and out of the whip though? :lol:

Or do you mean you just look the best you ever have?

Both...I was a fat boy. Faster, stronger, and more agile then ever. Body is still getting older man :lol:
Fell asleep on the couch last night.... it wasn't even 11 oclock.... lol

Didn't even want to wake up this morning... still recovering from the bs workout I did on tuesday...
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