New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Originally Posted by BossDonVah

Huh ? keep pau ...Dudes on the decline teams have him figured out hes soft.. We cant win with him point blank

Hes always been soft bro, its silly to say we cant win without him when we won 2/3 chips with him as the second option. Again, dude was a critical part of 3 finals trips so to cast him off like a bum is overreacting imo. Yes Dallas kicked our but when he allowed Chandler to take his heart and soul, i'd never defend him for that series. This season he played alright for a dude who was pushed 25ft from the hoop and outta his comfort zone to make room for Bynum who seems to let a coinflip determine if he'll even try hard.

Im not in denial, i can see we need changes but i think the core should stay cant up and trade damn near everybody because you got your butt kicked 2 years straight, its impractical imo to reinvent the team every 2 seasons.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Dwight already said he's not interested to play for the Lakers. He does not want to follow Shaq footstep

That's why you bring in Josh Smith for Pau....  His best friend, a guy he always wanted to play with..

What's he going to say no?  Doubtful.
Two new rumors:
The Lakers are committed to moving Pau Gasol — the fall guy for their second-round ouster against the Thunder and previous playoff failures — even if they have to take back less talent. As long as Heisley retains the Grizzlies, Memphis will always have interest. Heisley has always wanted to bring Gasol back, pairing him with his brother, Marc. New York Daily News
Not sure about the less talent part...    But the Grizzles trade, I'm not sure if I see it..  Especially since they are trying to trade Rudy for a top 10 pick..  Who do we take Conley & Randolph? Eh

I think the best trade is Josh Smith.. Disgruntled in Atlanta, and Pau is a better fit for Horford.
Eric Pincus: I haven't heard anything yet from someone with Lakers re: Brandon Roy - other than natural respect for him as a player Twitter
Alex Kennedy: I could see Brandon Roy playing sixth man for the Miami Heat or Los Angeles Lakers next season. #justsaying Twitter
6th Man? I'm not so sure about,  but a handful of minutes off the bench wouldn't be terrible...

MJSaver  that isn't being a fantasy GM at all.. It is living in reality. Any small tweak you make to this team (short of bringing in a current superstar)  will not beat the Thunder.. They were not only a better team than us, by a longshot.. They will only get better.. They're not 28 at the peak, and everything will slowly decline. This is 4th,3rd, 2nd year players.. Who have a lot of growth left, as scary as that sounds. They could amnesty Perkins, and still have $18million left in the cap for 1 season.. And they could still keep Ibaka & Harden together for a few more years, by just extending their contract.. They could pull off giving them $9mil a year each from 2013-2015, and still retain a couple of their necessary role players (so long as Perkins gets amnestied)..  This team will not beat the Thunder even if you add small pieces. You need players who compliment everyone.. Something Bynum can't do, and Pau doesn't have the ability for anymore.. The team has declined the past 2 years, at an alarming rate. Whatever tweaks we make, do not help us anymore.. You have to compliment the guys we have (Sessions, Kobe) with people who round out the deficiencies in their game.   And I'm absolutely tired of well Bynum's growth hurt Pau...  TOUGH %%$*.. You're saying because another player got extremely better (Bynum), Pau had to get worse.. So we'd be better off if Bynum had played like previous years? Give me a break.. Part of your job on the team is to help other players grow. Bynum grows & Pau disappears.. So now Bynum has to leave over Pau
     Not only is it a joke.. You should say your argument out loud to see how silly it is to suggest keeping Pau, after saying Pau stays because he couldn't handle Bynum getting better.. Then suggest getting Dwight (a better Center) in return.. Like Dwight is going to give a damn about Pau's female request to be #2, rather than #3 where he belongs at this point of his career.
Originally Posted by Hank Scorpio

