Never steal NT....FML.

eh, i stole and sold with my roommate freshman year, over $1000/semester selling walmart goods.
Yeah I pretty much stopped, unless its the dollar store and I just take a hand full of candy no one cares there lol I

almost got caught once in wal mart too for taking MP3 players we used to take it and just sell them, so we went once and there was only 1 left my friend took it and didn't notice the undercover following us for the past 5 mins
Took us to the back got ours names and everything but he let me go cause I didn't have anything on me but my friend with me got banned from the mall for 1 year
least they didn't call my parents though
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

You probably would have gotten away with it if you weren't lookin like a foo wif yo pants on tha groun! Gold in ya mouf! Hat turn'd sideways!......

I lol'd

but like daytona said

You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
I've never stole anything in my life.

I didn't think that was something to be proud of until reading this thread.

who remembers that young cat that use to steal tons of hi end stuff...son got caught like 3 times and still kept stealing
Originally Posted by 23kidd

some people cant read...I said I was 19 a few pages back. My parents raised me quite well actually, got me everything I wanted, treated me with love and care and everything else a good parent would do.

But like I said, this is all on me, Im not asking for any one to feel sorry for me or nothing, just wanna inform NT to not to steal...simple as that.

But i can guarantee you, my stealing days are over...

Your whole post is +@%%%#+#.

You want to inform NT to not steal?!?  Ohhhhh, well thank you so much.  I had always thought that stealing was perfectly acceptable but now that I hear your story, I know differently.

Youre such a savior.
Niketalk were everyone:

never steals
eats steak rare
likes eggs runny
drives bmws
dates supemodels
tips 1000%
have macbook pros

i did the exact same thing but at sports authority

me and my boi stoled some football gloves to play tackle football later on that eveening we pay for a football to see like we are really there to buy somethin

when we walk out were like easyy money

sooner a later some undercover cop looking like a regular custumer comes out and says HEY we look back and son drops hes badge and then we went to jail
ever since then i never stoled anything and everytime i go to a store it feel like im being watch.
Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

Niketalk were everyone:

never steals
eats steak rare
likes eggs runny
drives bmws
dates supemodels
tips 1000%
have macbook pros

no one is perfect and you can't change the past, spare me the sermon.

now that i'm older and see the bigger picture, i try to warn the youngin's not to make the same mistakes i did...they may not get lucky like me.

seriously, in the grand scheme of things, its really not worth it.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Wow, I don't think I could ever steal. I always have some type of phobia when walking through alarm systems. Like... I hate when your issh is paid for, but you know.. they forget to scan the stuff all the way and you walk out and the alarm goes off? I have the sense that's ALWAYS going to happen

i got that same phobia too

Wow dude. They have like 50 cameras there dude. I guess you didnt ninja your way out of there good enough.
what a loser...

theives are some of the lowest people on earth... real talk... u should change ur ways cuz karma is a %+#@!...
My friends as of late have been stealing numerous things such as burberry clothing, Versace pants, etc from Nordstorm.....I keep telling them watch out, your luck will run out soon.....

I feel guilty too, my friend gave me a $295 Burberry fleece for 30 bucks, it was too good of a deal to pass up even if it was stolen
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I used to work for that store. Depending on laws in your state, they won't press charges and will just give you a trespassing warning if it was not over a certain amount. Here, that amount was something like $1,000. And the "they can get double to triple" was probably what they can claim on their insurance for stolen merchandise.

When I got pulled a while ago...the extra money was for "hours of pursuit" or the man hours or time used to pursue the suspect..

stole 90 had to pay about 400...

They send it to some outside law firm and you can set up a payment plan and I dont even pay on time..
  mine is about 40 a month

I been paying since last year.. Plus I got to keep the stuff I stole and i hit them up next week for sumthin different to get my money back ....

I wont do anything for a while tho..
i was banned from kmart at the age of 10 for stealing Pokemon toys, as well as Walgreens
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by SoleAsian

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Turns out hes been spying me ever since I was returning the jeans,
because I didnt have the receipt for them
false.  i remember seeing your pic.  the real reason they had you on their UAV was because you look arab


that's messed up
it really is...same way they keep their hawk on black people in high end stores

this gets me pissed off. they look at me and follow me just cuz im black... like !+@... i told this white %!$@+ one time to stop looking at me. its funny cuz even the black women do it there... and i #+*$#$! hate black older women with a passion and old black dudes.....
$@$! gets me #+*$#$! pissed off..........

im mad now.
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
yup ...basically
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