MTVs Real World vol Trail Blazing

It's the same teasing and antagonizing you're putting on display right now but you're apparently oblivious.

You also seem not to be connecting some things given what you're actually talking about and what I'm talking about but at this point I'm not going to point it out for you again

Any questions you feel I didn't answer were addressed in my initial reply but you started off pretty confused unable to figure out what I'm talking about so I'm not surprised you're still not grasping what I've said.

I'll say this again though, every altercation you're in is not a fight and every fight you're in, you're life isn't on the line every time but maybe you don't understand the gravity of some of those words or use them flippantly and frequently or in 2013 you're just living a pretty unfortunate life in a less than savory environment.

I'll say this much for me being "slow", my "teachers" failing me, and the rest of the garbage you've posted it's funny that I'm the one that doesn't know how to have a discussion on the internet like an adult.
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I think they are limited to where they can go do to zoning/permit filming issues like past seasons and Jersey Shore. Every town seems like they don't want the Real World filming there.  Definitely agree that Portland nightlfe sucks, but its the Strip Club Capital. Jordan probably discovered this, explaining why he's been ghost in the past episodes. Probably having daily dinners at Acropolis and the Safari Show.  
I think they are limited to where they can go do to zoning/permit filming issues like past seasons and Jersey Shore. Every town seems like they don't want the Real World filming there.  Definitely agree that Portland nightlfe sucks, but its the Strip Club Capital. Jordan probably discovered this, explaining why he's been ghost in the past episodes. Probably having daily dinners at Acropolis and the Safari Show.  
Man I have always wanted to go to Portland
Isn't the the Nike campus there????
But I didn't know it was going down like that at strip clubs up there...Intriguing
Plain and simple that fight was dumb funny
Ninjas in here over analyzing the whole situation"punks jump up to get beat down"
You know this chick is crazy(and she has warned you she gives no dambs at all) so you escalate a confrontation with her, get that *** hulled out(htown saying) then you have your girl jump her from behind
You can say whatever you want but it was punk moves all around from averey and johnny.....
The whole situation could have been dealt with cooler heads, but guaranteed if someone throws a drink on you and if you don't have kool aid running through your veins, I am pretty sure you are going to go bat **** as well
What are you talking about?

1. They should have cleaned up after the dog...that is what any normal person would have done.
2. Johnny left and came back to put a dirty tissue on her. She didn't follow him.
3. He threw the drink on her...which besides spitting on her is the ultimate form of disrespect. Before it was just verbal.

So exactly who instigated the situation? If someone throws a drink on you, what would you do? So why would you expect her to react differently?

After that, of course she was going to go off, anybody would. Like I said before, you can't set someone off, and then expect them to stop when you're finished playing or go by your rules. ha ha ha, she got a soda in her face. We got in a fight, it's no big deal we can go back to being friends now. You aren't ten.

Where are you from? Each fight you're involved in as a male, your life is on the line. You can't fight someone for a couple of minutes and think, ok it's over, because it might not be over to that dude. So you better be ready to take it there, because the next man might.

Is that you Marlon?
Saw this thread was almost 20 pages so I watched.

Disappointed :smh:

Everybody is whack in their own special way

Avery seems like one of those girls who dated the same guy all through high school and simps.

Bird :rofl:

every time they call her that I think of Sweet Dee from it's Always Sunny in Philadelphia :lol:
I think they are limited to where they can go do to zoning/permit filming issues like past seasons and Jersey Shore. Every town seems like they don't want the Real World filming there.  Definitely agree that Portland nightlfe sucks, but its the Strip Club Capital. Jordan probably discovered this, explaining why he's been ghost in the past episodes. Probably having daily dinners at Acropolis and the Safari Show.  

Might as well call the show Big Brother than if zoning restrictions pretty much limit the show to be filmed entirely within the house. I can't imagine people in Portland think this show is doing their city justice. I'd be pretty upset with MTV if they promoted a real world San Francisco, then showed a guy on the toilet, an arbitrary transition clip of the Golden Gate Bridge, then cut back to a girl feeding a dog cheetos in another corner of the same house.
Nia violated. I hate how marlon always tries to defend her and then leaves. It's going down next episode.
If you not about that life then don't be brolic

Exactly. If you're not ready to die or go to jail, then shut your mouth up! That simp Johnny is a coward. Talking all that mad crap to Nia but when things finally blow off and it's YOLO time, he puts his tail in between his leg and lets a woman abuse him like that. Then his lady had to jump in to defend his coward self! Pathetic.
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Exactly. If you're not ready to die or go to jail, then shut your mouth up! That simp Johnny is a coward. Talking all that mad crap to Nia but when things finally blow off and it's YOLO time, he puts his tail in between his leg and lets a woman abuse him like that. Then his lady had to jump in to defend his coward self! Pathetic.

I agree with Johnny being annoying and everything, but putting his tail between his legs? Was he supposed to ground and pound her? :lol:
I mentioned in another thread before, you don't hurt females, you let them hurt themselves. As they lunge at you wielding a knife, you step the side and they trip over the shoes you forgot to put up, cutting their subclavian artery and veins, then they stumble into the brand new woodchipper that happened to be plugged in at the time.
I still think Nia has a screw loose. Now I can agree to some extent that Avery And Johnny need to pick up after Daisy. Well technically Avery b/c Daisy is her dog. But that whole fight was so useless and didn't need to happen. And then Nia taking it one step further by taunting them by messing with Daisy is just childish. Both parties were wrong and neither one of them want to stand up and admit fault.

Chasing after Johnny with a blow dryer was just stupid. Johnny throwing the tissue on her was just as stupid.
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And the Avery and Johnny stuff wasn't?

Telling someone else to clean up after your dog? Throwing a drink at Nia?

They know she's crazy. Crazy people do what they do best, act crazy. That's why you avoid them or setting them off. Once you set her off, she's not going to stop when you want her to stop. They should have already learned that from the Jordan incident.

Both sides escalated the issue. You can't try and claim to be the bigger person afterwards. Being the bigger person would have been apologizing for YOUR dog and cleaning it up. That's what a normal person would have done. I think Avery and Johnny think because they are a duo, they run the house.

And simp Marlon leaving instead of trying to resolve it or stop it up :smh:

if some bish like Nia starts hitting me then im going to push her so effin hard against the wall, hoping she becomes unconscious from the impact. I watched He Got Game and I know what happened to denzel lol, but im not letting a crazy bish beat me up while I stand there doing nothing.

im 6' 185 lb and i lift, so im pretty sure I can handle that bish by pushing her against a wall
Alright so I'm actually watching this for the first time, and after that Nia/Avery scrap, I was pretty impressed that Nia's hair was real and stayed intact after all that hair-pulling.....until Avery said "you looking for something?" and dropped a pile of hair on the floor like a ton of bricks :rofl:
Alright so I'm actually watching this for the first time, and after that Nia/Avery scrap, I was pretty impressed that Nia's hair was real and stayed intact after all that hair-pulling.....until Avery said "you looking for something?" and dropped a pile of hair on the floor like a ton of bricks :rofl:
I had the exact same thought fam lol, hope this episode is good!
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