Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

If we are talking sneakers then you better wear them while you can or sell them. Those midsoles do not last forever. Had a couple pairs crumble on me and then realized they were going on 10-15 years old…
This is my worry as well. Apart from the crumbling, the glue drying out, bottoming of the shoe and flaking are the other real concerns. I was close to purchasing a ds pair that is 11 years old. While I love the shoe, I don't like the idea of it solely for display purposes. I wanna use shoes.
If a couch is too cushy or low to the ground I gotta pop right up in order to prove myself if someone is looking or else here comes the 40 jokes
Still got a full head of hair, just a few greys - but my eyebrows are going crazy.
Im cutting back smoking this month.
I dunno if people are washed or just stupid but I hate when people use reply all.

Two people retired last week. The amount of congratulation emails that have been sent reply all... :smh:

i blame the original email sender. MFers love to send those innocuous staffwide emails to the listserv, and intentionally don’t use the BCC function so they can start a thread.

but man, i can’t even lie.. my petty *** loves the drama of when someone replies all with a response that can be interpreted as confrontational, offensive and/or condescending. the passive aggressive back and forth is like watching sampras vs agassi in the 90s —elite. sometimes, if there’s a lull and i’m feeling extra generous, i’ll reply all with a simple “i appreciate everyone’s insight and respectful dialogue on this matter. thank you” just to get the ball rolling again. it’s usually the older gen-x’ers and boomers going at it and the comedy’s always worth it.
Went on a regular swing at a playground last night and got freaked out going forward and prematurely jumped off. And for some reason, I was winded after all of that.
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