New video of the Oscar Grant shooting

well if rodney king taught the state anything, I'd be a little more persistent in pressing charges if I were the D.A., California is known to revolt whensomething as blatant as this goes down with no action being taken.
Dam, I really hope this cop serves time just like any other citizen who kills somebody. Accident or not.
Me and my boy are analyzing the video and we figured this: Dude was zip-tied. He wasn't handcuffed until maybe after he was shot. But he was zip-tied, andat 1:38 is when one cop cuts the zip-tie, and the 2nd cop rolls him over. You could tell by the way his arms came loose, and the way his arms were positionedthroughout the previous sequence.
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

Its a real shame this happened. It makes me sick to watch this video when I first saw it on Channel 2 KTVU I was amazed how you can tell the cop had no idea what he just did and then to hear the BART POLICE OFFICER WAS ONLY WITH THEM FOR 2 YEARS pathetic for a rookie cop to take out a gun for no reason even if he thought it was a taser gun he didn't have to use any force at all the guy was already laying down
if you look at all the videos, you'd notice that the doors were open. There were ppl coming up approaching the cop. Like the dude with thegrey blazer, he got arrested right before the shot. The cop was most likely shook up and scared. I don't believe the cop did it on purpose. Especially theway he reacted afterwards.
cant go wrong with execution style.

unarmed and in custody, might as well put a bullet in him to finish things off -_-

noob cops thinking theyre the %$#.


I had not heard of this happing, it's a shame that a young man had to lose his life at the hands of those we trust to protect us.
We, the people of Oakland, will not stand for police brutality. Man , if I wasn't at work, I would be on E.14 too. Btw, one trash can being burned is notrioting. This was organize by a top city council member, and we are trying to show everybody, Oakland stands up for injustices just like any other urban city.For the people saying this can be accidental, you must be so naive. I mean it's on video tape all for you to see. The Bart police doesn't even have aan explanation as to what happen for 6 days already. If it was genuinely an accident, they would have played that card and let the public know. It's justthey can't because there is too much evidence against an "Accident."

From my personal experience, OPD is cool. They don't mess with you over a missing headlight ,running a stop sign on "accident", or being over thespeed limit by 5 miles. They are more serious about the killings and drug dealings. Now, Bart police, these dudes ain't got nothing to do but survey theBart stations ALL day. They think they're God at these stations. I understand why Bart police are power hungry too though. Because we have some rowdy Bartriders that always walk around the last cars creating havoc. It's mostly teenagers- 22 year old that are acting up. So the Bart police tend to actaggressive to put these young kids in place. It's just a shame. They went overboard this time. The victim has kids and everything. Sad Sad story.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by wanksta23

it looked like an accident by the way he looked shocked and put his hand on his head as if he said "what did i just do!?"

also people saying he thought it was his taser

accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?
What would be the need to taser a man on his stomach cooperating with 3 officers right over him?

And also, a taser feels a lot different grip wise than a gun. He was already cuffed. There was no need to pull anything out. Not even a stick of gum.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Super T1ght

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by 430AM

Arms behind his back and hand cuffed already... Damn.
for the record...he wasn't cuffed.
they cuffed him after he was shot
point taken but totally irrelevant imo.
no...but it's a point that could be used by the defense that Grant was struggling...which he did appear to be initially doing.
Originally Posted by mynameaintG

i like how you guys think because its the police, accidents dont happen.
yes but there is a reason they under go training for all those days & weeks. They arent allowed to have accidents, especially"accidnents" that involve shooting an unarmed man in the back while he is being forcefully held down on the ground by two other officers.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by mynameaintG

i like how you guys think because its the police, accidents dont happen.
yes but there is a reason they under go training for all those days & weeks. They arent allowed to have accidents, especially "accidnents" that involve shooting an unarmed man in the back while he is being forcefully held down on the ground by two other officers.

Exactly, this guy was on the job for 2 years and mistakes his gun for a taser...
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

These excuses lazyJ is giving are moot...criminals with badges are trained to "uphold" the law in many situations...primarily, one having to do with crowds...all this b.s. about worrying about the crowds is non sense... theres only a microscopic % of people who would rush a cop... they're trained for riots, etc. The man was face down with a knee on his neck..cold blooded murder...and to add fuel to the fire...the officer had to unholster and pull off safety before he let off a shot...the video clearly shows he pulled it out and bam

Point out my excuses.
Burning trashcans? Tearing up police cars? Really? Where are the protests and outrage for oakland's 140+ yearly homicides?
wow, this is the first time ive heard about this. i was without a comp. for awhile.

i dont have sound on this comp. so i aint hear the gunshots, but just by watchin the vid ima be pissed if the officer gets off.
In this it looks like he wasn't even resisting or struggling in the least bit, they started tossing him for no reason. This !#!# just riles me up man.Ridiculous.
they probably told him to resign, he will get off and go into some kind of program to relocate and have his name changed

horrible, they need to try him like any adult who did this
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