Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Crazy storm here overnight so it looks like tomorrow’s job is fixing a fence. Thought it was just one post but it looks like it broke a few panels too. Panels are easy though - it’s getting the old stump of post out that is hard.
Im too petty and washed. Just walked out of verizon and went to T-Mobile instead. Ive been a budget cricket as long as my phone works its whatever type guy. Im upgrading to one of these fancy new multiple 100 dollar samsung phones...most ive ever spent on a phone half rent type dollar amount phone, i could by a new phone every month for this type of money phone and dude at the counter cracks open my phone box and just starts peeling off all my stickers smudging up my screen with his greasy chicken nugget and covid covered fingers 😮. Ive never spent this kind of money I want to open it up and mess around with it myself 😊 first 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️Im like bruh you can activate it without opening it, and you didnt even ask if i was ready to switch phones yet..i can put the sim card in ill transfer all my stuff at home im not ready to switch it yet. He gets an attitude says it only takes 5 minutes, I say I understand thats why im going to do it at home so i can decide what i want to transfer. He says so do you want the phone or nah wait what excuse me ol punk ***. Nah I dont want it. Left out of there imeejitley and took my lil money elsewhere 😮🤣🤷🏾‍♂️
caught this yesterday and found it hilarious at how much i relate :lol:

it's on Netflix , definitely recommended for a good laugh for those of us who are washed :smokin

It starts out hilarious for about 45 minutes, gets REAAAAL sad in the middle to near end, and then ends almost as a rom-com.

I don't know what it is about comedy movies nowadays, but I get turned off by the wives who always end up hanging out drinking wine in one or two scenes, complaining about their lives and their husbands, etc. I feel like this wasn't a thing in comedies in the 80s, 90s, or even 2000s.
It starts out hilarious for about 45 minutes, gets REAAAAL sad in the middle to near end, and then ends almost as a rom-com.

I don't know what it is about comedy movies nowadays, but I get turned off by the wives who always end up hanging out drinking wine in one or two scenes, complaining about their lives and their husbands, etc. I feel like this wasn't a thing in comedies in the 80s, 90s, or even 2000s.

part where Burr's hair grew back and the slow walk in the casino :lol:

did get a lil cheesy towards the end but overall i enjoyed it ...

finger snap :lol:
Met up with a potential new client recently. I was taken aback by how old he seemed (not sure why I was expecting someone much younger). Go to shake his hand, and he hits me with some deferential “great to meet you, SIR.” I was speechless. It all happened in slow motion. Siiiiirrrrr! This middle aged dude called ME sir?? Then harsh reality hit me: I’m probably the same age as him. We’re both old. And washed.
Met up with a potential new client recently. I was taken aback by how old he seemed (not sure why I was expecting someone much younger). Go to shake his hand, and he hits me with some deferential “great to meet you, SIR.” I was speechless. It all happened in slow nothing. This old dude called ME sir?? Then harsh reality hit me: I’m probably older than him. We’re both old. And washed.
Sometimes people call any adult male they come across "Sir", I've seen this.
Sometimes people call any adult male they come across "Sir", I've seen this.

For sure. I get that. I don’t particularly like it when younger dudes call me that, but I get it. But a dude my age or older? It just felt really weird. Kind of like a harsh reality check. I was ready for a productive and fruitful meeting, and instead had a mini midlife crisis. Haha (I’m exaggerating)
I've randomly called a gas station clerk "Sir" and they're my age or many times younger. I always think it's weird after I do it because it just comes out, it's like one of my many automated parting messages I have in the rolodex. I get what you're saying though "sir" in context when you're younger is always someone older than you, because most people were.
I think it was the deferential tone he used, more than just the word itself. Almost how you’re ultra respectful to grandparents.
I've randomly called a gas station clerk "Sir" and they're my age or many times younger. I always think it's weird after I do it because it just comes out, it's like one of my many automated parting messages I have in the rolodex. I get what you're saying though "sir" in context when you're younger is always someone older than you, because most people were.
I know how you guys feel. it can be annoying to us middle aged guys but I guess we just have to learn to accept and embrace it. funny though that going back to school is somehow liberating and funny. one of the instructors felt embarrassed that one of my "old" buddies called her "Ma'am". the instructor immediately went to tell him don't call me that, you are older than me. :rofl:

on the otherhand, some schoolmates who are only fresh out of highschool call me by my first name. for some reason, I don't feel awkward about it. made me feel like I'm still young and can hang out with them or mess around.
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