Most Random Thing You Have Said/Done While Drunk

I'm usually on some chill !#* when I'm drunk. But there are about 4 stories that stand out.

- When I was like 16 or 17 my older brother took me to one of his boys cookouts. I was outta control and somehow I ended up on a couch with his boys girl and I was gonna try and take advantage, but then his boy walked in the room lol so I played it cool. Later on for some reason I decided to yell I LOVE YOU D.GREEN!!! which was another one of my bros boys girls. Her name was Danielle but everybody called her D. Green lol. Needless to say they were getting pissed off at me and chased me through the backyard and tackled the +#$% out of me lol. That sobered me up real quick.

-In High school me and my homeboys were drunk and broke into a school bus...we kept  flicking the lights at cars that were coming, somebody must have seen us because we saw the cops coming a few minutes later so we dipped off to my crib and then I told these two shortys that I was talking to at the time to come to my crib...(at the same time) lol that ain't go over too well.

-Later that year my grandmother had took me and my older bro on a trip to Italy. The last night there me and my bro decided to go out and drink since there is no drinking age over there. We went on what they call over there a Pub Crawl. (Basically you go with a group and you go to local bars, you pay like $30 or euros whatever and every bar you go to you get a free shot.) We met these dudes that went to Ohio State and they were chanting OH..IO all the end of the night I was chanting it too and I hate Ohio State lol. Tried to hook up with some random european chick, didn't work out lol. As we were walking back to our hotel i started running through the streets (we were in Rome) and when I saw the police I would stop. Then i started crawling on the floor and said "This is how you pub crawl". In the am on the way to the airport my head was spinning and once the cab pulled up to the airport I ran in and found the first trash can I could. 

Was at a club one night for my boy's 21st and saw this girl I knew, she got a man but I didn't even care. I was talking to her and I'm pretty sure her man was in the club with her. As she was walking away I slapped her mass and she turns around like "Boy! Did you just slap my mass? I was like yea is there a problem? and she said nah and just kept it pushin...I was like @@+ was the point of her asking then.
 Also, for some reason that night I slapped my hands on the dance floor (on purpose) and my hand started bleeding I was like @@+ and I rubbed my hand on my khakis without me knowing I was bleeding...!#* looked like I had a period or something.

-Most recently (I'm 22 now) I went out for my homegirl's 30th birthday. Now she had a couple friends with her and I was telling each and every one of them to top me off. If I woulda played it cool I probably coulda got some but I was wasted and I was out of control lol.

-For some reason now every time I get drunk I need to hear Kanye's Runaway and perform it lol

Kinda long I know but these are the stories that come to mind.
I'm usually on some chill !#* when I'm drunk. But there are about 4 stories that stand out.

- When I was like 16 or 17 my older brother took me to one of his boys cookouts. I was outta control and somehow I ended up on a couch with his boys girl and I was gonna try and take advantage, but then his boy walked in the room lol so I played it cool. Later on for some reason I decided to yell I LOVE YOU D.GREEN!!! which was another one of my bros boys girls. Her name was Danielle but everybody called her D. Green lol. Needless to say they were getting pissed off at me and chased me through the backyard and tackled the +#$% out of me lol. That sobered me up real quick.

-In High school me and my homeboys were drunk and broke into a school bus...we kept  flicking the lights at cars that were coming, somebody must have seen us because we saw the cops coming a few minutes later so we dipped off to my crib and then I told these two shortys that I was talking to at the time to come to my crib...(at the same time) lol that ain't go over too well.

-Later that year my grandmother had took me and my older bro on a trip to Italy. The last night there me and my bro decided to go out and drink since there is no drinking age over there. We went on what they call over there a Pub Crawl. (Basically you go with a group and you go to local bars, you pay like $30 or euros whatever and every bar you go to you get a free shot.) We met these dudes that went to Ohio State and they were chanting OH..IO all the end of the night I was chanting it too and I hate Ohio State lol. Tried to hook up with some random european chick, didn't work out lol. As we were walking back to our hotel i started running through the streets (we were in Rome) and when I saw the police I would stop. Then i started crawling on the floor and said "This is how you pub crawl". In the am on the way to the airport my head was spinning and once the cab pulled up to the airport I ran in and found the first trash can I could. 

