My wife just got sexually harassed...

In the Cybersecurity field, they do back ground checks and one small thing can stop u from getting hired/advancing.

With that being said, this dude aint worth it for me to lose my paper. Im leaving this for karma to handle.

Unless you dmv goons want him...
My assumption is that they are doing their due diligence with the intent of still getting rid of him and to cover their butt so he can't sue and say he was fired without even being heard out.
Makes sense. It sounds like she's going alone? She needs a witness there on her behalf imo.
Glad to hear that HR is now involved and they told her to stay home. Hopefully this concludes in her favor.
yea this is what i thought

it be one thing when you accidentally touch someone you right away say oh im sorry but it sounds like he didnt apologize right after

accidental touching does happen though i remember one time a few years back i fell face first into a ladys *** at the grocery store **** was mad embarrassing but she knew it was an accident and asked if i was ok

like everyone said wait for things to be resolved then lit that ***** up
How do you fall face first in ***?? :rofl:
I work at a law firm that deals with cases like this. Tell your girl not to sign anything unless its been read by an attorney. The last thing the company wants is a law suit and they will do almost anything to prevent that. Even making your girl look bad. They will try to find dirt on her and try to prove that shes looking for something (money).

Not saying she has dirt, but companies are dirty man and some times more than others, they succeed in making someone look bad to protect a manager. Let me know if you have any questions.

Good luck to your girl, I hope things turn out to her favor. Make sure she keeps everything and notes everything. Including, whos been texting her, called her, emailed her ever since the incident.
more context is needed

were they the only two around as to where there was no reason he needed to be that close in the first place

or did he have to squeeze by her in a tight space and he really could have accidently brushed her with something

if it was my wife i probably wouldnt care either but from the outside looking in unless he has prior incidents i dont see why he would just grab her ***

not tryna troll but there might be more to the story here no disrespect


Yall need to READ what i post in here, since yall want "more info".

Earlier in this thread i mentioned this hallway not being small or tight at all. Its like a high school hallway type ish, man.

And idk why yall confused or not understanding the "order of events." She is going to meet with the guy from HR to talk about what happened. Its part of the investigation.And then the guy goes to the manager to get his side of the story...they gotta be fair which is common sense.
Now the aftermath of that meeting will determine our next step with this.

Idk where or how yall seeing "theres more to the story"

djaward djaward
For tomorrow's meeting, you think i should go or have her go solo and let them hash it out on their own? Ill pass along the message to not sign nada incase they do ask her to.

Yall need to READ what i post in here, since yall want "more info".

Earlier in this thread i mentioned this hallway not being small or tight at all. Its like a high school hallway type ish, man.

And idk why yall confused or not understanding the "order of events." She is going to meet with the guy from HR to talk about what happened. Its part of the investigation.And then the guy goes to the manager to get his side of the story...they gotta be fair which is common sense.
Now the aftermath of that meeting will determine our next step with this.

Idk where or how yall seeing "theres more to the story"

djaward djaward
For tomorrow's meeting, you think i should go or have her go solo and let them hash it out on their own? Ill pass along the message to not sign nada incase they do ask her to.
When we meet with clients, we usually dont let 'boy friends, significant others" meet with the attorney. We only allow husbands.

Since its just HR, you can go with your girl for support. But because you weren't there when it happened and you dont work there, anything you say is just an opinion and doesnt matter.

Your girl needs to tell HR everything the guy has ever done. Has the guy ever made her feel uncomfortable? i.e. starred, made inappropriate comments, send perverted text messages or email, etc. Anything and everything could help. If they ask her "How come you didnt come forward before", she needs to reply with, "I was afraid of losing my job" instead of "I dont know".

Just tell your girl to be strong and hold nothing back against dude.

Yall need to READ what i post in here, since yall want "more info".

Earlier in this thread i mentioned this hallway not being small or tight at all. Its like a high school hallway type ish, man.

And idk why yall confused or not understanding the "order of events." She is going to meet with the guy from HR to talk about what happened. Its part of the investigation.And then the guy goes to the manager to get his side of the story...they gotta be fair which is common sense.
Now the aftermath of that meeting will determine our next step with this.

