New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

I feel there's a very good chance we make some noise sometime this week leading to the draft.......either inheriting a 1st rounder, or sending pau off for a couple new pieces, I just feel like something's GONNA get done.........and there's nothing Mitch, Jim or, essential1 (
) can say to make me think differently about the situation
We offered Pau for Deron?

That's like trying to convince folks that you're really looking for a job by filling out applications at the White House. Like, c'mon, man, you ain't serious w/ that.

I ain't saying Pau is terrible (ok, yes I am, actually, so nevermind...)
Originally Posted by thachosen123

I feel there's a very good chance we make some noise sometime this week leading to the draft.......either inheriting a 1st rounder, or sending pau off for a couple new pieces, I just feel like something's GONNA get done.........and there's nothing Mitch, Jim or, essential1 (
) can say to make me think differently about the situation

Would be the opportune time.. So no complaints here..

But as Ska is saying we need to stop messing with the Nets offering Pau straight up.. I'd absolutely love DWill as the starting PG & Sessions as a 30mpg 6th man. I'd
 all day with that.. But it is not going to happen.. No way they take Pau..  A three team deal is your best shot at getting DWill, but it would have to wait until after the draft because it is a sign & trade, and therefore make picks useless, which is how something like that would get done.

I'll preface this with it won't happen, but the best thing Mitch could do is a 4 team deal involving Lakers, Rockets, Hawks, 76ers. Everyone gets something.. Everyone wins.. Everyone can begin to move in a different direct. And there are a lot of 1st Round Picks between 3 teams to shuffle around.

Sixers get: 16th pick, 23rd pick, Marvin Williams
Hawks get: 14th pick, Kevin Martin, Sam Dalembert, Steve Blake
Rockets get: Pau Gasol, Christian Eyenga, 2-2nd Round Picks + (some future 1st or 2nd round pick)
Lakers get: Andre Iguodala, Josh Smith

Sixers would have the 15th, 16th & 23rd pick.. Assuming they amnesty Elton Brand, trading Iggy for Williams frees up $24mil in cap for them to resign Lou Williams & Spencer Hawes. And Marvin may be a pain in the !#%, but entering into his last year of contract he can get you something during the deadline if need be. But with Thad Young's growth, Marvin could be a good backup. So you save a crap load of money, get decent replacement, and have cap space.

Hawks move up 9 spots in a basic Josh Smith for Kevin Martin deal.  Sam Dalember & Pachulia allows the Hawks to play Horford at the natural 4 more minutes. And Martin & Dalembert both are entering their last year so it gives them the same flexibility they had + 9 spots better in the draft.. And get a solid 2nd scorer in Kevin Martin as long as he stays healthy.

Rockets get Pau. they don't have to give up much for him. It is much less than they were giving up in the Cp3 deal. They can resign Dragic now, still keep Scola. If they hang on to Courtney Lee they have space to get a scorer on the market, and add a backup big. They'd have a much better roster solid roster if they made no deals or drafted at 14 & 16, which it is a guarantee they trade one of those picks away anyways.

Lakers solve 2 things.. Getting return for Pau & our issues at SF. Move Metta to 24 minutes as the backup SF. Iggy can give Kobe some rest because he plays the 2 as well.. You add 2 major defensive threats who can score at a decent clip.. Those 2 guys would start to cover Sessions liability on defense (which I'm sure would be worked on in the offseason)..  Not only that you added 2 people who were on Dwight's list of guys he'd want on the Magic. One of which his best friend. It also starts to fill in the holes of the roster for us and give us a more focused attack in free agency rather than "every position"

But it won't happen

Originally Posted by dyyhard

this didn't happen at the time i worked there, but while at a certain computer store (they only sales their own product) I was told this story by my manager.

