NBA WILL Have Sponsors' Ads On Jerseys In 2013-14 Season

so the jerseys are gonna look like what the Argentinas jerseys are looking like right now? If so then :x





All from InsideHoops
But seriously, I'd be ok if the fans were getting something out of this. Lower ticket prices ain't gonna happen, jersey prices aren't either. Now selling out and messing with the jerseys, as if there's not enough ads in every nba arena or game on tv

Only a matter of time

I wish they would go back to allowing teams to choose their equipment sponsors though, so we could get Nike jerseys
That and This is a more likely idea of THE MAX anyone will see. No ad overload. It's not the end of the world, especially after the League was crying about money during the lockout. This should be NO surprise.
I think it's a terrible idea. I won't buy any of these jerseys with the patches. Then again the new jerseys are also OD long and basically jersey dresses so I'm not buying these regardless.
Wait why are they okay for soccer but not NBA? I swear some of you dudes are complaining just for the sake of complaining
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That's so lame:rofl: :smh:

In soccer it doesn't matter as much because of how far away the camera is, in addition to tradition.
You know damn well any and all revenue will go into the pockets of the owners. You gotta be crazy if you think anything else.

EDIT: Does the NBL have no sense of team name innovation? 36'ers? C'mon now

1836 was when the great city of Adelaide (my hometown) was founded. That's why they're called the 36'ers.
Wait why are they okay for soccer but not NBA? I swear some of you dudes are complaining just for the sake of complaining
Did you read any of the thread? You can't compare the two. Also, up until now, the major American leagues held their uniforms to a higher standard.
I truly hope that this will be at each NBA team's discretion.

I can't see this ever happening with teams who's iconic logo alone is globally known, i.e. Lakers, Knicks, Celtics, Bulls etc..
I truly hope that this will be at each NBA team's discretion.
I can't see this ever happening with teams who's iconic logo alone is globally known, i.e. Lakers, Knicks, Celtics, Bulls etc..
Don't bet the house on that prediction. All teams like new money. Just because they don't necessarily need the money doesn't mean they won't take it.
Did you read any of the thread? You can't compare the two. Also, up until now, the major American leagues held their uniforms to a higher standard.
But that's what I'm wondering. Why can't you compare the two? Manchester United's jerseys are still held in the highest esteem around the world even with AON and \AIG advertisements. It didn't hurt their brand, and they got some money for it. Also, franchises can use the money to update their facilities and create a better experience for fans. 
The NBA is not broke this is so unnecessary. there's enough ads in the arenas and on TV. don't need to tarnish a jersey with an ad. when does it stop? the four major sports shouldn't be taking their uniform ideas from foreign sports. i swear if any league adopts it, i'm done with that sport.
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