Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Picked up a whole waterheater solo up out a basement. Lower back feels washed i can't lie, but def proud i did.
Washed, nah
Dumb, perhaps

Glad you made it through unscathed.(feeling fine now or nah?)
150lbs is doable if its the size of a lets say, chair......but the makeup of the water heater......was faced with the same dilemna at age 26 and decided it was a hard no as soon as I gripped it.
Proud, I can see why.
Quite the feat tbh
Belongs in the Wilding or Doing it thread...also kungfu koala kungfu koala
Humble brag to the hospital.. I hope it was empty or had as little water in it as possible..

Reminds me of this dude I went to HS with from my neighborhood who was 3 years older. Last winter he carried a Christmas tree to his house like 5 blocks away. He ended up having surgery for like 3 tears. 40 years old thinking he’s 20 still 🤦‍♂️
Watched a show recently where they were making fun of the dad for having a day a year where he oiled all the hinges - but after having to fix the kitchen window so I could close it at 1 this morning I’m beginning to think that’s a good idea.
Im stealing this
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