Apparently Kobe Bryant walked in to purchase a whole new set up. The salesman spent about an hour and a half helping him. During their conversation the salesman mentioned that he was saving up for the same computer for college as the one kobe was purchasing. He sends kobe on his way to the cashier. On Kobe's way out he asked the salesman who helped him if he could carry a couple bags with him to his car. when they got outside Kobe handed him a bag with the same laptop that he bought. He didn't know what to do and didn't want to get in trouble so he told his manager. His manager told Kobe that we were unable to except gratuity although it was a wonderful gesture. Kobe told the managers that he would return everything he bought if they didn't allow the kid to keep the laptop. I believe they worked something out and the salesman ended up keeping it.
i dont know if this is the same story, but a few years ago my friend helped kobe at his apple store. he spent time with him in the back room showing him how to use products. kobe ended up buying him a laptop and the manager did explain that apple employees were not allowed to accept gifts. i do believe he was able to keep it. not 100% sure though.
picture for proof. kobe in the back room of the apple store:
Thanks fellas..

Anywho Lowry is on the market heavy now. We all like him. Plenty of you want him.

But before you keep going answer this question...

"Does trading Pau for Kyle Lowry bring us closer to a title or further away?"

I asked myself that a dozen times. Each time I re-look and every time come to the same conclusion... Lowry makes winning a title even harder. So I'd pass. If it comes up I bet Mitch takes it and we end up worse off
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by CJ863

Apparently Buss doesn't think our lineup needs a refresher, sucks man
I see another season like this one
next year then some huge changes.

He's not going to say Blow it up.. He's smarter than that. As much @$@* as some people give him, he's very smart.  Him & Mitch work together on everything. That CP3 deal was Mitch & Jim. It was a beautiful trade for us, but ah well.

Back to this, he can't say we need to blow it up, for the exact same reason as the CP3 trade. If a trade falls through, we have to deal with "hurt egos". And he also can't sound desparate in the media, because then Pau's value diminishes if the team is frantic about moves.  Gives other teams the upper hand, the good thing about Mitch & Jim, is they try as hard as possible to keep the upper hand.

There is always a chance no moves get made for our "Big 3", but even if their was, he won't publicly acknowledge it. Don't read too much into it.
You seriously sounds like you work for the Lakers organization
man honestly, i dont even care how it gets done. just get the best team possible. i miss that feeling of my team winning so bad. of course as laker fans we're spoiled. so what. i need that feeling every other year at the minimum. its addictive. and truthfully, i like winning with kobe. winning is still winning, but winning with black mamba is that much better. get it done mitch, the fans are hungry.

just build to beat the thunder and the heat. thats really the only obstacle currently. two, huuuuge obstacles. but doable with the right pieces. miami showed you absolutely have to have 3 point shooters that can step up. they make closing gaps and taking leads sooo much easier. you also need defensive minded guys. one defender in an aged ron is no where near enough. you either need awesome individual defenders or committed team defense. for a defensive coach like mb, or d sucked this year. its time to get back to the top yall, any means necessary.
Chase Budinger to the Timberwolves. 

I thought he was the perfect athletic, shooting role player to come to the Lakers along with Lowry.
is rambis still with minni? or is that over with. he may bless us lol. we need something to happen.
Originally Posted by Freeze

is rambis still with minni? or is that over with. he may bless us lol. we need something to happen.

He's on ESPN now. It's over guys nothing is happening Lakers will continue their fade into the lottery
I wouldn't do Pau for a pick straight up. It would have to be a trade that also brings in a proven young talent or role player.
Only way I see us making a BIG time move.. Is finally giving in and doing a Bynum for Deron trade.

I'll go to war with Deron, Kobe, Sessions taking 96 back court minutes.

You play Deron with Kobe for 23 minutes
Sessions with Deron 13.
Sessions with Kobe for 12.

Allows us to keep one of the 2 on court at all times.. And our back court is one of the best in the league..

Move Pau to the Center for now, and possibly you just forced Houston's hand at giving up on Dwight.

We don't get Dwight it's ok. Keep Pau at Center.

Now turn all attention to keeping Hill as backup Center.. Try to get Beasley & Odom at the 4. And use the mini-MLE to go after the Small Forward. And see if we can persuade one or two players to join us for vet minimum..

Hell give me Marcus Camby at vet minimum and I'll be good..

Everybody I said Pau need to go before Bynum, I've flipped Bynum now needs to go before Pau...
anyone think that if Rockets dont land Dwight, Gasol might be the next target for the Rockets?
I wouldn't doubt it, since they basically already had him last year (and we basically already had CP3
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