NFL Conference Championship In Review....

Eh I do see your point on letting them play a bit more AMP, but still not to the level of years ago and definitely not to the level of 77 or earlier. IMO
i just read Shoes original post
@ the undermining of Peyton in here. Acting like he isn't one of the greatest of all-time and isn't the prototypical QB. Even if Eli wins another one Peyton is so far ahead of everyone in terms of stats,wins,awards that he still won't even be close to Peyton granted he'll be considered far more of a winner than Peyton.
Eli wins I still put him behind Brady,Peyton,Rodgers and Brees
Originally Posted by dreClark

Oh, we're back on this Revis/Deion *$@# again, huh?!?!?!
I don't actually believe that at all, not what I'm trying to say, was just using that argument as an example since it came up this year...It's a poor one though as Chester said cause Deion wasn't really a physical corner so he was prolly made to play the way he game is today.

My whole point is you can always find a way to discredit any player/era if you try hard enough.  Just cause Brady's numbers are inflated compared to past eras doesn't mean he is lesser of a QB cause of it.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by dreClark

Oh, we're back on this Revis/Deion *$@# again, huh?!?!?!
I don't actually believe that at all, not what I'm trying to say, was just using that argument as an example since it came up this year...It's a poor one though as Chester said cause Deion wasn't really a physical corner so he was prolly made to play the way he game is today.
You don't know what you speak offfffff.....

He didn't tackle well, but he jammed @ the LOS just like Revissssssss.....
I admit Deion was before my time really but I thought he always had the rep for not really tackling or being physical *shrugs*
I just watched Drew Brees throw for over 900 yards in TWO games, and Brady have 6 TD's before the 4th quarter started and you tellin me the playoffs are harder now than they were in the regular season? 
  That makes sense to you? 

Tebow 316 yards, on 10 catches. 

Multiple 200 yard games by receivers, tight ends getting a buck eighty, dudes throwing 58 times in the wind and rain, slot guys getting 10+ catches and 150 yards, but it's "harder" in the postseason? 

Seems to me, it's exactly the same, with a couple less holding calls is all.  I know I remember seeing illegal contacts, and hands to the face last night, I know I seen that @#$%, and it's, as you say, the playoffs and all those soft rules are out the window now. 

You sure? 
That penalty Aaron Ross got when the GMen were absolutely thrashing the 49ers, had em on 3rd and 18 I believe going backwards......hands to the face penalty that was questionable and automatic first down.....I was like -_-

I still don't agree with the automatic first down part of that call, I can understand 5 yards, @!@@ even 10.....but automatic first down on top of that?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I admit Deion was before my time really but I thought he always had the rep for not really tackling or being physical *shrugs*

Looks like press man coverage (vs. Mike Irvin no less) to meeeeeee........

He wasn't strictly an off man CB like Asante Samuels and the like
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by S4L3

-Ravens window has also closed. One time Frank Sinatra came in here and sat down on this chair. I said frank, you always hanging out with Ray Lewis. Just between me and you how old is he? You know what Frank said? Ray Lewis is 137 yeas old. 137 years old...

Easily your best contribution of the season man

Maaaaaan Dre, that was football.  Summerall, Madden when he knew what he was doin, those teams, not this @#$%^& Joe Buck bull @#$% we got now. 

Damn, they look so damn old school back then too.  Ya'll see Daryl Johnson?  Dude's shoulder pads stuck out a good foot past his body each way. 
  Lookin like wings out there. 
First time EVER that 2 Super Bowl MVP's will square off at QB.  (that should be that have already won MVP, Favre and Elway met, but Elway didn't win MVP til the next year, and Manning/Brees met, but Brees didn't already have one)  This is the first.  

In the super bowl yes, Rodgers Manning was the first ever time super bowl MVPs faced each other and Eli out played Rodgers, FACT
Eli wouldn't even have a ring if it wasn't for that 07 Giants defense.

why lie? Eli out played Tony Romo, Frave and then Brady, sure you will say their defense is why Eli out played them ok fair but in green bay in freezing cold eli put up points/yards..... int in OT won the game...but Eli didnt turn it over like frave did twice.....then super bowl the defense allowed go ahead TD with min left in the game, Eli did have a luck pass on 2nd down,but did you see how he got of that sack, no credit for that? WRs get paid to make plays they drop easy ones sometimes and catch hard ones thats what tyree did there......was that a TD, nope pats could have still stopped Eli, eli hits steve smith for like 15 and setups giants on the 23.....eli reads blitz changes the play for plax endzone and he hits him for the TD......Eli won that super bowl, eli stepped his game more than any other player for that run.....Eli in 07 playoffs 8 TDS! 1 int which was a drop in the super bowl off bradshaw otherwise he would have had a perfect super bowl run......eli this run beat green bay again and has 8 TDs 1 int....has a chance to out do himself......
The 49ers lost the game last night, the Giants didnt win it. Thats what makes it so heartbreaking.

really? how many teams win playoff games not getting one 3rd down? the only one they got was last play in 4 qtr when giants gave the underneath play....thats domante defense
3rd and 15 giants got the TD to manningham, why didnt the great 9er defense hold the giants to a FG there? 
 Without the gift wrapped 10 points, the Giants would be fishing today.  

one 2nd fumble was forced TO, are we going to get into oh if not for TOs we win games? in that case giants are 18-0
another thing if lets say the giants are down 10 points how do you know they dont score? they entire mindset/attack changes...