Idk where or how yall seeing "theres more to the story"

djaward djaward
For tomorrow's meeting, you think i should go or have her go solo and let them hash it out on their own? Ill pass along the message to not sign nada incase they do ask her to.

youre right i misread it and thought she was meeting the actual boss who did it

i wish u the best
Op I’m sorry this happened to your wife. Those who are advising to lawyer up and go through HR are 100% right BUT...

Your wife was emotionally distraught and you as her husband it is your duty to protect her. The lawyer’s and HR, all they care about is the money at the end of the day and as I imagine you are seeing, this is about to be a process. The best way to get to a man, is through his pride. The whole company knows about this situation on top of this. I’m not suggesting you put hands on dude (you can and would not be in the wrong) but coming up to your girls job and asking to speak to the manager 1 on 1 I feel like would ENSURE he doesn’t do this to your wife or anyone going forward. He won’t turn down your offer to speak to him because he’s gonna know what you’re up there for and all eyes are gonna be on him since he swears he’s innocent. Pull him to the side and give him a STERN talking to. Have a recorder running on your phone just in case he tries to go back and say you threatened his life (of course don’t do that) but I promise you he won’t look your wife’s way ever again and it will give your wife solace in terms of working there if she still continues to work there. And of course this is all while HR is doing there due diligence.
Op I’m sorry this happened to your wife. Those who are advising to lawyer up and go through HR are 100% right BUT...

Your wife was emotionally distraught and you as her husband it is your duty to protect her. The lawyer’s and HR, all they care about is the money at the end of the day and as I imagine you are seeing, this is about to be a process. The best way to get to a man, is through his pride. The whole company knows about this situation on top of this. I’m not suggesting you put hands on dude (you can and would not be in the wrong) but coming up to your girls job and asking to speak to the manager 1 on 1 I feel like would ENSURE he doesn’t do this to your wife or anyone going forward. He won’t turn down your offer to speak to him because he’s gonna know what you’re up there for and all eyes are gonna be on him since he swears he’s innocent. Pull him to the side and give him a STERN talking to. Have a recorder running on your phone just in case he tries to go back and say you threatened his life (of course don’t do that) but I promise you he won’t look your wife’s way ever again and it will give your wife solace in terms of working there if she still continues to work there. And of course this is all while HR is doing there due diligence.
While going to her job to give him a "stern" talking to as if he's a child will only make matters worse.
wash this dude up son.

theres goons out there willing to beat the breaks off him for 2 8ths and a $30 bottle of ciroc.

karma will get him but it wouldnt hurt to hasten the process.

but yes speak to lawyers first. and consider looking for a new job for your wife. your kids will be alright, they gonna eat. easy for me to say but peace of mind >

your balls and your word are all you have in this life. stand by your woman and make sure she feels protected. aint saying go beat his bum ash up but maybe break his arms or cut his fingers off to make sure he aint doing that again for a while.

im half joking but basically saying the man needs to get punishment.
While going to her job to give him a "stern" talking to as if he's a child will only make matters worse.

Why is that though. No threats. You just ask his account of what happened and explain that you’re up there because your wife means a lot to you. You can even throw a slight jab by saying “you have 5 sister and 3 daughter, I’m sure you understand”. You look him in the eye like a man and tell him you don’t want to have to come back up here because your wife is in tears and I’m confident in the boss tightening up as well as OP’s wife feeling some sense of comfort in the work place again.
This is the reason some chicks like thugs and dudes that offer nothing. They don't mind raising hell and going to jail. A respectable man with a career and children can't go that route though.
Reminds me of the Terrence Howard, pull over, scene in CRASH.

The man feels helpless
Reminds me of the Terrence Howard, pull over, scene in CRASH.

