Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I definitely notice I can’t do alcohol with sugary mixer anymore. Used to do whiskey sours or whiskey/sprite when out but I notice the sugar messes me up and makes me feel worse than the liquor. Now I normally do whiskey neat or an old fashioned.
I find that when I was younger those sweet drinks didn’t do anything now I’ll be so sick. Also I tend to forget to eat before drinking and always end up dying when I drink too much
Reached out to the cable company earlier concerned because I logged in to my account and it shows inactive. As we're chatting I realize I'm actually logged in to an older, inactive account. Ok this is too much, I'm done with washing.
Too much mozzarella aka eating too much pizza upsets my stomach. Other types of dairy don't give me problems though.
I've had all four extracted, two different surgeries, 5 years apart.

Did the set on the right side of my mouth in the fall without general anesthesia.

I'm basically an expert. :lol:
I've had all four extracted, two different surgeries, 5 years apart.

Did the set on the right side of my mouth in the fall without general anesthesia.

I'm basically an expert. :lol:
All four?! Think that's the way forward, had two infections within a year. Not the one at all.
Anybody had issues with Wisdom teeth? Might have to have one out and I am not looking forward to it at all.
Do yourself a favor and get them all removed in one go if you can. I‘ve had them removed over 2 surgeries. The extraction itself isn’t bad pain wise with local anesthesia. They’ll numb you up pretty good and all you’ll feel is them tugging on the tooth.

The recovery for the next 2-4 weeks will be a *****. No way around it. There will be throbbing pain once the anesthesia wears off. That’ll last about a day or two. Pain pills help but you will feel it. Keeping the extraction site clean with the water syringe, preventing dry socket, waiting for the gum to regenerate, and pray that a root doesn’t get exposed. My root got exposed and was constantly stabbing my tongue. Had the dentist shave it down while risking permanent nerve damage in part of my jaw. Thankfully it all worked out.

All of that doesn’t compare to the pain I felt pre-extraction. It felt like someone was constantly kicking me in the jaw for days. Drinking before bed and sleeping with frozen veggies in my pillow case to numb the pain. God it was awful.
Do yourself a favor and get them all removed in one go if you can. I‘ve had them removed over 2 surgeries. The extraction itself isn’t bad pain wise with local anesthesia. They’ll numb you up pretty good and all you’ll feel is them tugging on the tooth.

The recovery for the next 2-4 weeks will be a *****. No way around it. There will be throbbing pain once the anesthesia wears off. That’ll last about a day or two. Pain pills help but you will feel it. Keeping the extraction site clean with the water syringe, preventing dry socket, waiting for the gum to regenerate, and pray that a root doesn’t get exposed. My root got exposed and was constantly stabbing my tongue. Had the dentist shave it down while risking permanent nerve damage in part of my jaw. Thankfully it all worked out.

All of that doesn’t compare to the pain I felt pre-extraction. It felt like someone was constantly kicking me in the jaw for days. Drinking before bed and sleeping with frozen veggies in my pillow case to numb the pain. God it was awful.

I'm pretty sure this is also part of the reason it's so common to have them taken out as a preventative measure.

Recovery is supposed to be much more uncomfortable if they're removed when they're already impacted.

When I did my left side with general anesthesia recovery was pretty miserable but it was only 2-3 days.

When I recently did the other side with just local anesthesia I was anticipating the same but I was fine in terms of pain and discomfort within a matter of hours.

Definitely gotta be up diligent witn the post-op instructions though no matter what.

Dry socket sounds like hell.
Yea two of mine were impacted. The first time I tried to thug it out for a couple weeks then finally took my *** to the dentist :lol: . A couple years later the other side flared up but I recognized what was going on and went in for extraction the next day.

The post-op routine was the annoying part but it’s so important. Carefully brushing my teeth so the blood could clot... avoiding rice/grainy food... I hated that syringe.
Do yourself a favor and get them all removed in one go if you can. I‘ve had them removed over 2 surgeries. The extraction itself isn’t bad pain wise with local anesthesia. They’ll numb you up pretty good and all you’ll feel is them tugging on the tooth.

The recovery for the next 2-4 weeks will be a *****. No way around it. There will be throbbing pain once the anesthesia wears off. That’ll last about a day or two. Pain pills help but you will feel it. Keeping the extraction site clean with the water syringe, preventing dry socket, waiting for the gum to regenerate, and pray that a root doesn’t get exposed. My root got exposed and was constantly stabbing my tongue. Had the dentist shave it down while risking permanent nerve damage in part of my jaw. Thankfully it all worked out.

All of that doesn’t compare to the pain I felt pre-extraction. It felt like someone was constantly kicking me in the jaw for days. Drinking before bed and sleeping with frozen veggies in my pillow case to numb the pain. God it was awful.
This sounds terrible, yikes! Am going to see dentist as soon as they open again and see what's best to do. Still not open in UK so will be a while. Thanks for the advice all.
Anybody had issues with Wisdom teeth? Might have to have one out and I am not looking forward to it at all.

had all four of mine taken out in the same day when I was 16 years old. They pulled them out with what looked like pliers, then they stitched up the sockets. The actual procedure didn’t hurt at all. Later that night was pretty painful. I remember crying.

then after that first day, it was just the annoyance of not being able to eat regular foods. That uncomfortableness lasted maybe a week.

long story short, it sucked in the moment? But wasn’t all that bad. Nothing to stress over.
Anybody had issues with Wisdom teeth? Might have to have one out and I am not looking forward to it at all.

If you do, just make sure you get general anesthesia. I made the mistake of only getting local and it didn't work well so the pain had me shaking. Felt like I was in the movie Hostel. Could feel them slicing into my gums, hacking the tooth apart, sewing my gums back together. Wasn't very chill.
I've been slacking with my water intake lately and my boy said something that resonated with me like crazy: drinking water is like putting forgiveness into your body. Bro. It changed my entire perspective on the matter. All the nutritional inequity I put into my body needs to get flushed out.
I've been slacking with my water intake lately and my boy said something that resonated with me like crazy: drinking water is like putting forgiveness into your body. Bro. It changed my entire perspective on the matter. All the nutritional inequity I put into my body needs to get flushed out.
This that washed talk fr fr.
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