Need some advice on my relationship

...but you already have your answer, why do you need NTs comfirmation?
drop. its like being laid off. its sucks but you kinda feel relieved after a while.

doesnt matter if you get old. as long as your successful, women will are fine with settling with an older guy.

doesnt really work the other way around though lol.

dont force yourself to settle.
I already ended it last night, maybe it wasnt that clear in the 1st post or something. Not looking for confirmation or anything on my decisions, just wanted to know if anyone had anything like this happen to them. Its just hard to go through something like that with a woman that at one point you saw yourself marrying. Complicated to understand if you haven't been there I guess. I don't see it ever going back to the way it was and I'm just gonna keep it movin
My man, what NT is referring to is your wishy-washy language. You don't sound certain, even though you've ended it.

1) You were ENGAGED
2) while ENGAGED, she had SEX with ANOTHER MAN!

There's nothing more to wrap your head around, and that's what you're looking for. You want something to grasp on that gives this situation hope or anything. But there's NOTHING. THIS IS OVER. Plus if you took her back anyway, you'd have set one hell of a precedent for the relationship.

You have to accept it & start the healing process. Get the ring & get her entirely out of your life. It doesn't matter now; it's over, there is no going back.

The next step will then be to heal. But you can't start to heal until you accept it's over. We're here for ya
I don't think women realize alcohol is a poor excuse. We all been drunk, but there's a difference between choosing to smash a mud duck when you're single vs a friend while you're engaged. Ultimately you know what you're doing.
Originally Posted by yomegaaa

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

damn I hate hearing things like this. OP what can I tell you man...your heated and it's understandable. But when you say she was with another you mean physically or just in the presence of another dude? I don't try and do the guesswork in someone else's problems...but if physicality was involved thats kinda hard to just shrug off.

I'd like to tell you to stay calm when dealing with her but that's up to you. If it was me I'd be hurt like no other but i'd get my ring back, pick up the pieces and reassemble them as quickly as possible.

Another thing...don't let these responses you get make you more heated than you already are. I mean this girl was with you for a while and there was something about you that made her stick around so if she *%%%+% up thats on her...

Yea she basically had a one night stand with some guy after going out drinking with her friends. Trust is hard to rebuild and I honestly don't think there is anything that can be done to repair it. I'm just really heated that she is capable of doing something so stupid and throw away everything we had because she made a "mistake." 4 years down the drain
well you could go the revenge route (see bottom of 1st page of this thread) could just get your stuff, leave on a good note and wait for her to schmooze her way back into her life to smash and dash.  But it's hard not to get emotional during something like getting angry and blowing up on a #%%$%.
Whatever route you choose, make it solo.  I can never understand when people who developed a relationship for years can just take a break and go sleep with someone's like unfathomable to me.  But people are cold these days.  Don't stress it OP take it as a lesson learned.  Don't try and 1 up this girl because if you try too hard you could lose more.  Take your time and plan your comeback.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I don't think women realize alcohol is a poor excuse. We all been drunk, but there's a difference between choosing to smash a mud duck when you're single vs a friend while you're engaged. Ultimately you know what you're doing.

Exactly, I never understood when people say it lowers your inhibitions.  Fine you become slightly more loose if you're uptight and do some stuff that you wouldn't normally do.  But, the fact that you lower your inhibitions to do something like cheat I just cant phantom because no matter how drunk I've ever gotten and a girl came onto me while I was in a relationship I could always say no without even a slight sense of regret.  Well that is until I ended up breaking up with the then said girlfriend.
As much as they talk about men being dogs these women are durrrr teee out here. Even the good, quiet, shy types fall victim once they get exposed to a certain lifestyle.

I keep seeing it over and over. It's sad really.
I don't get what dudes think are going to happen when you take time apart. In a relationship if one of the people suggest taking time apart that person wants to #!%! someone else without feeling guilty
Honestly its the best thing that could of happen to you brah, you got a chance to see how untrustworthy she really is early before you guys tied the knot ( or had kids).

Take it as a good thing and keep it moving. i know its a bit cliche but there's plenty fish in the sea so dont sweat it.
Dead her. Throw 10 jagers to the dome and go out with your buddies
Originally Posted by jm2000

Dead her. Throw 10 jagers to the dome and go out with your buddies

Thats like throwing a band-aid on a point blank shotgun wound.

That really really really really really sucks tho man. Stories like this really lower my expectations for a successful marriage even tho I know they shouldn't. Silver lining in all this is that she at least was honest and told you about it. Could've happened much further down the road when there was more invested, and thats not to say 4 years isn't. Damn bro....
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by jm2000

Dead her. Throw 10 jagers to the dome and go out with your buddies

Thats like throwing a band-aid on a point blank shotgun wound.

That really really really really really sucks tho man. Stories like this really lower my expectations for a successful marriage even tho I know they shouldn't. Silver lining in all this is that she at least was honest and told you about it. Could've happened much further down the road when there was more invested, and thats not to say 4 years isn't. Damn bro....

Can't lose hope really as you have to always be open minded and optimistic.  But at the same time be realistic and understand the potential difficulties so you don't get suckered into something that you'll end up regretting later on.
I would keep having sex with her, but start playing the field.

That is only if you can handle not getting emotionally attached though.
This dude really said they were apart 2 weeks and shorty was getting loose for a dude. Your girl is a jump OP, no way around it
Damn op, Im mad for you. Give a woman 3+ plus years of your life and they throw it all away within hours. Whatever you do dont take that !@#%* back, cut off all interactions. Itll probably be rough at first, but dont forget its her lost. Stay up bruh, plenty of fish in the sea.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

-Log off NT.
-Proceed to Ex's home address
-Forcefully relieve Ex of engagement ring.
-Cut off all communication with Ex.
-Live life to the fullest.

How i wish this was still an option for myself.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

-Log off NT.
-Proceed to Ex's home address
-Forcefully relieve Ex of engagement ring.
-Cut off all communication with Ex.
-Live life to the fullest.
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