Was at a club one night for my boy's 21st and saw this girl I knew, she got a man but I didn't even care. I was talking to her and I'm pretty sure her man was in the club with her. As she was walking away I slapped her mass and she turns around like "Boy! Did you just slap my mass? I was like yea is there a problem? and she said nah and just kept it pushin...I was like @@+ was the point of her asking then.
 Also, for some reason that night I slapped my hands on the dance floor (on purpose) and my hand started bleeding I was like @@+ and I rubbed my hand on my khakis without me knowing I was bleeding...!#* looked like I had a period or something.

-Most recently (I'm 22 now) I went out for my homegirl's 30th birthday. Now she had a couple friends with her and I was telling each and every one of them to top me off. If I woulda played it cool I probably coulda got some but I was wasted and I was out of control lol.

-For some reason now every time I get drunk I need to hear Kanye's Runaway and perform it lol

Kinda long I know but these are the stories that come to mind.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by 2sappy

I fell asleep on the roof of an apartment building once. I don't remember how I got up there, but apparently I was up there long enough for my friends to come searching for me. 

ok mr. hangover...
at this one club in my home town when they call last call they turn on the lights and start blaring death metal music in order to get everyone to leave as quickly as possible. well i decided to tap into my inner white dude and just start moshing in the middle of the crowd with my dreads just a flailing while im kicking and punching. it was the most awesome thing ever...
Bet you joined team metalhead too , huh?
reminded me of another time at my place, I passed out on a bed, and subconsciously heard club music blasting throughout my house, I got up switched it to Megadeth and went back to sleep
I went to Ozzfest a few years ago and drank so much that I blacked out for 9 hours. The last thing I remember was walking through the entrance and being really excited, then I came to 9 hours later at 3 AM, in the backseat of my friend's car, in the parking lot of a Taco Bell holding a burrito.

Apparently I had a blast, it sucks that I can't remember any of it.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by 2sappy

I fell asleep on the roof of an apartment building once. I don't remember how I got up there, but apparently I was up there long enough for my friends to come searching for me. 

ok mr. hangover...
at this one club in my home town when they call last call they turn on the lights and start blaring death metal music in order to get everyone to leave as quickly as possible. well i decided to tap into my inner white dude and just start moshing in the middle of the crowd with my dreads just a flailing while im kicking and punching. it was the most awesome thing ever...
Bet you joined team metalhead too , huh?
reminded me of another time at my place, I passed out on a bed, and subconsciously heard club music blasting throughout my house, I got up switched it to Megadeth and went back to sleep
I went to Ozzfest a few years ago and drank so much that I blacked out for 9 hours. The last thing I remember was walking through the entrance and being really excited, then I came to 9 hours later at 3 AM, in the backseat of my friend's car, in the parking lot of a Taco Bell holding a burrito.

Apparently I had a blast, it sucks that I can't remember any of it.
Some of these stories are hilarious...
Just thought of another one. While I was in Miami visiting my older bro and my pops, me and my bro went to this bar and they had one of those punching machines where you punch the bag. Well I didn't think I was that drunk but I ended up hitting the bag where all the metal is connecting it to the machine. Ended up breaking my finger. SMH
Also, while down there another night different bar we went to this bar where I was hitting on this fine brazilian bartender. I played Burn by Usher on the juke box and started singing it in the middle of the bar lol. She kept calling me "White Usher" for the rest of the night. I didn't get the digits though smh.
Some of these stories are hilarious...
Just thought of another one. While I was in Miami visiting my older bro and my pops, me and my bro went to this bar and they had one of those punching machines where you punch the bag. Well I didn't think I was that drunk but I ended up hitting the bag where all the metal is connecting it to the machine. Ended up breaking my finger. SMH
Also, while down there another night different bar we went to this bar where I was hitting on this fine brazilian bartender. I played Burn by Usher on the juke box and started singing it in the middle of the bar lol. She kept calling me "White Usher" for the rest of the night. I didn't get the digits though smh.
Originally Posted by glo1980

I don't really have any weird moments because I don't drink.

Then you should start so you can come back and tell us one of your Randmomest Moments WHILE DRUNK!!!!
Originally Posted by glo1980

I don't really have any weird moments because I don't drink.

