NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Giants got ZERO respect for Prince Amukamara. Zero.

Anyone see the vid posted of JPP throwing him in a tub of ice? Prince was vexed afterwards. That's some rookie-type of hazing. Not something you do to a 2nd year player.

Story is up on ESPN. Coughlin is pissed.
Giants got ZERO respect for Prince Amukamara. Zero.
Anyone see the vid posted of JPP throwing him in a tub of ice? Prince was vexed afterwards. That's some rookie-type of hazing. Not something you do to a 2nd year player.
Story is up on ESPN. Coughlin is pissed.
And JPP only has one year on Price too :smh:
its official: Locker's the starting QB. i thought the decision would be made just before the season started but im ok with the call. :pimp:
Giants got ZERO respect for Prince Amukamara. Zero.
Anyone see the vid posted of JPP throwing him in a tub of ice? Prince was vexed afterwards. That's some rookie-type of hazing. Not something you do to a 2nd year player.
Story is up on ESPN. Coughlin is pissed.

That vid actually had a me a little sad. Prince was basically being bullied. I wonder if it's the way he carries himself? He's not your typical dumb jock. I think I read once that his parents have royal heritage (they're from Nigeria).

As far as the Steelers last night, I liked everything I saw expect the return game, the secondary, & Mike Adams (& Meachum) who looked like doo doo. Frickin' ohio state players can't play in the NFL worth ish. What do they frickin teach there? Adams has no footwork or hand placement whatsoever. He's gotta a helluva lot to learn to become a good LT...

BTW, too many bold prolamations being made about teams/players based on preseason games. Do you guys realize that teams don't watch film or game plan for preseason games? Teams aren't even playing much of the offensive or defensive games plans so what you're seeing now is not anything close to what's going to occur during the season...
Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with Prince not being a "dumb jock" there's plenty of educated people in the NFL, he just looks soft, like he won't speak / up stand up for himself, you dont like being thrown in an ice bath? Stand up for yourself , put hands on JPP, if you get washed it happens but ain't least you ain't looking like a female to the rest of that team.
As far as the Steelers last night, I liked everything I saw expect the return game, the secondary, & Mike Adams (& Meachum) who looked like doo doo. Frickin' ohio state players can't play in the NFL worth ish. What do they frickin teach there? Adams has no footwork or hand placement whatsoever. He's gotta a helluva lot to learn to become a good LT...

You liked what you saw from the run game?
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You liked what you saw from the run game?

Bits & pieces yes, but not having Mendenhall or Redman (especially Redman) tempered my view. There were some great plays & some really bad. Rainey looks tougher than I thought he'd be, but he wasn't finding a lot of holes to rip through & use that speed but that might be more on the line & preseason schemes (or lack there of). QB Jerrod Johnson kinda impressed me though...
I thought the run blocking was decent and they did stick with it. As much as I want to get back to that style of football, it's a passing league and it will never get to true 'Steeler football'. That said past few years Pitt struggled to run in 4th quarter and in short situations. This should change. Loved the run by AB on the TD

Mike Adams needs work (as said by Psk)
Great bounce back by Luck after the pick 6
No significant injuries for Pitt which is good
Sad about Austin
Liked the no huddle
All in all offense has bee stagnant. Not sure if due to preseason or new schemes
9-7? ill say 10-6 bruh.

i cant believe nobody seeing what Coach Shannahan is plotting in DC. Sun is patiently waiting for RGIII to fail so he can start Cousins. or at least thats how i feel. Then again i ask myself, What black QB flourished under Coach Shannahan anyways? :nerd:
9-7? ill say 10-6 bruh.

i cant believe nobody seeing what Coach Shannahan is plotting in DC. Sun is patiently waiting for RGIII to fail so he can start Cousins. or at least thats how i feel. Then again i ask myself, What black QB flourished under Coach Shannahan anyways? :nerd:

8-8 I was being generous at 9-7, what black QBs has Shannahan had :lol:
Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with Prince not being a "dumb jock" there's plenty of educated people in the NFL, he just looks soft, like he won't speak / up stand up for himself, you dont like being thrown in an ice bath? Stand up for yourself , put hands on JPP, if you get washed it happens but ain't least you ain't looking like a female to the rest of that team.
I'm mad this has even become an issue. Real talk, if that's how Prince is gonna carry himself I don't want him on my team. He can walk with that soft mess. He hasn't shown me anything on the field that would make me believe he's the caliber of player that you can overlook being soft.
Just watched the video and it seemed like Prince was letting them do that to him, then they kept saying he better stand up for himself after. Not sure if they were just bullying him or not. I don't see why he couldn't get off that guys arm though. 

I wonder what they did to Eli 

seems like they're just bullying him
Amukamara, 23, was the target of rookie hazing last season. He said had his tie and dress shirt cut before a road trip and landed in the cold tub eight times last year.
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usually the 1st stage of the policy is being put in multiple random testing program

and the next positive test is 4 games

Maybe this changed during the NFL/NFLPA Lock out negotiations. *shrugs*
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As far as the Steelers last night, I liked everything I saw expect the return game, the secondary, & Mike Adams (& Meachum) who looked like doo doo. Frickin' ohio state players can't play in the NFL worth ish. What do they frickin teach there? Adams has no footwork or hand placement whatsoever. He's gotta a helluva lot to learn to become a good LT...

Can't argue that. Every year when the draft rolls around my dad is so against any Big 10 players, especially from Ohio St. going to the Lions. He has no bias against the teams in college, he just straight up thinks they can't play for ****. And from all my years watching football, for the most part I agree. Yeah there are some good players to come out of that conference, but there seems to always be some of the biggest busts as well.
Can't argue that. Every year when the draft rolls around my dad is so against any Big 10 players, especially from Ohio St. going to the Lions. He has no bias against the teams in college, he just straight up thinks they can't play for ****. And from all my years watching football, for the most part I agree. Yeah there are some good players to come out of that conference, but there seems to always be some of the biggest busts as well.

The last ohio state player that did anything in the NFL I can think of was Eddie George. You could possibly count Santonio Holmes if he can get his head out of his ***. Before Eddie, the only one I can think of is Chris Carter. Everyone else has been just below average or turrible...
what on earth ???????????

Antoine Winfield
James Laurainitis
Santonio Holmes
Nick Mangold
Will Smith
Terry Glenn
nate Clements
david Boston
Orlando pace
Antonio Winfield
Malcolm Jenkins
LeCharles bentley
Jamar Martin
Shawn Springs
Joey galloway
Eddie george
Korey Stringer
robert Smith

Yall Can NOT be serious. :smh:
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