Most Random Thing You Have Said/Done While Drunk

Originally Posted by TCERDA

My night resulted in 2 kids 9 months later

Originally Posted by iAllan

Went on a trip to Vegas with my two best friends and my fiance's brother for my bachelor party. Got drunked up, my fiance's brother roofied us without telling us (the idiot thought it was just e), stole a tiger from Mike Tyson, accidentally switched my bag with some chinese dude's bag full of casino chips amounting to more than $80,000, woke up sunburnt on the roof of the Caesar's Palace hotel, and managed to get back to California just in time for my wedding. 

Originally Posted by iAllan

Went on a trip to Vegas with my two best friends and my fiance's brother for my bachelor party. Got drunked up, my fiance's brother roofied us without telling us (the idiot thought it was just e), stole a tiger from Mike Tyson, accidentally switched my bag with some chinese dude's bag full of casino chips amounting to more than $80,000, woke up sunburnt on the roof of the Caesar's Palace hotel, and managed to get back to California just in time for my wedding. 

mad funny, props for starting this OP.

too many..... way too many...

i'll randomly come in here and tell some tho. i actually have an amazing memory, so i remember 98% of things that have happened.

It was my boys 21st birthday (i was 21 at the time). had a simple house party, ton of people come over. We started gettin it in hard, and harder and harder. I killed off a bottle of Stock Cap Morg, and whatever was left of my big bottle of Jack. Then they wanted to take shots.... why wouldn't i? (i never had or have a problem mixing lights and darks.) House full of people, all smashed. Strong stomach.... and of course This is the first and only time ive ever threw everything up. Half the house ends up outside talkin to dinosaurs. I recover pretty fast, drink a beer and hop in the shower. Person after person comes in to yak and i'm just talkin to um under a hot +@% shower. I dont feel like getting dressed so i'm walkin around the house naked............ The entire night i'm just saying random movie quotes and speeches. after awhile a bunch of people hit one room and thats that. yea it was one of those nights. good times.
mad funny, props for starting this OP.

too many..... way too many...

i'll randomly come in here and tell some tho. i actually have an amazing memory, so i remember 98% of things that have happened.

It was my boys 21st birthday (i was 21 at the time). had a simple house party, ton of people come over. We started gettin it in hard, and harder and harder. I killed off a bottle of Stock Cap Morg, and whatever was left of my big bottle of Jack. Then they wanted to take shots.... why wouldn't i? (i never had or have a problem mixing lights and darks.) House full of people, all smashed. Strong stomach.... and of course This is the first and only time ive ever threw everything up. Half the house ends up outside talkin to dinosaurs. I recover pretty fast, drink a beer and hop in the shower. Person after person comes in to yak and i'm just talkin to um under a hot +@% shower. I dont feel like getting dressed so i'm walkin around the house naked............ The entire night i'm just saying random movie quotes and speeches. after awhile a bunch of people hit one room and thats that. yea it was one of those nights. good times.
Last year(freshman year) me and my boys decided to go to this party in the little student center thingy but we wanted to pregame first. So we had a big #&@ bottle of Bacardi and another bottle of Bacardi Zombie. So we're drinking and 17 shots later, I'm wobbling and stumbling but make it to the party. Party was DRY as hell when we get there so we move to the middle and request Flocka. So the DJ plays it and we start jumping, yelling, and just being generally ignorant. But we got the party live
. A little while later, I grab one of my boys and tell him "I need some air". Once that fresh air hit me though, it was a WRAP. I blacked out and don't remember anything else.

Apparently my boys had to carry me back to my room. Literally carry me like one had my arms and another had my feet lol. I woke up the next morning to a note from my homeboy on my dresser saying "We went to another building, you too &$^%$ up to go anywhere, text if you need me b&*(^"

To this day I still don't remember the rest of that night
Last year(freshman year) me and my boys decided to go to this party in the little student center thingy but we wanted to pregame first. So we had a big #&@ bottle of Bacardi and another bottle of Bacardi Zombie. So we're drinking and 17 shots later, I'm wobbling and stumbling but make it to the party. Party was DRY as hell when we get there so we move to the middle and request Flocka. So the DJ plays it and we start jumping, yelling, and just being generally ignorant. But we got the party live
. A little while later, I grab one of my boys and tell him "I need some air". Once that fresh air hit me though, it was a WRAP. I blacked out and don't remember anything else.

