New video of the Oscar Grant shooting

Okay I completely read both threads, and here's my thoughts:

1) LazyJ10, you should just stop answering every comment/question directed towards you because there seems to be a lot of idiots who can't read. It seemslike between the two threads, you've had to say "this is not a city police force, it's the BART police force" and "not every officer isgiven a taser while on duty" about 6-7 times each. Not only that, but people keep calling you foolish for saying that there's definitely a possibility(I don't see how anybody can rule-out the possibility) that this was an accident. I agree with you 100%. And myreasoning for that has nothing to do with defending the officer. My reasoning is common sense. The reason I believe that this was very possibly an accident isthe simple fact that there is no other explanation. What kind of idiot cop will shoot a guy who's already pinned to the floor by two other cops? Ifsomebody gives me a reasonable explanation to that, THEN I will say that it was intentional.

Do I think that this dude should be punished? *%#% yeah. This man should be found guilty of nothing less than involuntary manslaugther.

@ BART. I'm going to avoid that +#+% from now on. If you want to go to a ballgame, it's either you drink-and-drive, or you deal with a bunchof drunk idiots on BART.
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

I agree. If I were in that situation I would let the cops handcuff me and st fu.

And ban this dude with the autoplay, smh.
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

Okay I completely read both threads, and here's my thoughts:

1) LazyJ10, you should just stop answering every comment/question directed towards you because there seems to be a lot of idiots who can't read. It seems like between the two threads, you've had to say "this is not a city police force, it's the BART police force" and "not every officer is given a taser while on duty" about 6-7 times each. Not only that, but people keep calling you foolish for saying that there's definitely a possibility (I don't see how anybody can rule-out the possibility) that this was an accident. I agree with you 100%. And my reasoning for that has nothing to do with defending the officer. My reasoning is common sense. The reason I believe that this was very possibly an accident is the simple fact that there is no other explanation. What kind of idiot cop will shoot a guy who's already pinned to the floor by two other cops? If somebody gives me a reasonable explanation to that, THEN I will say that it was intentional.

Do I think that this dude should be punished? *%#% yeah. This man should be found guilty of nothing less than involuntary manslaugther.

@ BART. I'm going to avoid that +#+% from now on. If you want to go to a ballgame, it's either you drink-and-drive, or you deal with a bunch of drunk idiots on BART.

the only way that the whole, he thought it was a tazer excuse will work is if the tazer & hsi gun were located right next to each other on his belt. Ihighly doubt that they were right next to each other.

Also take tha video of autoplay
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

Okay I completely read both threads, and here's my thoughts:

1) LazyJ10, you should just stop answering every comment/question directed towards you because there seems to be a lot of idiots who can't read. It seems like between the two threads, you've had to say "this is not a city police force, it's the BART police force" and "not every officer is given a taser while on duty" about 6-7 times each. Not only that, but people keep calling you foolish for saying that there's definitely a possibility (I don't see how anybody can rule-out the possibility) that this was an accident. I agree with you 100%. And my reasoning for that has nothing to do with defending the officer. My reasoning is common sense. The reason I believe that this was very possibly an accident is the simple fact that there is no other explanation. What kind of idiot cop will shoot a guy who's already pinned to the floor by two other cops? If somebody gives me a reasonable explanation to that, THEN I will say that it was intentional.

Do I think that this dude should be punished? *%#% yeah. This man should be found guilty of nothing less than involuntary manslaugther.

@ BART. I'm going to avoid that +#+% from now on. If you want to go to a ballgame, it's either you drink-and-drive, or you deal with a bunch of drunk idiots on BART.
I'm here at work, its no sweat off my back...and no one has been disrespectful towards me throughout the discussion, so its cool. Repeatingmyself isn't a big deal, eventually it'll get through to some people. Plus, if they're not from here, they may have no clue what BART is.

I'm going to the next two Friday Warrior games and its a lot easier and cheaper to BART to the game from work, then it would be drive to work, pay $20 andthen drive to the game to pay another $20. But you're right, there are plenty of idiots (all over, every city) who ruin public transportation becausecommon decency escapes people when they enter transit lines.

