MTV's The Challenge

I’ve paid extra to see the “racy” content but it’s not yambs or anything.

When she decided to start it she said outright she wasn’t getting nekkid
So you paid for racy content and not even a nipple or 😺?? If not she scamming scamming. Hope it wasn’t more than $5-10 man.
Danny, Sarah controlling the politics :lol: this should have been legends vs mvp’s but I guess mtv didn’t want what happened on champs vs stars 3 where the stars just took complete control over the champs in their game.
Not sure if you guys have been keeping up with the Nelson situation, but he's back in the hospital for more surgeries on his foot/leg. He posted a gnarly photo. Here's a link to the Reddit thread with some comments from medical professionals on a possible prognosis.

USA 2 has potential to be great from the cast. Paulie is sooo cringe but he’s gonna bring the drama. Need to see him and banana or josh finally square up. Kellyanne in the same house with Jonna again. Amanda and fessy in the same house.
USA 2 has potential to be great from the cast. Paulie is sooo cringe but he’s gonna bring the drama. Need to see him and banana or josh finally square up. Kellyanne in the same house with Jonna again. Amanda and fessy in the same house.

Just looked up the cast.

Gonna be a bunch of shenanigans from Bananas, Wes, Fessy and Paulie.

The Nelson variant byke since it looks like the real won won't be on the Challenge for a minute.

Desi bae byke. :emoji_heart_eyes:
Just looked up the cast.

Gonna be a bunch of shenanigans from Bananas, Wes, Fessy and Paulie.

The Nelson variant byke since it looks like the real won won't be on the Challenge for a minute.

Desi bae byke. :emoji_heart_eyes:
Paulie and josh almost threw hands at one of the reunions after it filmed.

Cara and paulie also blame bananas for trying to black list them from events and the show.

Then there is the rumor cara hasn’t been casted cause they want tori to be new face of the challenge girls not cara.

Paulie got a target on him from day 0. He and Amanda won’t be playing for the win they are there to start **** and get ratings.

Hope this is not pairs and more like war of the words 2. 2 teams mtv vs cbs but you can leave your team and join the other if you win an elimination.

Edit: the disrespect to Cory lol. He was on the challenge first and actually wins more than Nelson.
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Probably a good indication that some of the people that participated in world champs and USA 2 won’t be on 39 since it films in June a month after USA wraps. Wouldn’t expect to see Wes, bananas, tori. But do expect to see Cara, laurel, Theo, Jenny, Kyle, Jordan, devin, kaycee and maybe some world champ mvps on 39.
USA 2 may be on paramount plus only and that’s why they have mtv people on it. The early writing is on the wall for this series. USA, world championship, all stars, and the main show aren’t drawing anymore except for like a episode or 2 each season
USA 2 may be on paramount plus only and that’s why they have mtv people on it. The early writing is on the wall for this series. USA, world championship, all stars, and the main show aren’t drawing anymore except for like a episode or 2 each season
Yep I think this whole World Championship concept doesn't get renewed as it seems the other series outside the US didn't do so well ratings wise. Having All Stars, USA and a main show doesn't seem sustainable either. I'm still surprised they don't just move the main to Paramount Plus though. Only reason I watch regular MTV anymore is for The Challenge and it really bums me out when they censor the language when we have the other ones on Paramount uncensored.
Yep I think this whole World Championship concept doesn't get renewed as it seems the other series outside the US didn't do so well ratings wise. Having All Stars, USA and a main show doesn't seem sustainable either. I'm still surprised they don't just move the main to Paramount Plus though. Only reason I watch regular MTV anymore is for The Challenge and it really bums me out when they censor the language when we have the other ones on Paramount uncensored.
The rumor is for season 40 or 41 the challenge will be on cbs or paramount plus. Challenge USA 2 being paramount plus only doesn’t look like they will be on cable tv going forward. Viacom has been shifting multiple series from vh1 to mtv and they aren’t done yet. I blame the vacation alliance ( Tori, devin, Josh, anessa, fessy, nany, kaycee and sometimes bananas and Jordan by association) for the steep ratings decline and talks of canceling the show. They play such a boring game to be called back every year not for drama or entertainment.