having said that now one is talking about how bad the giants game plan was, yes 9ers D is amazing best in NFL 4 all pro players....Eli took a beating but 2nd half they really missed out on big plays manningham was open on at least 4 plays.....eli didnt spot him in time because manningham was his 3rd or 4th the 2nd half with all the attention cruz was getting manningham should have been the 1st read....very poor lack of adjustment on the giants part.......brings me to the last giants drive Eli some how hits bradshaw for 30 yards to get to the 9ers 50 and with 105 left the giants tried to catch them with a run which was sooooo stupid that killed a down and 25 seconds.....they should have thrown a screen there or went deep

also who said the giants didnt get it past the 50 in the 2nd half? either you lied or dont count 9ers 46 as past the 50...poor play calling by the giants saved a few moments of hope
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I admit Deion was before my time really but I thought he always had the rep for not really tackling or being physical *shrugs*

Looks like press man coverage (vs. Mike Irvin no less) to meeeeeee........

He wasn't strictly an off man CB like Asante Samuels and the like

dreClark wrote:
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I admit Deion was before my time really but I thought he always had the rep for not really tackling or being physical *shrugs*

Looks like press man coverage (vs. Mike Irvin no less) to meeeeeee........

He wasn't strictly an off man CB like Asante Samuels and the like

"Mastered the corner like Deion in his uniform"
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Basketball =/= Football. Jordan played offense and defense and can control the game in a way that a QB can never do. Championships are the awards that go to the best Teams, key word being team. Montana played on a team with possibly the greatest coach and WR ever, amazing teams. Same with Brady. That's why I think rings are overrated and severely stunt discussions, because those are team achievements not individual achievements. Robert Horry has 7 rings so the 6 rings Jordan has isn't why he is the greatest, the reason he is the greatest is because he has essentially .500 FG% playing SG, something completely unseen. This is also while being prolly the singular best perimeter defender as well. Using rigns as the basis of your arguments assume all other factors and situations the players had were equal and that just isn't true and its stupid.

Tom Brady has succeded in the NFL with a diverse style of teams and squads. He won those Super Bowls that were defensive teams and little offensive support, put up record breaking numbers with one of the greatest Offenses ever and now has a team based around two archetype TE's and is succeeding again. He has done it all. You guys can mention Marino, Elway and Montana as being better and that's fine cause there isn't a clear cut #1 QB. But by the time Tom's career is done, the argument for those guys might be a little harder to make.

there's no way in hell that Tom Brady should even be mentioned with the likes of Montana, Elway, and Marino. The present day Pats would get TORCHED by the 80s 49ers 
49ers v Cowboys. The Super Bowl 2 years in a row. Awesome stuff. Watching Americas Game from 88, forgot that there was in a QB controversy. Crazy to think.

Oh and Joe Starky is great
This nostalgia kick is going a little too far. Brady and Manning (18) stack up well against all the greats, including Montana, Elway, and Marino.
When it comes to Peyton/Eli all you need is a simple eye test.  Eli never has come close to touching Peyton's zenith as a QB and never will. Eli has had tremendous luck in the playoffs as well, couple catches or drops here or there and his mantle of clutchest QB quickly designates, can't say the same with Peyton.

he answered record breaking hall of frame brady when he had the go ahead TD vs that great giants defense.....Eli came back and made plays to take that super bowl away......eli after the tyree play had 2 passes including game winning TD pass, keep in mind please the giants needed a TD fg was not an option, after that tyree play field shorter the pats just need to rush 3 and i think truly the giants dont get that TD,  on the 23rd you have 7 DBs and LB out in coverage 8/10 times they wont allow a TD but belichick or whoever thought it would be wise to blitz eli and have DB on an island with plax....think about how bad of a play call that was.....but Eli the great read blitz changed play and bam credit for that?    ...Luck when Eli wins but when the brady limps in the playoffs no one says anything 

Eli has a long way to go before he can seriously be considered better than peyton, but lets be real here......peyton has lost games when he was the favorite dont act like he was underdog on the road with bad teams.......most of Peytons playoff games have been at home and you know what i'm bet my entire savings that most of those home games if not all the colts were favorites, but how many did he win?  i know he didnt win last year........and you want to talk about playoff runs  Eli's first super bowl run 8 TDs 1 int  current 8 TDs 1 int......peytons lone super bowl win 3 TDs and 7 ints, but i see how peyton wins with lousy teams 
 2 of those wins his D allowed less than 10 peytons first AFC championship game vs. the pats he threw 4 ints his defense played good allowing only 24 despite 4 TOs from O..... 

basketball and football are not the same but look at MJ the difference between him and wilt is 4 championships, everyone thinks wilt should have won more, yes russell did have great teams but wilts reg seasons stats dipped when the playoffs came, he wasnt as great he didnt step up his game come playoff time above his reg season self, MJ did he got better in the playoffs

peyton great as he is everyone knows he has not been his reg amazing self in the playoffs, his play for the most part has not gone above what he has shown in the reg season....eli on the other hand has risen his play in the playoffs.......yes its only been 2 playoff runs......Eli needs to be have at least 5 more seasons, i think he can and will......

oh for that dude who brought up Eli's career rating of 82 in reg season(88 in the playoffs).......go look at that list again and tell me how many players above him do you think most GM take over Eli.....also about your rating stat.....yesterday Eli's rating 82 and Smith's 97
so much for QB rating dude couldnt get a 3rd down and completed less than 50% of his passes 
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