Apparently my boys had to carry me back to my room. Literally carry me like one had my arms and another had my feet lol. I woke up the next morning to a note from my homeboy on my dresser saying "We went to another building, you too &$^%$ up to go anywhere, text if you need me b&*(^"

To this day I still don't remember the rest of that night
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by TheRaygunZ

-Told this fat ugly joint she didn't know @!@#$ about 3rd eye blind
-Three weeks ago I fell off my bed in the middle of the night and cracked my skull open and bled all over my black watch shirt

-On new years I blacked out and came to on 3rd ave and 10th st. with one shoe no wallet and no money so I hopped a cab anyway and got kicked out shortly after (a girl I mess with recovered all my belongings and brought em back)

-Tried to break into Kid Robot after a night of bar hopping.

-Opened the door of a yellow cab and tried to fight the driver.

-At Rutgers fest I sprayed mad people with a water gun while yelling racial epithets from my homegirls window.

I got so many but I can't remember them all
play a little GTA too much? You CJ or Niko?
A cab ran over my foot when I was mad drunk one night.  It was the first night I wore my infrared 90s and ever since then (from what my boys tell me), when I get sauced...
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by TheRaygunZ

-Told this fat ugly joint she didn't know @!@#$ about 3rd eye blind
-Three weeks ago I fell off my bed in the middle of the night and cracked my skull open and bled all over my black watch shirt

-On new years I blacked out and came to on 3rd ave and 10th st. with one shoe no wallet and no money so I hopped a cab anyway and got kicked out shortly after (a girl I mess with recovered all my belongings and brought em back)

-Tried to break into Kid Robot after a night of bar hopping.

-Opened the door of a yellow cab and tried to fight the driver.

-At Rutgers fest I sprayed mad people with a water gun while yelling racial epithets from my homegirls window.

I got so many but I can't remember them all
play a little GTA too much? You CJ or Niko?
A cab ran over my foot when I was mad drunk one night.  It was the first night I wore my infrared 90s and ever since then (from what my boys tell me), when I get sauced...
Originally Posted by DWontheMoon

  I then got up to go to the bathroom and ended up locking myself out of my room with my roommate passed out and unable to get the door. 

Yoooo I did this exact thing when i was blasted. then i saw a comfortable ironing board all set up and figured I just cash in for the night got on top of it and that !++* collapsed damn near broke my arm.
Originally Posted by DWontheMoon

  I then got up to go to the bathroom and ended up locking myself out of my room with my roommate passed out and unable to get the door. 

Yoooo I did this exact thing when i was blasted. then i saw a comfortable ironing board all set up and figured I just cash in for the night got on top of it and that !++* collapsed damn near broke my arm.
on my 21st, there was a dude doing karaoke to Creed's "Arms Wide Open" at the bar and I sang along to heckle him... but I kinda have a Stone Cold Steve Austin voice with a slight Philly/Jersey accent.

Summer 09, there was a huge get together at my grandfather's house... total about 40 of us Mexicans. The alcohol flowed like water, and I woke up in the front yard to my grandfather kicking my leg and saying "good, you're alive. how was the First Family?*"

the 'First Family' is a family of black cats that hang out around his house, and apparently 4 of them were sleeping on & around me.

I checked my phone and there's a text from my uncle saying "WHO $@+$ IN THE BACK OF MY TRUCK?"

same week, I got annihilated and went with my cousins to Whataburger (we had a DD). We get our food, and my sober cousin decides to do donuts in the front "yard" of the restaraunt. We end up knocking over a fence and nearly hitting some gas pumps next door and the cops show up. Luckily the cops are another cousin and his partner and we're shooting the breeze when I decide to give my cousin a gobbler (no ayo). I creep, grab, make the turkey noise and... it's his partner. They bust my balls, take me to the jail (wasn't booked, just sat around) and one of my uncles walks by and does a triple take all "que chingas?" and they explain and by the time I got back to my grandfather's house at 5 am my mom had already called like "WHAT'D YOU DO".

Then last Devil's Night I was in Long Island and barfed all over the flowers at Denny's. Poor things :c(
on my 21st, there was a dude doing karaoke to Creed's "Arms Wide Open" at the bar and I sang along to heckle him... but I kinda have a Stone Cold Steve Austin voice with a slight Philly/Jersey accent.

Summer 09, there was a huge get together at my grandfather's house... total about 40 of us Mexicans. The alcohol flowed like water, and I woke up in the front yard to my grandfather kicking my leg and saying "good, you're alive. how was the First Family?*"

the 'First Family' is a family of black cats that hang out around his house, and apparently 4 of them were sleeping on & around me.