As long as people realize I'm not defending the actions of the officer or the murder, as so much I am entering the possibility of intent and giving peoplean idea of BART overall....
22 Deuces 22:
What kind of idiot cop will shoot a guy who's already pinned to the floor by two other cops? If somebody gives me a reasonable explanation to that, THEN I will say that it was intentional.
Beginning with the first name I remember of a victim being in a relatively nonthreatening position only to be abused or killed by cops (RodneyKing), we can give you plenty of explanations why a cop would shoot a guy who's already pinned to the floor, but all of the explanations will include wordsand phrases like 'pride, power struggle, anger management issues, racism, and mental instability.'
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, as well.


oh man..why will one approach a cop..I know some people which I mainly see in a riot but this I don't think's just funny how you keep coming upwith excuses for this dude..he did wrong big time..accident or no accident he killed an innocent man..
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

I agree. If I were in that situation I would let the cops handcuff me and st fu.

And ban this dude with the autoplay, smh.
you agree? really.

that cop needs to be thrown in jail. this coming from someone who also has a badge and a gun.
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

I agree. If I were in that situation I would let the cops handcuff me and st fu.

And ban this dude with the autoplay, smh.
you agree? really.

that cop needs to be thrown in jail. this coming from someone who also has a badge and a gun.
I mean, of course it's not right to shoot the kid in that situation but I'm just saying if I were Grant, I would've acted completelydifferent and most likely would not end up getting shot.

I'm not saying the cop is right but just because of the fact that this instance can (and did) occur should be enough to make me comport myself in a morereasonable manner.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

it looked like an accident by the way he looked shocked and put his hand on his head as if he said "what did i just do!?"

also people saying he thought it was his taser

accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?

Wasn't an accident....this damn excuse for a human being reached for his gun and pointed at the kid while he was down and let off a round.....I hope andpray that he rots in prison for the rest of his life....R.I.P|I
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, as well.


oh man..why will one approach a cop..I know some people which I mainly see in a riot but this I don't think's just funny how you keep coming up with excuses for this dude..he did wrong big time..accident or no accident he killed an innocent man..
I'm not making excuses, at all. Like I've said throughout the post.

The situation obviously could have been handled, much, much better. Especially since the end result was a tragedy.
However, the train should not have kept their doors open when they officers had the suspect. There's nothing worse than feeling like someone isapproaching you from a blind spot or behind your back. Wouldn't that add to edginess? Look at the new video posted. People running on the platform, theguy I mentioned at 3:22 or so, throwing something? All this at 2am AFTER numerous altercations PRIOR to this one? All I'm saying is, its not outside therealm of possibilities that the cop didn't eff up and honestly think he was drawing something other than his piece. That's it. Nothing more, nothingless. Does it change the end result for the victim? Hell no. Does it maybe help the family, probably not. Does it help the officer, time will tell. If itsproven/shown/admitted that he had meant to do it in a heat of rage, then fry his #!#. I'm not blind to the fact he shot and killed a guy, at all.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

I agree. If I were in that situation I would let the cops handcuff me and st fu.

And ban this dude with the autoplay, smh.
you agree? really.

that cop needs to be thrown in jail. this coming from someone who also has a badge and a gun.
I mean, of course it's not right to shoot the kid in that situation but I'm just saying if I were Grant, I would've acted completely different and most likely would not end up getting shot.

I'm not saying the cop is right but just because of the fact that this instance can (and did) occur should be enough to make me comport myself in a more reasonable manner.
So you are just supposed to bow down to the copsjust because they have a badge? What he did was inexcusable, I like how people say "Well if he just would've..." NO if he just would'vewhat?!? Dude was already face down with a knee in his neck, how was he a threat to that officer?

Thank God for technology though, next time I see someone in a situation with a cop I will be sure to pull out my phone and record it.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

I agree. If I were in that situation I would let the cops handcuff me and st fu.

And ban this dude with the autoplay, smh.
you agree? really.

that cop needs to be thrown in jail. this coming from someone who also has a badge and a gun.
I mean, of course it's not right to shoot the kid in that situation but I'm just saying if I were Grant, I would've acted completely different and most likely would not end up getting shot.

