New York State just became a Revolver town thanks to Cuomo VOL. super gun restriction passed.

what would have happened if minute men only had access to pistols and the british had rifles ?


i understand that it's the person with a gun, but it should be used to defend yourself when you are being threatened for your life. what if a person breaks into your house and all you have is a pistol and they have a ar-15?

I'll take you on a history lesson.... The Colonists were severely out-manned, out armed, and out funded. They won based on military strategy, and knowledge of land.

And even then you're talking about military and militias. We now have a more organized system of military... You're acting like every citizen needs an assault rifle because the British are coming..

Also do you need an AR-15 to defend yourself? Don't lie to yourself, and be honest.... If someone breaks into your house with an AR-15, you would probably be dead anyway... That person coming with an AR wasn't there to rob you, he was there to kill you..

But What you're going to OK Carrol the would be intruder.. You can't defend yourself with a pistol? Or are you saying you will only shoot if he sees you.. If that's the case you'll be dead anyways.. Hell a pistol shoots bullets too.

It's like ninjahood's example in the Sandy Hook thread. He's saying he needs his piece in case he is being robbed at gun point... Absolute nonsense because if any robber has you at gun point, and you try to reach for a gun, you're done. They will shoot without a damn given.

But to say you can't defend yourself with a pistol in your home, and you NEED an AR.... Any point about guns will be lost on you.
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Ammunition magazines would be restricted to seven bullets, from the current 10, and current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.

Thats just crazy, I have 4 32 round clips. I would hate to have to go down to 7, shooting at the gun range would be so annoying.
We live in the south cuzz . Don't worry :pimp:. Unless rick Scott.........
what would have happened if minute men only had access to pistols and the british had rifles ?


i understand that it's the person with a gun, but it should be used to defend yourself when you are being threatened for your life. what if a person breaks into your house and all you have is a pistol and they have a ar-15?
I'll take you on a history lesson.... The Colonists were severely out-manned, out armed, and out funded. They won based on military strategy, and knowledge of land.

And even then you're talking about military and militias. We now have a more organized system of military... You're acting like every citizen needs an assault rifle because the British are coming..

Also do you need an AR-15 to defend yourself? Don't lie to yourself, and be honest.... If someone breaks into your house with an AR-15, you would probably be dead anyway... That person coming with an AR wasn't there to rob you, he was there to kill you..

But What you're going to OK Carrol the would be intruder.. You can't defend yourself with a pistol? Or are you saying you will only shoot if he sees you.. If that's the case you'll be dead anyways.. Hell a pistol shoots bullets too.

It's like ninjahood's example in the Sandy Hook thread. He's saying he needs his piece in case he is being robbed at gun point... Absolute nonsense because if any robber has you at gun point, and you try to reach for a gun, you're done. They will shoot without a damn given.

But to say you can't defend yourself with a pistol in your home, and you NEED an AR.... Any point about guns will be lost on you.
same way people dont "need" 700+hp Lamborghini on roads with a average speed limit of 55-65 MPH but we cop em anyways

because its within our right to is da same argument on why people should be able to have as many AR-15's as they want.

and not for nothing duke, you wasn't there wit da gun aimed at you, I all that monday morning quarterback talk is cheap as far

as im concerned. if i wanna be out here cuban linked shining up in broad day light, guess what? i want someone to think twice before they try me

because i MIGHT just be a concealed and carry license holder.
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I'll take you on a history lesson.... The Colonists were severely out-manned, out armed, and out funded. They won based on military strategy, and knowledge of land.

And even then you're talking about military and militias. We now have a more organized system of military... You're acting like every citizen needs an assault rifle because the British are coming..

Also do you need an AR-15 to defend yourself? Don't lie to yourself, and be honest.... If someone breaks into your house with an AR-15, you would probably be dead anyway... That person coming with an AR wasn't there to rob you, he was there to kill you..

But What you're going to OK Carrol the would be intruder.. You can't defend yourself with a pistol? Or are you saying you will only shoot if he sees you.. If that's the case you'll be dead anyways.. Hell a pistol shoots bullets too.

It's like ninjahood's example in the Sandy Hook thread. He's saying he needs his piece in case he is being robbed at gun point... Absolute nonsense because if any robber has you at gun point, and you try to reach for a gun, you're done. They will shoot without a damn given.