Originally Posted by Essential1

5 names and not one of them were Steve Blake.. I hope you just forgot about him as an honest mistake.
Yeah, sorry. I did forget him. I know he is somewhat of a "liability" for you guys, but I think he can be a decent bench player. As a Knicks fan, I know well enough that you can never have enough shooters on your team. With all the flaws in his game, he is still a good spot up shooter and with all the double teams Kobe gets--He'll get some open looks. 
Brandon Roy just got in the market, but what kind of money is he looking for? No one knows the condition of his knee, and if you can sign for a min 1-year deal, he wouldn't be a bad sign. The Knicks are looking to sign him as well. Purely for the sole purpose of just coming off the bench and giving us some mins to give Melo rest. IDK what the Lakers cap situation is like, but your guys have some room I'd give him a seriously look. 

I wish Steve Blake was Steve Blake
..  But he's not anymore. He shows signs once every 10 or so games, and we have a party.. Then becomes whatever he is now..

No one knows what BRoy is looking for money wise.. But it absolutely can't be anymore than a mini-MLE (that is a team who is overpaying). I think he knows he needs to take a veteran's minimum.. Or just slightly over the minimum. His injury is just too much.. That's why only a few teams have interest. If his injury wasn't big and you could get him for cheap, 30 teams would be knocking at his door.  Our cap is very similar to the Knicks. We could sign him for Vet-min  or Mini-MLE..  And I don't think it'd be a terrible signing to bring him off the bench, in a dozen minutes per game standard. But what I was saying was that if he is the only move for the offseason, the Lakers are in trouble. Because a risk Brandon Roy as your only option, just isn't a good look when your team is getting battered 2 years straight in the playoffs (Lakers). Means that something has to change in a big way.
Originally Posted by Essential1

MJSaver  that isn't being a fantasy GM at all.. It is living in reality. Any small tweak you make to this team (short of bringing in a current superstar)  will not beat the Thunder.. They were not only a better team than us, by a longshot.. They will only get better.. They're not 28 at the peak, and everything will slowly decline. This is 4th,3rd, 2nd year players.. Who have a lot of growth left, as scary as that sounds. They could amnesty Perkins, and still have $18million left in the cap for 1 season.. And they could still keep Ibaka & Harden together for a few more years, by just extending their contract.. They could pull off giving them $9mil a year each from 2013-2015, and still retain a couple of their necessary role players (so long as Perkins gets amnestied)..  This team will not beat the Thunder even if you add small pieces. You need players who compliment everyone.. Something Bynum can't do, and Pau doesn't have the ability for anymore.. The team has declined the past 2 years, at an alarming rate. Whatever tweaks we make, do not help us anymore.. You have to compliment the guys we have (Sessions, Kobe) with people who round out the deficiencies in their game.   And I'm absolutely tired of well Bynum's growth hurt Pau...  TOUGH %%$*.. You're saying because another player got extremely better (Bynum), Pau had to get worse.. So we'd be better off if Bynum had played like previous years? Give me a break.. Part of your job on the team is to help other players grow. Bynum grows & Pau disappears.. So now Bynum has to leave over Pau
     Not only is it a joke.. You should say your argument out loud to see how silly it is to suggest keeping Pau, after saying Pau stays because he couldn't handle Bynum getting better.. Then suggest getting Dwight (a better Center) in return.. Like Dwight is going to give a damn about Pau's female request to be #2, rather than #3 where he belongs at this point of his career.
Fam take a break from your constant refreshing of real GM and just keep it simple for a second please. So youre just going to pencil in the Thunder to the next 5 finals, thats too much speculations and assumptions. Because we lost to a good young team its time to change basically the entire team and keep 4 players, youre going too far.

Pau is a back to the basket big, not a faceup 20 ft out type of big and thats what they turned him into and he still played decent even though he was way way outta his natural position. Again 3 trips to the finals with him on the block as a #2 option, 3 times should tell you it wasnt a fluke...son puts in work down low...he ran into handcuffs with Tyson Chandler and got owned, i'll give you that.