Man’s did a good break down on why the last few seasons have sucked
Tori exposing herself during world champs. Ok to be loyal but to vote for your own team twice is down right ****ing stupid. She’s not as good as people make her out to be. Jenny, kaycee, kam >>>>tori.

Also Danny, Sarah, kellyanne and Jodi carrying this spinoff and need to be on the main show. They providing the goods the main show has been missing for like 4 seasons now.
Tori really annoying with "I can't vote for my friends!" shtick.

Even Jordan knew what the deal was.

Working herself into a shoot using her own team as burn vote,
Dan Renzi did an impromptu AMA tonight. Lots of good info, especially about Inferno II. Mainly, he was supposed to be on the Good Guys tea, and Darrell was on the other. Dan asked to switch so that's how Darrell ended up on the Good Guys.

Also, apparently all seven of RW Miami were ready to do Real World Homecoming, but New Orleans got bad ratings (thanks to Julie) and it got canceled.
Has the thread died!?!? Anyways did you guys watch the World Championship Final yet? I had a feeling Jordan and Kaz were going to win as they were best conditioned for the endurance and Jordan tends to get the best out of his partners in a final. What an upgrade from Aneesa to Kaz haha. Here's to hoping we get to see more of Kaz in future seasons.

Went to the Challenge Mania event in Seattle today. Met Derrick, Darrell, Mark Long, Kendall and special guest...AVIV! (Fresh Meat winner with Darrell)


Darrell. Hilarious. I got him to say "Infuerno" to my camera. I also asked him about the time he said in a confessional "I'm the only black person on this team, so I gotta run like I'm a runaway slave". He said "yep, sounds about right". Also, do not bring up The Ruins with him. He ducked that talk.

Mark Long, aka The Godfather. Talked to him multiple times. Honestly, a really nice dude. I was second in line to get into the venue, and when he walked by, I said "it's the Godfather!" and he gave me a huge bear hug. He's jacked, but not really that tall. He's about 6'2". I asked him about All Stars 4. He said it'll air in October. Paramount is spreading its unscripted stuff to make up for the writers strike. We knew this, but it's official now. He said the season is wild, but it may just be Mark being Mark.

Kendall...what a sweetheart. She actually lives around the Seattle area. She had a couple of her kids with her. She is TINY. Like, really small. She does the shaved head look well though. She was so nice. I mentioned how I'd rewatched Inferno a few years back and thought "whatever happened to Kendall?". Then, All Stars happened and I told her "holy crap, you live near me!" She thought it was hilarious. Again, a total sweetheart.

Aviv. I said hi, that was it. She and Darrell are still very close. She's also tiny. Like, about five feet tall.

Derrick was amazing. He was constantly high fiving and shaking hands with people. He was rocking a powder blue Griffey jersey (they're in town for All-Star stuff as well). I said "bro, where's the Gauntlet 2 blue knit hat to match?" He said "I know, I know, I just don't have it anymore". I also told him that I would never want to pole wrestle with him, and he said "bro, I lost that TWICE! You might have a chance!" I asked him how bad CT smells, and if that's his secret to success, and he ran off laughing to Mark. He said "nobody has ever asked me that!" He said the houses generally smell like garbage, so it's hard to isolate BO, but he said CT has his moments of funk and is one of the smelliest dudes. I shared a story about Leroy taking care of me in Vegas at a nightclub, and Derrick immediately took a photo of me and sent it to Leroy, and said "your boy says 'thanks for that night in Vegas'". Leroy responded immediately, and said, "I take care of my fans". I gained a lot of respect for Derrick today. He cares about the fans. He took at least five minutes with every group that visited with him. He would have one group, but then seat the next group in the "batter's box" because he wanted the interaction between him and other fans.

Thanks for listening to my Challenge TED Talk.
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