Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I don’t think alcohol is considered a downer per se.
true: "Although classified as a depressant, the amount of alcohol consumed determines the type of effect. Most people drink for the stimulant effect, such as a beer or glass of wine taken to “loosen up.” But if a person consumes more than the body can handle, they then experience alcohol's depressant effect." - da googles
Wtf is going
Probably in my experience tho it starts off with the alcohol, start getting tipsy and then boom let's get some yay. And back and forth drinking and snorting, snorting and drinking. Until its 8 am and my nose is stuffed and I am contemplating living.
You gotta slow that down man. I don't want you to be the weird at NT's Senior Housing:
Alcohol isn’t cancelling out coke. Also we always called it a basketball goal growing up. (Response to an older post) Hoop sounds weird.
and bud effect :lol:
Yeah thats why I didnt mention it.

Usually you smoke bud which is the real downer and you smoke enough of that when you start sniffing it'll take a while before it cancels it out. You add drinking to that and that's the cycle where you can not be sober all night :lol:

If you're a real user/partier the combo is heroin and coke.
Yeah thats why I didnt mention it.

Usually you smoke bud which is the real downer and you smoke enough of that when you start sniffing it'll take a while before it cancels it out. You add drinking to that and that's the cycle where you can not be sober all night :lol:

If you're a real user/partier the combo is heroin and coke.
Alcohol isn’t cancelling out coke. Also we always called it a basketball goal growing up. (Response to an older post) Hoop sounds weird.
I’ve always thought the coke cancelled out the booze, it was like that for me at least, I could drink like a fish when I was on the yay, I felt no effects. Until the next day, then I hated life.
Maaaaaan I turnt up at a Bros bbq on Saturday. A bunch of high school homies so I couldn’t turn down shots. I don’t know why I thought I could hang, but your boy could DEF not hang.

GF found me passed out on the bathroom floor at like 9pm. Puke all over the floor. I had to be carried to a spare bedroom and put down for the night. No puke and rally. No walking and talking blackout drunk ness. Just went straight to passed out.

it’s over for me y’all. Worse than Patrick Ewing on the Magic that one year, I shoulda hung em up long ago. Been hungover since Saturday. Never again.
:rofl: Passed out @ 9pm in the bathroom puke everywhere.

I bet mad sober and buzzed ppl looked at you in disgust thinking why is this guy passed out in here @ 9pm!? What drugs was he doing?

for real! I mean some of my friends realize that I get up at around 2am everyday For work, so 9 is pretty late for me. But the majority were for sure sitting there in straight ‘scust.

it was the constant shots being taken. There were no breaks just shot after shot. I needed to be on some sort of load management deal.
Also pretty sure my rotator cup is torn from either from lying on it in an awkward position while passed out, or from my GF dropping me multiple times while I was blacked out dead weight. This is not the move.
I can’t lift my arm past 20° horizontally
I definitely notice I can’t do alcohol with sugary mixer anymore. Used to do whiskey sours or whiskey/sprite when out but I notice the sugar messes me up and makes me feel worse than the liquor. Now I normally do whiskey neat or an old fashioned.
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