Pau has only really let us down 1 year and yall acting like hes been stinkin up the joint for years, im honestly giving him a pass for last year because i really feel he was used incorrectly.
I doubt Bynum got that much better in the span of 1 season, Phil probly knew he was good but lacked commitment to be a true #2 but still found a way to use him....Pau shouldve stayed #2 not Drew.

And wth about Dwight makes him a legit #2 over Pau? Dwights array of post moves, his great passing ability , or maybe his great freethrow shooting. Defensively hes one of the best but were talking about a #2 offensive option, and in that sense he's basically a taller version of Blake Griffin imo.

I'll leave it alone because we're worlds apart, you wanna do too much with the team and i just wanna tweak it...lets hope they land somewhere in the middle.
^ Why do you keep saying he wasnt used right he chose not to play on the block him an bynum werent always on the floor at the same time .. If gasol was are 2nd option we wouldve lost in the first round instead of the second
SMH at all the Pau haters in here. Dude is under-appreciated and was not used enough in the paint this year.
Give me Beasley and Roy in the off season and I'll go to war with the same squad. (Minus a few players tho)
Originally Posted by ORSRT8

SMH at all the Pau haters in here. Dude is under-appreciated and was not used enough in the paint this year.
Give me Beasley and Roy in the off season and I'll go to war with the same squad. (Minus a few players tho)

How correctly was he used in the 2011 postseason?

Fool me once, shame on you.....fool me twice, shame on me. This is the second straight year pau was inconsistently underwhelming....a change of scenery is what pau needs at this point.
Originally Posted by thachosen123

Originally Posted by ORSRT8

SMH at all the Pau haters in here. Dude is under-appreciated and was not used enough in the paint this year.
Give me Beasley and Roy in the off season and I'll go to war with the same squad. (Minus a few players tho)

How correctly was he used in the 2011 postseason?

Fool me once, shame on you.....fool me twice, shame on me. This is the second straight year pau was inconsistently underwhelming....a change of scenery is what pau needs at this point.
This sums it up with Pau.  I was saying this after 2009.

This aint' 09. Teams ain't scare of the Lakers bigs no more. Even with a talented big like Pau. Other team are looking to play us not shine away from us. Even scrubs teams can't wait to bring their A game against us smh .
Watch Pau go to another team and flourish and y'all gonna wish we kept him. What trade out there can possible make the Lakers better or can we get an equal value player? Sure Bynum stepped it up this year but the reason he is able to do that is because Pau is there.
Give me Josh Smith & Dwight Howard for Pau & Bynum.

Better offense. Better defense. Younger more athletic.. And they have great games for our staying Roster.
More rumors of Iguodala on the move & Rod Thorn stating that Lou Williams officially opted out, but expects him to resign at a higher price.. Along with Sixers trying to dump cap to make big play.. Hence Elton Brand being amnestied soon, and Iguodala seemingly out the door.

And yes I'm being extremely greedy..
- opposing guards driving AT WILL
- our guards refusing to drive
- perimeter shooting
- bench production

Ramon seemed to have answered the 2nd item; Pau & Bynum told him to ease up on that, so yeah. Seems he has the ability, so we'll have to see.

Josh & Dwight would wipe that first item clean off the map.

Roy coming off the bench would definitely clean up that last item

But the odds we subtract Pau & Bynum and bring in Josh & Dwight & Roy? 0%

it's not happening.

Stop it.
....and when Josh Smith settles for 3 after 3 and that perimeter shooting gets worse... then what?

I want no parts of Josh freakin Smith
I want no parts of Josh freakin Smith

Really? His best year as a pro was last year. He should have been an All-Star. His shot selection has been a source of criticism, but last year, he took less perimeter shots and lived at the rim. He's matured and ready to be on a championship level squad. I'd be stoked to get him in exchange for Pau. Highway robbery to be honest. So like Ska said, it ain't happening.
I always get stressed out when I come in here 
I can't wait for the Finals to be over, and for management to make whatever deal they have to make.  Everyone is on the chopping block, except for #24. 
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