The man feels helpless
Nah he was a ban in that situation
He ain’t even go to the police station to report it
They got cameras on the cop car
Dude and his wife woulda for sure got paid
He was just a sucka in that movie
Why is that though. No threats. You just ask his account of what happened and explain that you’re up there because your wife means a lot to you. You can even throw a slight jab by saying “you have 5 sister and 3 daughter, I’m sure you understand”. You look him in the eye like a man and tell him you don’t want to have to come back up here because your wife is in tears and I’m confident in the boss tightening up as well as OP’s wife feeling some sense of comfort in the work place again.
That's what the HR guy is going up there for, to talk to him and possibly terminate him.
I'm torn when it comes to the response being given here.

I want to say that too many of y'all's manhood is tied to intimidation, aggression, and fear. I get the feeling that you as a man "need" to go and talk to dude and make your presence known but that's some machismo ish that in this case ain't gon help nothing. It sounds good and is something that you can go back to the homies and tout how you "set him straight" but if that "stern talk" comes off as a threat to the manager you just threw ya girl's career in the trash.

I'm torn because I had a situation similar to this last year with my wife:
My wife's company apparently has a reputation to be kinda rude to workers at this fast food chain by my wife's job and one day she ordered food through the drive thru after asking for some soup with less broth and more noodles cause last time she got soup it was filled a bit too high and she spilled some. But when she got to the window they didn't follow her request. My wife wanted them to fix her container the way she requested and the chick at the drive thru had the manager to tell her that they weren't going to do it. Now my wife can be a lil hot headed so she went off of dude and he decided he needed to rush outside and snap a picture of her license plate and go to her job and issue a formal complaint about her. She calls me pissed off and tells me about it so I ask her, "What you want me to do, you want me to beat em up?" Of course she said yea, so I leave work and head that way.

Now when I get there I ask to speak to the manager and he walks out and it's a frail 50-60 year old dude. I'm 6'3 250 so I'm like I'm not about to fight this lil old dude, so I ask dude to sit down and hear his side. Which did nothing but irritate me because a simple task like scooping out some of the broth could have resolved all of this but dude wanted to put his foot down about it. After our lil convo was done he handed me his card and I looked at his name and I recognized the last name. After sharing with him that fact and asked if he had family in a specific area he told me his pops was from that state. After that dude was suddenly willing to squash it. Told him I need some time to consider my options and left. No problems arose from my wife's HR.

For me it did have some positive effects so it may hold weight but in this case I'd lean WAY toward let the company handle it because it's a very sensitive situation especially considering the #MeToo movement
^^ It’s not even about machismo, it’s about protecting the security of your family. You were ready to step to dude and he didn’t even put his hands on your wife, and you still were able to square the situation away. Like I mentioned to OP, don’t threaten him and have a recorder on your phone running while you converse just in case he tries to put words in your mouth and say you said something different but OP doesn’t sound like he’s hurting for money and even if he isn’t him and his family are damn sure entitled to some after this situation but legalities are slow to be realized. The most important thing is his wife’s mental state and state of comfort in a place where she earns ends meat. She needs to know that she is loved and supported by people close to her right now. Op as her husband has to be the front runner in supporting that.
^^ It’s not even about machismo, it’s about protecting the security of your family. You were ready to step to dude and he didn’t even put his hands on your wife, and you still were able to square the situation away. Like I mentioned to OP, don’t threaten him and have a recorder on your phone running while you converse just in case he tries to put words in your mouth and say you said something different but OP doesn’t sound like he’s hurting for money and even if he isn’t him and his family are damn sure entitled to some after this situation but legalities are slow to be realized. The most important thing is his wife’s mental state and state of comfort in a place where she earns ends meat. She needs to know that she is loved and supported by people close to her right now. Op as her husband has to be the front runner in supporting that.

It's machismo because feel like if you don't do it, it will reflect your short coming in being able to protect your family. I got lucky that I knew a family that shares his last name.

Even thought I was able to "square" things away it could have been detrimental to my wife and her employment. My one situation isn't enough to say "Yea, do what he did."
I feel OP needs to make sure that his wife's needs are met more than his need to concrete his authority in the family. If she wants him to let the company handle it and not talk to dude, let it be that way because as nice as it would be to say "I stepped to dude" if she wanted him to chill, he should have chilled.
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