I'm not saying the cop is right but just because of the fact that this instance can (and did) occur should be enough to make me comport myself in a more reasonable manner.
no you agreed that he should have shot him by quoting that idiotic response.

that cop should have not had his gun out. i saw no resisting....

explain to me how you would have responded with a gun to your back while you were laying on the floor...
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

I agree. If I were in that situation I would let the cops handcuff me and st fu.

And ban this dude with the autoplay, smh.
you agree? really.

that cop needs to be thrown in jail. this coming from someone who also has a badge and a gun.
I mean, of course it's not right to shoot the kid in that situation but I'm just saying if I were Grant, I would've acted completely different and most likely would not end up getting shot.

I'm not saying the cop is right but just because of the fact that this instance can (and did) occur should be enough to make me comport myself in a more reasonable manner.
Put any other officer in that situation and Grant would be ALIVE. You think all arrests go smoothly?
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, as well.


oh man..why will one approach a cop..I know some people which I mainly see in a riot but this I don't think's just funny how you keep coming up with excuses for this dude..he did wrong big time..accident or no accident he killed an innocent man..
I'm not making excuses, at all. Like I've said throughout the post.

The situation obviously could have been handled, much, much better. Especially since the end result was a tragedy.
However, the train should not have kept their doors open when they officers had the suspect. There's nothing worse than feeling like someone is approaching you from a blind spot or behind your back. Wouldn't that add to edginess? Look at the new video posted. People running on the platform, the guy I mentioned at 3:22 or so, throwing something? All this at 2am AFTER numerous altercations PRIOR to this one? All I'm saying is, its not outside the realm of possibilities that the cop didn't eff up and honestly think he was drawing something other than his piece. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Does it change the end result for the victim? Hell no. Does it maybe help the family, probably not. Does it help the officer, time will tell. If its proven/shown/admitted that he had meant to do it in a heat of rage, then fry his #!#. I'm not blind to the fact he shot and killed a guy, at all.
you just keep makin excuse after excuse for what this guy did. Grant was laying face down, with 2 other officers assisting in subduing him, and heputs his hand on the holster for a few seconds, THEN he pulls, holds it for a few more seconds, & then fires straight into his back.

but none of this even matters, we all know that he will get a slap on the wrist, will have to sit behind a desk for a couple months & will be done with hispunishment. And then this will keep happening because cops having nothing to fear in terms of accidental shootings. Because its been proven time & timeagain that no matter what they do nothing will happen to them.
^No, what I'm saying is that if you want to act like an idiot, there's a chance you will get killed.

Grant took his chances and got killed. I however would not take take that chance.

Bow down because cops have a badge? No. Bow down because you know they are trigger happy, you've seen it happen before, etc...

What's the opposite of not bowing down? Martyrdom?
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, as well.


oh man..why will one approach a cop..I know some people which I mainly see in a riot but this I don't think's just funny how you keep coming up with excuses for this dude..he did wrong big time..accident or no accident he killed an innocent man..
I'm not making excuses, at all. Like I've said throughout the post.

The situation obviously could have been handled, much, much better. Especially since the end result was a tragedy.
However, the train should not have kept their doors open when they officers had the suspect. There's nothing worse than feeling like someone is approaching you from a blind spot or behind your back. Wouldn't that add to edginess? Look at the new video posted. People running on the platform, the guy I mentioned at 3:22 or so, throwing something? All this at 2am AFTER numerous altercations PRIOR to this one? All I'm saying is, its not outside the realm of possibilities that the cop didn't eff up and honestly think he was drawing something other than his piece. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Does it change the end result for the victim? Hell no. Does it maybe help the family, probably not. Does it help the officer, time will tell. If its proven/shown/admitted that he had meant to do it in a heat of rage, then fry his #!#. I'm not blind to the fact he shot and killed a guy, at all.
you just keep makin excuse after excuse for what this guy did. Grant was laying face down, with 2 other officers assisting in subduing him, and he puts his hand on the holster for a few seconds, THEN he pulls, holds it for a few more seconds, & then fires straight into his back.

but none of this even matters, we all know that he will get a slap on the wrist, will have to sit behind a desk for a couple months & will be done with his punishment. And then this will keep happening because cops having nothing to fear in terms of accidental shootings. Because its been proven time & time again that no matter what they do nothing will happen to them.
How am I making an excuse? From the get go, I've said, if he intended to use a fire arm he should die. If he didn't, I don'tnecessarily think he should get the death penalty.
I mean the law spells out what fits based on intent, which is the only thing I've been trying to bring up.

