Movie looks cray: THE PURGE starring Ethan Hawke

Interesting idea but it being confined to a house negates the whole idea. Basically just a families house getting broke into and trying to survive the badies.
If this is anything like the trash that was The Strangers, I'll be very disappointed.
what a bogus plot. crime's legal for 12 hours? please. the very idea of a purge suggests too much crazy on the streets for one night for one person or group to deal with. no one would participate(unless forced, which they could be i dunno i haven't seen the thing yet). you gotta be pretty arrogant/stupid to think you're gonna be the biggest billy badass out on the street & just gonna do w/e the Hell you please without any interference(potentially fatal) on a night where everyone is free/encouraged to do what they please. 

if Jason, Michael, Chucky & Freddy all thought they might all go out wreaking havoc in the same town one night, they'd all just stay home. ain't nobody that damn bold

you might have a few people participate but not nearly enough to affect crime rates & unemployment like they boast in the beginning of the trailer.
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This. The idea of one night where laws weren't enforced is brilliant on it's own, they shouldn't have tried to make it into a horror movie where the plot could be relatively generic. Why not follow four characters leading up to that one night and show how their backstories play a part in their actions on that night and how their stories all tie together? Could have been a lot better if they didn't settle for a horror movie.

I was actually thinking a lot about it the other day and I stumbled upon this thread today.
I was thinking for characters they could have a poor person living on the streets of the town who's hoping to steal his way to a better life, the dad of the family who represents someone of a higher status that he's trying to protect, the daughter of the family who is innocent/sees the plight of those less fortunate, a hardened criminal plotting revenge against a police officer who put him behind bars for years, and that police officer who's in the strange situation where on this night instead of hunting down criminals, the criminals are trying to hunt him down. All of those characters could play off of one another and the one night represents the opportunity of drastic change in their lives.

The movie "Riot" had a similar plot going on with it.

Plan to watch this in a ew weeks.
Just saw this movie, didn't get my expectations too high so I wasn't disappointed.

Question though,
Why the hell did Henry try and kill pops?
Interesting idea but it being confined to a house negates the whole idea. Basically just a families house getting broke into and trying to survive the badies.
First thought that came to mind: The Panic Room.

I :lol: 'd at the thought of this happening in real life and a stranger comes into someone's home and get stomped to death, like the robber who broke into LL Cool J's home and got knocked out.
For those of you thinking this was "horror".. It's not. With that being said, I recommend you still save your money.
I watched this twice. Once Wednesday night and again tonight. I really liked it the first time and the second time around, I noticed so many flaws.

I liked it the first time because the plot is very unique. It is NOT a horror film. It is pure suspense although, as you can see from the poster, some of the characters were creepy looking. I loved the dialogue in this (especially the "polite stranger") and how it was shot in the dark.

I liked it less because I felt like the premise of the movie was genius but the delivery was decent. They could have gone really far with this and I wish they did. I think a lot of people are expecting this movie to be a horror movie since it's made by the same people as Paranormal Activity and Insidious so I think those people are the ones that are saying it's horrible. It wasn't horrible at all. To me, at least.

I'd give it a 6.5/10

Thats wait for dvd ratings.

I wouldn't wait around that long. It's entertaining. I would say go watch FF6 if you haven't yet and if you have time, movie hop to The Purge right after. So if you're worried that you "wasted" your money, at least you watched a good movie :lol:
I wouldn't wait around that long. It's entertaining. I would say go watch FF6 if you haven't yet and if you have time, movie hop to The Purge right after. So if you're worried that you "wasted" your money, at least you watched a good movie :lol:

naw ff6 not my kind of movie
Dead at the theatre I was in clapping after pops saved his son in the basment :lol:
Will be watching this tomorrow.

Ethan Hawke stays delivering :pimp:

View media item 444492:lol: Got that Guy Fieri look going on

Why did you choose that pic :lol: ? Looks like from the mid-90s when everyone was putting blonde in their hair.

So people are saying the movie's bad? I would only go watch it if Lena Headey is showing her good but she doesn't do that anymore. Such a waste :smh:.
The movie wasn't bad... But the plot of the movie definitely had us expecting so much more..

Didn't leave the theatre disappointed tho
it was cool. why it gotta b a black guy runnin tho?

anyways i think they coulda focused on the whole country than 1 family

also its fake. like you have a gun in your hand. yet you wait like 5 seconds to shoot the person? unrealistic. and who prays before killing?
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