New video of the Oscar Grant shooting

Hes either gonna be killed or go to jail, bottom line. If a cop shot any of my family members in this manner I know Id be posted outside his house watching hisevery move than catch him slippin. He'll get his.
if you notice the last cop that enters the scene before the doors close has a taser in his hands, dont know if its been mentioned yet
I still dont understand why have your gun drawn when they were all cuffed? I mean really isnt this what they have tazers for? I swear some cops are triggerhappy when it comes to minorities and why we have no respect for cops
Lil Wayne's joint "Cry Out" just came on my ipod and these lyrics hit:

"and 5-0 killin all the good boys dead/$%@+, you would've thought they killed Cornbread/shot him up face down on the lawn/not to mention hehad handcuffs on/not to mention he had plain clothes on/and the complaint goes on"
what is somewhat disturbing as well if you look at the last 5 seconds of the video, some people on bart weren't even watching and were just havingconversations like nothing was going on. either they didn't know, or they care. if they didn't care thats shady...
It was after 2 am, after the clubs on new years eve. Everyone was drunk and you always see someone get arrested in the bay after 2 am, this was a regularincident before the cop shot him, thats why i think some people wouldnt care.
^ yea i know i'm just saying in general if more people were watching maybe it would have a been a little diffrerent, maybe not... your right no one couldhave predicted he was going to get shot.

the whole thing just bothers me in general.
im glad the police arent slacking in arresting the protestors

District Attorney files charges against 3 protesters in Oakland

The Alameda County District Attorney has filed formal charges today against three people arrested Wednesday night in downtown Oakland riots relating to the NewYear's Day fatal shooting of Oscar Grant III.

A 28-year-old Oakland man was charged with misdemeanor possession of a concealed weapon and possession of a loaded firearm. He was arrested on the 2000block of Broadway at about 11 p.m. and blurted out when arrested "I've got guns in both my pockets", police said. Police found two semi-automaticpistols, one in each pocket.

A 20-year-old Oakland man charged with felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor vandalism. He was one of those arrested for breaking windows McDonaldson 14th and Jackson streets.

The third person charged was a 30-year-old
San Francisco man, who was arrested when officers saw him setting fire to a garbage can at 14th and Claystreets at about 10 p.m. He was charged with felony arson.
At least 105 people were detained Wednesday night during protests downtown and most of those have been cited on misdemeanors and given court dates inFebruary.

-Harry Harris
See those arent protestors, those are just ignorant idiots. Man, how stupid can you be, especially the one who blurted "Ive got guns in both mypockets"
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

See those arent protestors, those are just ignorant idiots. Man, how stupid can you be, especially the one who blurted "Ive got guns in both my pockets"

i agree they're idiots. but they should be arresting the idiot that shot oscar grant too.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

See those arent protestors, those are just ignorant idiots. Man, how stupid can you be, especially the one who blurted "Ive got guns in both my pockets"

at 28, and're far from a kid.

and he's actually smart for stating he had weapons on him..if they searched him and found the guns they would have probably shot him and been in the clearcause they could have easily said he had a concealed weapon and pulled it.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

See those arent protestors, those are just ignorant idiots. Man, how stupid can you be, especially the one who blurted "Ive got guns in both my pockets"

at 28, and're far from a kid.

and he's actually smart for stating he had weapons on him..if they searched him and found the guns they would have probably shot him and been in the clear cause they could have easily said he had a concealed weapon and pulled it.
Yet, its not an excuse to do childish things...
cops will get away with it... you just watch.

Anything with lethal force shouldn't have been pulled out anyway.

They already had 4 cops on the dude, why did they have to do him like that?!

The kid was doin what they asked!
They will never convict an on-duty police officer of murder. It would open the floodgates and they don't want to deal with that scrutiny. Sad but true.
Originally Posted by jeyel

im glad the police arent slacking in arresting the protestors

District Attorney files charges against 3 protesters in Oakland

The Alameda County District Attorney has filed formal charges today against three people arrested Wednesday night in downtown Oakland riots relating to the New Year's Day fatal shooting of Oscar Grant III.

A 28-year-old Oakland man was charged with misdemeanor possession of a concealed weapon and possession of a loaded firearm. He was arrested on the 2000 block of Broadway at about 11 p.m. and blurted out when arrested "I've got guns in both my pockets", police said. Police found two semi-automatic pistols, one in each pocket.

A 20-year-old Oakland man charged with felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor vandalism. He was one of those arrested for breaking windows McDonalds on 14th and Jackson streets.

The third person charged was a 30-year-old
San Francisco man, who was arrested when officers saw him setting fire to a garbage can at 14th and Clay streets at about 10 p.m. He was charged with felony arson.
At least 105 people were detained Wednesday night during protests downtown and most of those have been cited on misdemeanors and given court dates in February.

-Harry Harris

who cares who has two fire arms in their pockets..DA is full of crap, how about we know the update on the dude that killed an innocent man that wasn'tharm.
Not saying carrying a gun is a good thing but am sure people do that with a reason. I don't get this crap..bring this fool out and lets see him, no specaltreatment, if he shot someone
in my fam I will want him dead too..
Originally Posted by AG 47

But this is irrelevant as the cop will SKATE...we've seen this happen many times before.
weve also seen it happen many times when black professional athletes get the same preferential treatment. this is nothing compared to the ojsimpson fiasco.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by AG 47

But this is irrelevant as the cop will SKATE...we've seen this happen many times before.
weve also seen it happen many times when black professional athletes get the same preferential treatment. this is nothing compared to the oj simpson fiasco.
Word to Michael Vick right?

What the hell do black athletes have to do with this situationat all? We are talking about an officer who took an oath to protect and serve, to uphold the law, PUBLICLY EXECUTING AN UNARMED MAN LYING FACE DOWN ON THE GROUND. What the hell are you trying tosay right nowguy?? You even have people on stormfront who hate black peoples guts, calling for this guy's head. Get lost.

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Internal Affairs:
[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Sergeant David Chlebowski 510.464.7029, [email protected]
To report the misconduct of BART police employees. [/td] [/tr][/table]
NT do work.
this is nothing compared to the oj simpson fiasco.

Because OJ was caught on tape shooting someone in the back?

First time seeing the video..that's one of the craziest things i've seen.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by AG 47

But this is irrelevant as the cop will SKATE...we've seen this happen many times before.
weve also seen it happen many times when black professional athletes get the same preferential treatment. this is nothing compared to the oj simpson fiasco.
Cat posted that is sitting back to see who gets all riles up and takes the bait

Anyway, whats the latest in regards to the cop? Wouldn't be surprised if he's already out of the country...
This is reminding me of the "White colar crime vs. War on Drugs crime" skit on the Chapelle Show. Dude who committed the white collar/corporate fraudgot to dictate when/where he would decide to show up in court, drawing out his own timetable
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

im glad the police arent slacking in arresting the protestors

Maybe if these dudes killed somebody they could still be free.

Brilliant post, my thoughts exactly. The DA quickly filed charges but yet none have been filed(or at least I haven't heard yet) on this cop,despite visual evidence from every angle like an instant replay in the NFL. Not saying those three individuals were in the right in anyway whatsoever, but comeon man.
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