New Penny Hardaway Phoenix Suns Foamposite 1 for 2013

u coppin?

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How the hell does the white paper in the shoe boxes yellow shoes? Drys them out?

paper turns yellow as it ages/oxidizes... notebook paper, newspaper, etc

the easiest solution is to toss the shoes inside of a gallon ziplock back (dont seal) so its not touching anything except for the plastic.
paper turns yellow as it ages/oxidizes... notebook paper, newspaper, etc

the easiest solution is to toss the shoes inside of a gallon ziplock back (dont seal) so its not touching anything except for the plastic.
I do this :smile:
For the on complaining about ppls opinion, u do know this is a public forum and anything you post is open to anyones opinion positive or negative!
Sea glo doesnt cause seperation its the sun rays causing the seperation. This only happens on older shoes. My 06 fire reds have been seaglowed 3 times no problems. I always wipe my sole when i put them away. I take care of stuff that costs $200 but thats just me i dont want some busted shoes in 2 years. But some of yall buy the same shoe everytime its retroed i see why some dont care.
all this talk about soles just bc dude posted a vid and i spent a measly few dollars on sole savers, then ppl wanted to comment about how they've now somehow "seen it all" and all these other stupid comments.
stop worrying about what other folks do with THEIR shoes THEY paid for with THEIR money
and just worry about u and yours and there would be no issues, but folks can't seem to do that.

i appreciate that so many ppl felt the need to comment about how they FEEL like sole savers are overkill, etc, etc. in actuality, the back n forth about such an insignificant topic is what's overkill.

if u don't like sole savers then don't use them. it's pretty simple. i saw a vid on them and i happen to hate my foam soles yellowing considering the entire sole is icy, unlike most jays where only a portion of the sole is icy. so i too would like to slow the yellowing. kill me. is that taboo or something?? does that mean i have problems??
I think it's hilarious that you rip everyone for posting how they "feel" and say all that ******** about don't worry about other people, blah blah...then go ahead and post your opinion and how you feel. That was extremely hypocritical and honestly pretty absurd.

It's a Foam thread and if people wanna talk about foams and yellow soles or how to keep them clean I think they should be able to do it without negative comments on how YOU FEEL about what everyone else posts. Take some of your own advice if you "don't care what everyone else does" them why are you so worried about what we're posting.

This is the kinda ******** that makes me not wanna post on certain threads...
Forreal tho.  It's a discussion board.  No hate CCkid, but It's as simple as ignoring it if it's that serious to you.

Live and let live is my philosophy, but damn.  Had to write an essay about why people shouldn't post their opinion about a topic posted on a PUBLIC discussion forum?  Ain't that serious fam.

I protect everything I own.  I'm OCD about pretty much everything.  At the same time, life is too short IMO to micromanage every step I make, lol.  Others don't feel the same way.  I respect it.
Hate I passed...saw them in person and now every where in my city, they want 375...I'll stick to the pairs I have

cheaper on ebay and in the classified section on here.

i still remember people saying this shoe was terrible when the thread started.

i remember when we loved the colorway of the shoes BEFORE we even saw pics #foambeasts :lol:

The original red foam one thread was like 200+ pages and they didnt even release and we never got pics. Just speculation
all this talk about soles just bc dude posted a vid and i spent a measly few dollars on sole savers, then ppl wanted to comment about how they've now somehow "seen it all" and all these other stupid comments. :lol: stop worrying about what other folks do with THEIR shoes THEY paid for with THEIR money :wink: and just worry about u and yours and there would be no issues, but folks can't seem to do that.

i appreciate that so many ppl felt the need to comment about how they FEEL like sole savers are overkill, etc, etc. in actuality, the back n forth about such an insignificant topic is what's overkill.

if u don't like sole savers then don't use them. it's pretty simple. i saw a vid on them and i happen to hate my foam soles yellowing considering the entire sole is icy, unlike most jays where only a portion of the sole is icy. so i too would like to slow the yellowing. kill me. is that taboo or something?? does that mean i have problems??