But to say you can't defend yourself with a pistol in your home, and you NEED an AR.... Any point about guns will be lost on you.

i understand it was guerilla warfare but they were pretty equal in the sense of caliber in weapons. i'm just asking what if they had pistols instead of rifles, it might have turned out different. i'm not saying we need ar-15's but we at least higher caliber weapons. at least you stand a better chance with a someone if both of you have the same or similar caliber.

my only issue is civilians having to defend themselves with less powerful weapons.
I'll take you on a history lesson.... The Colonists were severely out-manned, out armed, and out funded. They won based on military strategy, and knowledge of land.

And even then you're talking about military and militias. We now have a more organized system of military... You're acting like every citizen needs an assault rifle because the British are coming..

Also do you need an AR-15 to defend yourself? Don't lie to yourself, and be honest.... If someone breaks into your house with an AR-15, you would probably be dead anyway... That person coming with an AR wasn't there to rob you, he was there to kill you..

But What you're going to OK Carrol the would be intruder.. You can't defend yourself with a pistol? Or are you saying you will only shoot if he sees you.. If that's the case you'll be dead anyways.. Hell a pistol shoots bullets too.

It's like ninjahood's example in the Sandy Hook thread. He's saying he needs his piece in case he is being robbed at gun point... Absolute nonsense because if any robber has you at gun point, and you try to reach for a gun, you're done. They will shoot without a damn given.

But to say you can't defend yourself with a pistol in your home, and you NEED an AR.... Any point about guns will be lost on you.

i understand it was guerilla warfare but they were pretty equal in the sense of caliber in weapons. i'm just asking what if they had pistols instead of rifles, it might have turned out different. i'm not saying we need ar-15's but we at least higher caliber weapons. at least you stand a better chance with a someone if both of you have the same or similar caliber.

my only issue is civilians having to defend themselves with less powerful weapons.

From what?
^ Virtually impossible to be granted a concealed carry license in new york though.
i know that, but its easy to get a armed guard license
From what?

that's the thing, you never know. i'd rather be safe then sorry. and that's where the thin line is. because there are nut cases who go gun crazy and make it look bad. it's kind of like that kid in elementary who gets caught chewing gum, now everyone has to obey a law because that one person ruined it for everyone else.


i hate to go off topic, but i was reading that one reason jewish people could not defend themselves against nazi officers was because there was a restriction of arms against jews.
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From what?

that's the thing, you never know. i'd rather be safe then sorry. and that's where the thin line is. because there are nut cases who go gun crazy and make it look bad. it's kind of like that kid in elementary who gets chewing gum, now everyone has to obey a law because that one person ruined it for everyone else.

[Jay-Z] P-P-P Paranoia. [/Jay-Z]

And you can't protect yourself with a handgun, or shotgun

Because.... They don't shoot bullets?
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[Jay-Z] P-P-P Paranoia. [/Jay-Z]

And you can't protect yourself with a handgun, or shotgun

Because.... They don't shoot bullets?

it seems like you already have your mind made up. but all i have to say is that to me it's like a bringing a knife to a gun fight.
[Jay-Z] P-P-P Paranoia. [/Jay-Z]

And you can't protect yourself with a handgun, or shotgun

Because.... They don't shoot bullets?

it seems like you already have your mind made up. but all i have to say is that to me it's like a bringing a knife to a gun fight.

For what? You never identify what.

An intruder...

Sooooooo you're having a shoot out with an intruder?

You been watching to many movies man.
For what? You never identify what.

An intruder...

Sooooooo you're having a shoot out with an intruder?

You been watching to many movies man.

perhaps your city goes into marshal law. how are you going to defend yourself? with a pistol ? and there are people running out on the streets with ar's and you have to go to the store to buy food ? the thing is i prepare myself for the worst, yeah it may sound paranoid but i'd rather be paranoid then be empty handed when **** hits the fan

:lol: it's funny that you say movies because i hardly even watch movies. you've probably seen more movies then i have in the last 365 days
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Ryda this one is for you...

"This isn't about the Constitution, or efficacy of regulation, or intruder defense. It's about how perilously close some people in this country feel they are living to a tyrant's rule...No one is taking away all the guns, but now I get it. Now I see what's happening. So this is what it is, their paranoid fear of a possible dystopic future prevents us from addressing our actual dystopic present. We can't even begin to address the 30 thousand gun deaths that are actually in reality happening in this country every year, because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of imaginary Hitler."
If you're going to be discussing this topic at such length, you should know the difference between a handgun, shotgun, and rifle... at least a basic knowledge, not even discussing specific calibers. 

Because yes, a handgun and AR-15 both shoot bullets, but they're not the same, so stop pretending they are. Do you know what the difference in damage is between a pistol vs. shotgun vs. AR-15? Do you know how the bullets travel? Is there a risk of the bullet going through the target? Would one be easier or more difficult to use in a self-defense situation? 
Ryda this one is for you...

