Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Guys it is over, might as well start looking at caskets. Coworker was telling me all the activities his daughter is doing at camp, tennis, swimming, and dodgeball all outside. As I was listening to him, I was thinking man I would need a nap after swimming and dodgeball outside in this heat. :smh:
Joined this kickball league with some friends this summer. Its fun but also made me realize how truly washed I am.

20 year old me with look at current 30 me with utter disgust lmaoooooooo
I used to do construction in my younger days and be outside all the time so dealing with bugs never bothered me. Hell when I was a senior in HS I remember playing flag football in a field inundated with cicadas like it was nothing.

Anyway, I am usually a good boyfriend and check when my girl's car needs gas and go fill up the tank for her.

However a swarm of grasshoppers have invaded Las Vegas....


So a a couple nights ago I head to the gas station and while I am sitting at the light near the station I peep that a whole bunch of them are at the station, mobbin the place.



The next day my girl went to her mom's house, and text me why I didn't put gas in the car (she saw me leaving for the gas station). I told her there were some suspicious characters hanging around the place so I felt it best to not go. When she asked me why I didn't go to another one, all I could say is that I'm not driving an extra two miles.

#Get The Downy

I'm coming out there in two weeks and I just heard about that damn invasion. What's it like during the day? Has begun to die down yet?
I always hear about how Danny Green is a vet and Danny Green is washed. Then I looked up his age, I’m older than Danny Green by a couple months.

You know you're washed when you musculo-skeletal anatomy knowledge is on point and you have no professional involvement with the health & fitness industry.

My back has been toast for like 2 months now. Been sitting on a yoga ball at my desk like i'm in my third trimester to keep my lumbar spine out of flexion and to take the load of my QL's.

Been walking around work bouncing my trigger point ball like i'm Stallone in Rocky. Have to lay on the floor and roll out that area 4-5 times a day :smh:
Feeling quite washed this morning. Went downhill mountain biking yesterday and took a pretty nasty Tumble. Most of the impact to my left shoulder, of which I can barely life my left arm now.

Do I just give it some time to see if it goes away?
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