A possibility doesn't necessarily mean I believe its a LIKELY explanation. That's all.

You bring accidental into your discussion. Wouldn't accidental warrant a different punishment then premeditated?

Also, he's quit he won't be working there anymore (good).
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, as well.


oh man..why will one approach a cop..I know some people which I mainly see in a riot but this I don't think's just funny how you keep coming up with excuses for this dude..he did wrong big time..accident or no accident he killed an innocent man..
I'm not making excuses, at all. Like I've said throughout the post.

The situation obviously could have been handled, much, much better. Especially since the end result was a tragedy.
However, the train should not have kept their doors open when they officers had the suspect. There's nothing worse than feeling like someone is approaching you from a blind spot or behind your back. Wouldn't that add to edginess? Look at the new video posted. People running on the platform, the guy I mentioned at 3:22 or so, throwing something? All this at 2am AFTER numerous altercations PRIOR to this one? All I'm saying is, its not outside the realm of possibilities that the cop didn't eff up and honestly think he was drawing something other than his piece. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Does it change the end result for the victim? Hell no. Does it maybe help the family, probably not. Does it help the officer, time will tell. If its proven/shown/admitted that he had meant to do it in a heat of rage, then fry his #!#. I'm not blind to the fact he shot and killed a guy, at all.
you just keep makin excuse after excuse for what this guy did. Grant was laying face down, with 2 other officers assisting in subduing him, and he puts his hand on the holster for a few seconds, THEN he pulls, holds it for a few more seconds, & then fires straight into his back.

but none of this even matters, we all know that he will get a slap on the wrist, will have to sit behind a desk for a couple months & will be done with his punishment. And then this will keep happening because cops having nothing to fear in terms of accidental shootings. Because its been proven time & time again that no matter what they do nothing will happen to them.

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, as well.


oh man..why will one approach a cop..I know some people which I mainly see in a riot but this I don't think's just funny how you keep coming up with excuses for this dude..he did wrong big time..accident or no accident he killed an innocent man..
I'm not making excuses, at all. Like I've said throughout the post.

The situation obviously could have been handled, much, much better. Especially since the end result was a tragedy.
However, the train should not have kept their doors open when they officers had the suspect. There's nothing worse than feeling like someone is approaching you from a blind spot or behind your back. Wouldn't that add to edginess? Look at the new video posted. People running on the platform, the guy I mentioned at 3:22 or so, throwing something? All this at 2am AFTER numerous altercations PRIOR to this one? All I'm saying is, its not outside the realm of possibilities that the cop didn't eff up and honestly think he was drawing something other than his piece. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Does it change the end result for the victim? Hell no. Does it maybe help the family, probably not. Does it help the officer, time will tell. If its proven/shown/admitted that he had meant to do it in a heat of rage, then fry his #!#. I'm not blind to the fact he shot and killed a guy, at all.
you just keep makin excuse after excuse for what this guy did. Grant was laying face down, with 2 other officers assisting in subduing him, and he puts his hand on the holster for a few seconds, THEN he pulls, holds it for a few more seconds, & then fires straight into his back.

but none of this even matters, we all know that he will get a slap on the wrist, will have to sit behind a desk for a couple months & will be done with his punishment. And then this will keep happening because cops having nothing to fear in terms of accidental shootings. Because its been proven time & time again that no matter what they do nothing will happen to them.
How am I making an excuse? From the get go, I've said, if he intended to use a fire arm he should die. If he didn't, I don't necessarily think he should get the death penalty.
I mean the law spells out what fits based on intent, which is the only thing I've been trying to bring up.

A possibility doesn't necessarily mean I believe its a LIKELY explanation. That's all.

You bring accidental into your discussion. Wouldn't accidental warrant a different punishment then premeditated?

Also, he's quit he won't be working there anymore (good).
i honestly hope the family sues him for everything he is worth
The cops identity has been revealed, the pics are out...saw it on the news last night prior to bed.

Sue him, definitely....don't disagree at all.
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