"This isn't about the Constitution, or efficacy of regulation, or intruder defense. It's about how perilously close some people in this country feel they are living to a tyrant's rule...No one is taking away all the guns, but now I get it. Now I see what's happening. So this is what it is, their paranoid fear of a possible dystopic future prevents us from addressing our actual dystopic present. We can't even begin to address the 30 thousand gun deaths that are actually in reality happening in this country every year, because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of imaginary Hitler."

honestly man, jon stewart is a tool. so i really don't take what he says as a knowledgeable source. if you feel this restriction is to curb gun violence then you have another coming because it doesn't solve much.
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We're talking about self defense in one's home.... Not an all out war...

Even a 1st Grader could come up with a more logical thought than I need an AR to defend my home because a Shotgun won't do.
So you don't know the differences?

The hostility and condescension does nothing to help your argument. "Even a 1st grader..." Please, spare us... it's not needed at all.

The point is, if you're going to be saying "why can't you just defend yourself with a handgun or shotgun", you should at least have a basic knowledge of the differences, and why someone might want to use an AR-15 over a .38 revolver. If you've said you know the differences or are even a gun owner in the past, then my apologies, but it doesn't seem like you know much about guns, other than you don't like them.
Lol @ imaginary hitler. You do realize this country imprisoned thousands of people because of their ancestry, right? I
So you don't know the differences?

The hostility and condescension does nothing to help your argument. "Even a 1st grader..." Please, spare us... it's not needed at all.

The point is, if you're going to be saying "why can't you just defend yourself with a handgun or shotgun", you should at least have a basic knowledge of the differences, and why someone might want to use an AR-15 over a .38 revolver. If you've said you know the differences or are even a gun owner in the past, then my apologies, but it doesn't seem like you know much about guns, other than you don't like them.

Condescension was necessary....

You probably should apologize tho. There was no need for me to say "I know the difference" or "I know gun owners. Live with. Raised by. Studied the history of guns." or have had these debates since I was in high school..

What was necessary was to respond to a nonsensical hypothetical... With condescension
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We're talking about self defense in one's home.... Not an all out war...

Even a 1st Grader could come up with a more logical thought than I need an AR to defend my home because a Shotgun won't do.

You seem to have such a deep knowledge and understanding of firearms and ballistics. Tell me how many guns do you own? What is the NATO designation of the 5.56 round that or military uses? Also what will penetrate more drywall, a shotgun with buckshot or an AR with 75gr HP? At what level does body armor no longer defeat pistol rounds and buckshot?

I'll wait.
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There's an absolute need to know.. because it seems as if you're unaware of the differences between different types of guns, since you see to believe a handgun, shotgun, and rifle are all interchangeable for self-defense.. It would have been much easier to say "I've been around them my whole life and I consider myself knowledgeable". That would have been the better option, instead you went the opposite way.

If this is the approach you take, I'll save myself the headache right now.. it seems you're not interested in a healthy conversation, just arguing for the sake of arguing. Enjoy yourself.
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[COLOR=#red]Three hurt in firearm accident at North Carolina gun show

(Reuters) - Three people including a retired sheriff's deputy were wounded on Saturday at a gun show in North Carolina when a 12-gauge shotgun accidentally discharged as its owner was taking it out of its case, state officials said.

The incident comes as the country debates gun control and the rights of gun owners after a man armed with an assault rifle killed 20 first graders and six adults last month at an elementary school in Connecticut - the deadliest of a string of U.S. shooting sprees last year. Saturday's shooting occurred when Gary Lynn Wilson, 36, of Wilmington, North Carolina, approached the entrance of the Dixie Gun and Knife Show in Raleigh to have his personal firearm inspected.

The shotgun fired as he removed it from its case, according to a statement by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, a host of the gun show.
Two patrons of the gun show were injured - a 50-year-old man and a 54-year-old woman - as was a 54-year-old retired Wake County Sheriff's deputy who was working at the show. None of the injuries were life-threatening, the statement said.

"They all were struck by birdshot from the gun," said Agriculture Department spokesman Brian Long.
The incident coincided with a day of rallies across the country by gun rights advocates who say the right to own firearms is under attack from President Barack Obama's proposals to reduce gun violence.

On Sunday, gun control advocates plan events at houses of worship to demand more gun regulation.
The North Carolina gun show will go ahead as planned on Sunday, but no private gun sales will be allowed and personal guns will not be allowed on the property.

(Reporting By Edith Honan in New York; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Eric Beech)

You seriously can't make this stuff up...:lol:

Glad no one was seriously injured, though.

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