Myspace angles done got me.

I do see it, and you're right not everyone will find her attractive, but she's not a dog. I only responded the way I did because I don't go solely based off looks. I go by the person in totality.  And I do see your point, and others'. I get it, we are a society based off what we see, that's natural, but some of us need to see beyond that. I guess it comes with age. She is a pretty girl facial wise, that's all I know because it's what I see. Who knows what she is like beyond that? She could be a real dummy for all I care. I don't like going back and forth online because it's pointless. I simply made an observation and when you have your own individual opinion here, people have the second grade cafeteria mentality with their endless comments and "step your game up", doesn't really affect me, but it just shows the demographic I'm in. I just turned 29 and based off comments of some, I feel almost 20 years older than some one here 

@Sloane Kettering, well said, it did read that way. But like I said people have their preferences.
I do see it, and you're right not everyone will find her attractive, but she's not a dog. I only responded the way I did because I don't go solely based off looks. I go by the person in totality.  And I do see your point, and others'. I get it, we are a society based off what we see, that's natural, but some of us need to see beyond that. I guess it comes with age. She is a pretty girl facial wise, that's all I know because it's what I see. Who knows what she is like beyond that? She could be a real dummy for all I care. I don't like going back and forth online because it's pointless. I simply made an observation and when you have your own individual opinion here, people have the second grade cafeteria mentality with their endless comments and "step your game up", doesn't really affect me, but it just shows the demographic I'm in. I just turned 29 and based off comments of some, I feel almost 20 years older than some one here 

@Sloane Kettering, well said, it did read that way. But like I said people have their preferences.
Yeah ya'll needa calm down, she's fat but i'd beat/date and be ok, %$*% ain't all over the place y'know? Doesn't change the fact that she's fat though, and i can see where dudes would be turned off. Talking all this %$*% though irl i'd prolly dip faster than she does at the company potluck.
Yeah ya'll needa calm down, she's fat but i'd beat/date and be ok, %$*% ain't all over the place y'know? Doesn't change the fact that she's fat though, and i can see where dudes would be turned off. Talking all this %$*% though irl i'd prolly dip faster than she does at the company potluck.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now its unrealistic to want a in shape chick? %$#% out of here...

she has a pretty face and if certain guys are attracted to her shape thats fine but lets not act like @$+@!% should fall over themselves cuz her face pretty...

i'm really blown so many of you are passing her for thick...i wasn't gonna say anything cuz i'm really trying not to bash other women cuz i don't like when girls do that but lets be for real...she's %%%**!* fat...look at her stomach...her really hard to believe someone one wouldnt be attracted to that?

she knew what she was doing w/that profile pic...

again i'm not trying to bash her but its not hard to believe why someone WOULDNT be attracted to her..
Plenty of dudes try to pass fat as thick. When I tell dudes I won't smash, they say I'm scared of a lil thickness. She got a regular upper body with elephant legs.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now its unrealistic to want a in shape chick? %$#% out of here...

she has a pretty face and if certain guys are attracted to her shape thats fine but lets not act like @$+@!% should fall over themselves cuz her face pretty...

i'm really blown so many of you are passing her for thick...i wasn't gonna say anything cuz i'm really trying not to bash other women cuz i don't like when girls do that but lets be for real...she's %%%**!* fat...look at her stomach...her really hard to believe someone one wouldnt be attracted to that?

she knew what she was doing w/that profile pic...

again i'm not trying to bash her but its not hard to believe why someone WOULDNT be attracted to her..
Plenty of dudes try to pass fat as thick. When I tell dudes I won't smash, they say I'm scared of a lil thickness. She got a regular upper body with elephant legs.
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by drop knee 101

Originally Posted by beh235

NT showing it's colors 
. She would get it. End of Story.

if showing colors means not wanting to bang fat chicks, yeah ur right

@ people in here getting offended that no one wants to admit wanting an obese woman.....atleast not sober and definitely not out in the open with it.

Not offended at all. Just standards are unrealistically high. But silly me, what do I expect from a message board? We're all perfect right? Maybe it's cultural, but some people make it seem like she's 300lbs. Preferences are preferences, whatever...

i wouldn't say that standards are unrealistically high, i'd say that they aren't unrealistically low
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by drop knee 101

Originally Posted by beh235

NT showing it's colors 
. She would get it. End of Story.

if showing colors means not wanting to bang fat chicks, yeah ur right

@ people in here getting offended that no one wants to admit wanting an obese woman.....atleast not sober and definitely not out in the open with it.

Not offended at all. Just standards are unrealistically high. But silly me, what do I expect from a message board? We're all perfect right? Maybe it's cultural, but some people make it seem like she's 300lbs. Preferences are preferences, whatever...

i wouldn't say that standards are unrealistically high, i'd say that they aren't unrealistically low
lulz @ the people in denial. Chick is not thick, she's fat guys. Or Phat to make you guys feel better.
Would i smash. Absolutely, Im a chubby chaser and i like being smothered 1/2 to death (i have weird fetishes, sue me)
but don't act like she's "thick" and wouldn't be better off loosing a couple pounds in the long run.
lulz @ the people in denial. Chick is not thick, she's fat guys. Or Phat to make you guys feel better.
Would i smash. Absolutely, Im a chubby chaser and i like being smothered 1/2 to death (i have weird fetishes, sue me)
but don't act like she's "thick" and wouldn't be better off loosing a couple pounds in the long run.
The dudes saying they wouldnt smash are afraid they can't handle a women of that size..Its ok I would *ludacris* MASH IT UP *Ludacris*
The dudes saying they wouldnt smash are afraid they can't handle a women of that size..Its ok I would *ludacris* MASH IT UP *Ludacris*
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