Take your own advice.

If people shouldn't care how you spend your money. Then, reciprocally, you shouldn't about other people's opinions regarding how you spend your money.

I just think people elevate sneakers to something way beyond what they should be, and this is one of the symptoms of that.

And, BTW, this who thread - hell, this whole message board - is an "insignificant topic." But, that doesn't mean people don't have opinions.

Sea glo doesnt cause seperation its the sun rays causing the seperation. This only happens on older shoes. My 06 fire reds have been seaglowed 3 times no problems. I always wipe my sole when i put them away. I take care of stuff that costs $200 but thats just me i dont want some busted shoes in 2 years. But some of yall buy the same shoe everytime its retroed i see why some dont care.

Fair point. But, the process of sea glow-ing represents a danger to the structural integrity of the shoe, if not done properly. That's the general gist of what I was saying.
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Spanish: He creado un dispositivo que preservará los zapatos para que no amarillo en la parte inferior. Es sólo un prototipo, pero si te interesa un correo a [email protected]
Me gustaría oír sus ideas, si usted tiene alguna.

English: I have created a device that will preserve shoes so they do not yellow on the bottom. It is just a prototype but if you are interested email me at [email protected]. I would like to hear your ideas if you have any.

Thanks for the translation homie, lol. Wtf? Lol I guess he's just overly PC.

Take your own advice.

If people shouldn't care how you spend your money. Then, reciprocally, you shouldn't about other people's opinions regarding how you spend your money.

I just think people elevate sneakers to something way beyond what they should be, and this is one of the symptoms of that.

And, BTW, this who thread - hell, this whole message board - is an "insignificant topic." But, that doesn't mean people don't have opinions.
Fair point. But, the process of sea glow-ing represents a danger to the structural integrity of the shoe, if not done properly. That's the general gist of what I was saying.

My dude BIP, killin it with the knowledge. Smart dude.

I'm gonna sea glow mine when they get bad enough. I don't care if they might get damaged, I won't even wear them anyway when they're mad yellow so it doesn't matter. Anyone I know that has sea glowed their ****, thoroughly approves. And it's def the heat/sun that causes separation. Probably can be remedied with a UV heat lamp instead of putting them outside. where u can gauge the heat by the distance you place them away.
Good looks, Joey.

I can only speak to the "sauce" from, but I'm satisfied with the results, especially on midsoles. I've brought back shoes that were damn near 20 years old with that stuff.
all this talk about soles just bc dude posted a vid and i spent a measly few dollars on sole savers, then ppl wanted to comment about how they've now somehow "seen it all" and all these other stupid comments. :lol: stop worrying about what other folks do with THEIR shoes THEY paid for with THEIR money :wink: and just worry about u and yours and there would be no issues, but folks can't seem to do that.

i appreciate that so many ppl felt the need to comment about how they FEEL like sole savers are overkill, etc, etc. in actuality, the back n forth about such an insignificant topic is what's overkill.

if u don't like sole savers then don't use them. it's pretty simple. i saw a vid on them and i happen to hate my foam soles yellowing considering the entire sole is icy, unlike most jays where only a portion of the sole is icy. so i too would like to slow the yellowing. kill me. is that taboo or something?? does that mean i have problems??

I think it's hilarious that you rip everyone for posting how they "feel" and say all that ******** about don't worry about other people, blah blah...then go ahead and post your opinion and how you feel. That was extremely hypocritical and honestly pretty absurd.

It's a Foam thread and if people wanna talk about foams and yellow soles or how to keep them clean I think they should be able to do it without negative comments on how YOU FEEL about what everyone else posts. Take some of your own advice if you "don't care what everyone else does" them why are you so worried about what we're posting.

This is the kinda ******** that makes me not wanna post on certain threads...

