NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

gamestop midnight in BK..
Originally Posted by bredin808

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by bballah3

PS3 League forthcoming?

I hope so, wouldn't mind getting into one

here's my PSN: das_tallboy

PSN: Dynamics416

whose gonna create the league? 


I already created a ps3 league, check the first page.  I'll sign y'all up. 

I chose the Wizards already. 

add me Walt_thizzney

we got to do fantasy draft though real rosters is BS
Class and work from 930 am to 730 pm tomorrow... 3 Tests next week and 1 the week after....

2K might just ruin everything.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Class and work from 930 am to 730 pm tomorrow... 3 Tests next week and 1 the week after....

2K might just ruin everything.

 For real. Homework and tests don't mean @#$# when 2K comes out. 
Originally Posted by Twig1026

Is it me or are all the ranked games disconnecting?

Servers will be a mess for the first few hours. Goes with any big games online component. Hopefully its ironed out.

Getting mine after work tomorrow.
fml. my xbox is at my moms in sf. and i got no car to drive there. im really not trying to cop the inferior ps3 version. lol.
Why's it so had to make jumpshots . I've made 5 3pts in game of the 20+ games I've played
Why's it so had to make jumpshots . I've made 5 3pts in game of the 20+ games I've played
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

fml. my xbox is at my moms in sf. and i got no car to drive there. im really not trying to cop the inferior ps3 version. lol.
Take BART, haha.
i still cant decide which system to get it for since i have both 
i wanna get it for ps3 since my ps3 is hooked up to my room 

the 360 is in the living room and the folks would get 
 with me hoggin the tv all day

i really hope the ps3 isnt much of a downgrade as everyone says plus its free online
going to gamestop right when it opens to pick it up at 10am. i got class at 12:30 tho -______- then again at 6:30 -__________-
If you have both get the 360 version. The small differences make it that much better on that system, it's been said here and on other forums. Or play both demo's to see for yourself.
About 25 people in line at my 24 hr walmart.. Midnight comes around 2 guys that work there come out and say sorry we apologize we didn't get the game in

I was heated.. then we found out the gamestop less than a mile away was doing a midnight release... everyone just went over there.. they had plenty of copies

Really like the game a lot so far
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