Then you should start so you can come back and tell us one of your Randmomest Moments WHILE DRUNK!!!!
Went on a trip to Vegas with my two best friends and my fiance's brother for my bachelor party. Got drunked up, my fiance's brother roofied us without telling us (the idiot thought it was just e), stole a tiger from Mike Tyson, accidentally switched my bag with some chinese dude's bag full of casino chips amounting to more than $80,000, woke up sunburnt on the roof of the Caesar's Palace hotel, and managed to get back to California just in time for my wedding. 
Went on a trip to Vegas with my two best friends and my fiance's brother for my bachelor party. Got drunked up, my fiance's brother roofied us without telling us (the idiot thought it was just e), stole a tiger from Mike Tyson, accidentally switched my bag with some chinese dude's bag full of casino chips amounting to more than $80,000, woke up sunburnt on the roof of the Caesar's Palace hotel, and managed to get back to California just in time for my wedding. 
If this topic was "most random thing ive done on drugs" i could go on for days.

As far as being drunk

Was at a bar with a buncha my friends for my birthday. I stepped outside to get some air and grab a smoke. The valet had pulled a bimmer around and honked the horn, but no one stepped up to claim the car. I thought to myself, hey happy birthday to me! I made a beeline (well wobbly drunken stumble beeline) for the valet and tried to grab the keys and hop in until my wife saw me and pulled me out. Dude that actually owned the car was NOT happy, but luckily we were rollin 30+ deep and he probably wasn't looking to end his night on a bad note. Things kinda got hazy from there.

I woke up the next morning and saw one of my boys sleeping on my couch. I asked my wife why he had come over and spent the night and she said it was because she could not get me in and out of the car by herself (I'm about 5'11 190lbs, shes 5'2 11lb). I proceed to pat myself on the back and say "well atleast i didnt get so drunk that I threw up!" Try again. She tells me to go look at the bathroom and it looked like it got hit by a vomit tornado. She was pissed and said even though its my birthday, I get to clean that mess up. We had to end up driving my buddy back home (and back) and he lived about 50 miles away from me.
If this topic was "most random thing ive done on drugs" i could go on for days.

As far as being drunk

Was at a bar with a buncha my friends for my birthday. I stepped outside to get some air and grab a smoke. The valet had pulled a bimmer around and honked the horn, but no one stepped up to claim the car. I thought to myself, hey happy birthday to me! I made a beeline (well wobbly drunken stumble beeline) for the valet and tried to grab the keys and hop in until my wife saw me and pulled me out. Dude that actually owned the car was NOT happy, but luckily we were rollin 30+ deep and he probably wasn't looking to end his night on a bad note. Things kinda got hazy from there.

I woke up the next morning and saw one of my boys sleeping on my couch. I asked my wife why he had come over and spent the night and she said it was because she could not get me in and out of the car by herself (I'm about 5'11 190lbs, shes 5'2 11lb). I proceed to pat myself on the back and say "well atleast i didnt get so drunk that I threw up!" Try again. She tells me to go look at the bathroom and it looked like it got hit by a vomit tornado. She was pissed and said even though its my birthday, I get to clean that mess up. We had to end up driving my buddy back home (and back) and he lived about 50 miles away from me.
After a long night of drinking, I got back to my room and finished off a foot long sub and a chocolate ice cream bar before climbing into bed.  After falling asleep for a little  woke up a and saw throw up on my bed, chair, couch, and the ground of my dorm room with no recollection of ever throwing up.  I then got up to go to the bathroom and ended up locking myself out of my room with my roommate passed out and unable to get the door.  Luckily, I was able to spend the night on an air mattress a few rooms down.  Woke up the next morning praying the throw up was all a dream and would not actually be in my room.  It was
.  It took about 3 days to clean up and air out the room. 
After a long night of drinking, I got back to my room and finished off a foot long sub and a chocolate ice cream bar before climbing into bed.  After falling asleep for a little  woke up a and saw throw up on my bed, chair, couch, and the ground of my dorm room with no recollection of ever throwing up.  I then got up to go to the bathroom and ended up locking myself out of my room with my roommate passed out and unable to get the door.  Luckily, I was able to spend the night on an air mattress a few rooms down.  Woke up the next morning praying the throw up was all a dream and would not actually be in my room.  It was
.  It took about 3 days to clean up and air out the room. 
I "Attempted" to jump over my car last summer in front of a club in dc.....I drive a charger. Didn't make it
I "Attempted" to jump over my car last summer in front of a club in dc.....I drive a charger. Didn't make it
told my girlfriend friend that i would @#$! her while my girlfriend was standing right there
told my girlfriend friend that i would @#$! her while my girlfriend was standing right there
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