1st... don't let that rep to ur post fool u, i did that by mistake quoting u.

2nd... go back and re-read my post. there is NOTHING hypocritical about it. then to go as far as to say it was "pretty absurd" is beyond reaching, not to mention laughable. :lol:

3rd... last time i checked, this was the phoenix suns foam thread, not the "how do i feel about sole savers thread." so if u wanna talk sole savers, go create a thread that u can post in alone.

people seem very confused in here .

i think its pretty clear that us all being members of NT means these aren't "just shoes" to us . we're on an online forum on page 65 about a pair of sneakers that we all paid over $200 on for Christ's sake ; sneakers we all know will be re-selling for in the mid $300s in a few months

im riding w/ CharmCity on this one -- who cares what the next man wants to do to protect / clean his sneakers , or lack thereof . some dudes get props for keeping their sneaks in ziploc bags in dark closets at 60 degrees farenheit , but others get ridiculed for putting a transparent adhesive on their soles . at the end of the day theyre both after the same goal
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After seeing these in person, I'm still glad I didn't cop. The purple is just too much for me. Every foam since the electric blue/pine green release hasn't really done anything for me either. The colors are just not right lately. The hype on foams is too much too, maybe that just made me not want them either. Hopefully Nike will put out some old style colors like the pearls/coppers/etc not metallic red, yellow, and purple. 
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1st... don't let that rep to ur post fool u, i did that by mistake quoting u.

2nd... go back and re-read my post. there is NOTHING hypocritical about it. then to go as far as to say it was "pretty absurd" is beyond reaching, not to mention laughable. :lol:

3rd... last time i checked, this was the phoenix suns foam thread, not the "how do i feel about sole savers thread." so if u wanna talk sole savers, go create a thread that u can post in alone.


1. I dgaf about a rep... And by the sound of 3-4 other people that replied to your nonsense, I'm not the only one. Yet I'm the only one you quote and say something too...

2. I guess you don't understand what hypocritical means because what you posted is basically the definition of it. You give people **** for voiceing their opinion, then you feel free to voice YOUR opinion. That's hypocritical, idk how u can say it's not.

3. last time I checked this is a Foam thread and a forum for people to opely discuss what they choose too. Your the ONLY person with something to say about it, THEN you post YOUR opinion on sole savers, lol. I don't see hear anyone else complaing or saying..."this is the suns foams thread, stop talking about top 5 favorite foams..." If u don't wanna engage in the topic on the tread change it or don't even say ****...Who are you to tell people what they can and cannot post about. People like you are the reason threads get locked, everyone is talks about something they wanna talk about until someone has something "smart" to say...
people seem very confused in here .

i think its pretty clear that us all being members of NT means these aren't "just shoes" to us . we're on an online forum on page 65 about a pair of sneakers that we all paid over $200 on for Christ's sake ; sneakers we all know will be re-selling for in the mid $300s in a few months

im riding w/ CharmCity on this one -- who cares what the next man wants to do to protect / clean his sneakers , or lack thereof . some dudes get props for keeping their sneaks in ziploc bags in dark closets at 60 degrees farenheit , but others get ridiculed for putting a transparent adhesive on their soles . at the end of the day theyre both after the same goal
Yes you are right no one should care but again if you dont want to hear any comments(negative or positive) about what you do about anything then DO NO POST IN A PUBLIC FORUM!!! Everyone has an opinion and that opinion can be openly exprssed take it like a man or dont post anything if u r going to cry about it!
Double post but this is the perfect place to post that this thread sucks now...
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1. I dgaf about a rep... And by the sound of 3-4 other people that replied to your nonsense, I'm not the only one. Yet I'm the only one you quote and say something too...
Found this funny. Considering you pulled the "we have the same rep" bs on me.

But I agree to each their own. If they wanna scotch tape shoes to save the soles. Let them be. Only people you should ever rag on are the people who try to play off fakes for the real McCoy.
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