I checked my phone and there's a text from my uncle saying "WHO $@+$ IN THE BACK OF MY TRUCK?"

same week, I got annihilated and went with my cousins to Whataburger (we had a DD). We get our food, and my sober cousin decides to do donuts in the front "yard" of the restaraunt. We end up knocking over a fence and nearly hitting some gas pumps next door and the cops show up. Luckily the cops are another cousin and his partner and we're shooting the breeze when I decide to give my cousin a gobbler (no ayo). I creep, grab, make the turkey noise and... it's his partner. They bust my balls, take me to the jail (wasn't booked, just sat around) and one of my uncles walks by and does a triple take all "que chingas?" and they explain and by the time I got back to my grandfather's house at 5 am my mom had already called like "WHAT'D YOU DO".

Then last Devil's Night I was in Long Island and barfed all over the flowers at Denny's. Poor things :c(
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

 we're shooting the breeze when I decide to give my cousin a gobbler (no ayo).

the hell is a gobbler?

@ your username, dr octagon is that dude
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

 we're shooting the breeze when I decide to give my cousin a gobbler (no ayo).

the hell is a gobbler?

@ your username, dr octagon is that dude
My 20th birthday i was ripped and I was starving. I told my boy to drive me somewhere I could get something to eat. He stops in the Arby's drive thru. As soon as we pull up dude says we are closed for the night. I was layed out in the back seat, when I heard him say that i hopped up, rolled down the window and started yelling at him like %+# do you mean your closed? Then why are you here? He just replied I am sorry were closed for the night. The I told him I wanted to fight him lol. He didn't say anything back and we went to McDonalds instead. Haven't had Arby's since lol.
My 20th birthday i was ripped and I was starving. I told my boy to drive me somewhere I could get something to eat. He stops in the Arby's drive thru. As soon as we pull up dude says we are closed for the night. I was layed out in the back seat, when I heard him say that i hopped up, rolled down the window and started yelling at him like %+# do you mean your closed? Then why are you here? He just replied I am sorry were closed for the night. The I told him I wanted to fight him lol. He didn't say anything back and we went to McDonalds instead. Haven't had Arby's since lol.
Was in Vegas for my 19th birthday, with some homies.  We couldn't gamble but some of my homies were already 21+ by then so we could just buy drinks and chill, plus we had at least 5gs on us plus a bagful edibles.  So we finish a whole bottle of Jack and proceed to get blownt as well.  We decide to walk to the Bellagio and watch the water spout, homie sits on the balcony type !*+% thinking he'll get a better view and boom he falls into the pond.  We were all drunk as #**! so we didn't know what to do so we just laughed our %@%*$ off then some captain save a ho dude yells at our homie to swim to the side so he can get out, but we saw it as disrespect so we lifted dude up and threw him into the water too, and proceed to laugh even more.  Captain save a ho grabs my homie and swims him to the side to safety.  We then walk to Urban Outfitters because our homie was drenched and he needed new clothes, once we walked in, I threw up on a mannequin and we got kicked out.  Smoked some more and munchies hit us hard so we walked over to the Earl of Sandwiches and copped the best sandwiches known to mankind.  The End.
Was in Vegas for my 19th birthday, with some homies.  We couldn't gamble but some of my homies were already 21+ by then so we could just buy drinks and chill, plus we had at least 5gs on us plus a bagful edibles.  So we finish a whole bottle of Jack and proceed to get blownt as well.  We decide to walk to the Bellagio and watch the water spout, homie sits on the balcony type !*+% thinking he'll get a better view and boom he falls into the pond.  We were all drunk as #**! so we didn't know what to do so we just laughed our %@%*$ off then some captain save a ho dude yells at our homie to swim to the side so he can get out, but we saw it as disrespect so we lifted dude up and threw him into the water too, and proceed to laugh even more.  Captain save a ho grabs my homie and swims him to the side to safety.  We then walk to Urban Outfitters because our homie was drenched and he needed new clothes, once we walked in, I threw up on a mannequin and we got kicked out.  Smoked some more and munchies hit us hard so we walked over to the Earl of Sandwiches and copped the best sandwiches known to mankind.  The End.
I was drunk at a friends house and wanted to make this thread 
. But I struggled to type Niketalk so I made this thread the next day 
I was drunk at a friends house and wanted to make this thread 
. But I struggled to type Niketalk so I made this thread the next day 
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