NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

Who? If you list some backup depth player im going to kindly ask you to get the **** outta here

desean played week 1, then apparently can come back round 2.. if we make it

Jordan Howard missed 5 or 6 weeks.. can’t remember how many games bradham and Jernigan missed

we had peters missing games, but he needs to retire.. bigger issue was trying figure out RT without lane.. brooks also got concussed 1st Seahawks game which didn’t help because we had our 1st round rookie LT, who played well at LT in peters absence, playing RT for the first time in his life and tipping plays and then we went to big V who got abused and then brooks went out

also was more a timing thing with everything.. like week 2 vs Atlanta, we got alshon and desean both warming up in uniform and then find out both can’t play and goedert goes down early.. just silly sh
desean played week 1, then apparently can come back round 2.. if we make it

Jordan Howard missed 5 or 6 weeks.. can’t remember how many games bradham and Jernigan missed

we had peters missing games, but he needs to retire.. bigger issue was trying figure out RT without lane.. brooks also got concussed 1st Seahawks game which didn’t help because we had our 1st round rookie LT, who played well at LT in peters absence, playing RT for the first time and tipping plays and then we went to big V who got abused and then brooks went out

also was more a timing thing with everything.. like week 2 vs Atlanta, we got alshon and desean both warming up in uniform and then find out both can’t play and goedert goes down early.. just silly sh

Jordan Howard - PFF Grade of 69
Nigel Bradham - PFF Grade of 62. He apparently missed 4 games
Tim Jernigan - PFF Grade of 65 pretty sure this dude was your backup DT no?

Desean is 33 ******* years old. He isnt changing jack ****.
Desean is 33 ****ing years old. He isnt changing jack ****.

depending on 33 year old desean who hasn’t stayed healthy in forever, is bad planning (as was depending on mike Wallace last year)

but I’d assume someone who is depending on a soon to be 33 year Emmanuel sanders, would appreciate how effective certain guys can be

plus the bar ain’t exactly high for eagles WRs
depending on 33 year old desean who hasn’t stayed healthy in forever, is bad planning (as was depending on mike Wallace last year)

but I’d assume someone who is depending on a soon to be 33 year Emmanuel sanders, would appreciate how effective certain guys can be

plus the bar ain’t exactly high for eagles WRs

Meh Deebo has been much more of a threat the last 5 or 6 weeks than Sanders has been. All I'm saying is injuries happen to every single team. I don't even think you guys have had it any worse than we have, but all you hear is people talking about how many injuries the Eagles have had using it as a built in excuse as to why the team isn't going to make noise.
Eagles fans let me ask you a question

If y'all missed the playoffs would y'all have been in here talking about the same dam injuries as an excuse?
Meh Deebo has been much more of a threat the last 5 or 6 weeks than Sanders has been. All I'm saying is injuries happen to every single team. I don't even think you guys have had it any worse than we have, but all you hear is people talking about how many injuries the Eagles have had using it as a built in excuse as to why the team isn't going to make noise.

I too wish we could depend on our 2nd round WR.. but dude might legit have lost a foot race to alshon prior to him doing whatever to his foot or knee or whatever that will keep him out of half of next season at the least
I too wish we could depend on our 2nd round WR.. but dude might legit have lost a foot race to alshon prior to him doing whatever to his foot or knee or whatever that will keep him out of half of next season at the least

Whoever is scouting you guy's wide receivers and corners needs to be fired immediately. I can't think of a team that has used as much draft capital on those two positions and still doesnt have **** to show for it.
Y'all in here talking out your whole a**holes right now :rofl:

First of all, everyone with a brain knows to not take PFF seriously.

Second, regardless of how YOU (or anyone else) feels about the talent of the players the Eagles have lost to injury, the fact of the matter is that a lot of these guys are starters. They're starters for a reason, because they're the best players on your team (yes, I know a very simple concept, that I'm being forced to explain for some reason).

Ask yourself how most teams (including the one you root for) would fare if they played without 8-11 of the best players on their team throughout the season.
Y'all in here talking out your whole a**holes right now :rofl:

First of all, everyone with a brain knows to not take PFF seriously.

Second, regardless of how YOU (or anyone else) feels about the talent of the players the Eagles have lost to injury, the fact of the matter is that a lot of these guys are starters. They're starters for a reason, because they're the best players on your team (yes, I know a very simple concept, that I'm being forced to explain or some reason).

Ask yourself how most teams (including the one you root for) would fare if played without 8-11 of the best players on their team throughout the season.

The 49ers have done the same thing and are 13-3, so yes, the team I root for has accomplished this same damn thing. You guys need to stop crying about it, its everyday in here.

Plus not every team has the benefit of making the playoffs soley because they are in the worst division in football.
Eagles fans let me ask you a question

If y'all missed the playoffs would y'all have been in here talking about the same dam injuries as an excuse?

excuse for what?

not making the playoffs?

I think that would have been the rational expectation after a certain point

we played your team yesterday with dudes who weren’t in the nfl a month ago

injuries are a part of the game.. but you cannot expect dudes to play to the same level as all pros (which we were down 3 by the end of the game)
I mean the Steelers lost a 5K passer, a 1,800 yard receiver, and a top 5 running back in the offseason. They had been missing Conner for a good chunk of the year, Ju-Ju has been out awhile, Rudolph missed time, Tuitt got IR'ed.

That's why I mentioned I wouldn't be surprised if Tomlin got votes.

I think people are assuming I said Pederson should be COY. Not the case. I said I wouldn't be mad/surprised if he got a couple votes.
Whoever is scouting you guy's wide receivers and corners needs to be fired immediately. I can't think of a team that has used as much draft capital on those two positions and still doesnt have **** to show for it.

we’re good at 2 things.. getting slot CBs and drafting cbs that should be safeties

but jets fans should be concerned about joe Douglas.. dude is a big film guy and doesn’t value testing numbers a ton.. which ends up with us drafting slower guys...
Srs question. U think eagles have no shot of beating seattle at home?

At home yes, but I sure as hell don't think that secondary is getting them anywhere far in the playoffs. Y'all had the good fortune of playing the easiest schedule in the NFL for the last month and a half and still barely made the playoffs.

Do you think the Eagles are better than the Saints, Packers, 49ers, Ravens, or Chiefs?
All this animosity towards McDaniels as a HC would make you think he's an underachieving retread who's been passed around :lol:

Dude got his HC experience legit a decade ago when he was 32,I'm pretty certain his 2nd go around at this stage in his career would be much much different after everything he's experienced since then.

Kinda feel like who ever hires him will be pleasantly surprised given how expectations seem to be rock bottom when it comes to him as a HC
At home yes, but I sure as hell don't think that secondary is getting them anywhere far in the playoffs. Y'all had the good fortune of playing the easiest schedule in the NFL for the last month and a half and still barely made the playoffs.

Do you think the Eagles are better than the Saints, Packers, 49ers, Ravens, or Chiefs?
Nope but who saying they are? I do believe though if we matchup and we get some guys back. Djax, lane, sanders, maybe brooks. We wld give yall a gm too
I will say this, Schwartz has some obvious flaws with his defenses

but dude has done well previously vs certain coaches/offenses
Nope but who saying they are? I do believe though if we matchup and we get some guys back. Djax, lane, sanders, maybe brooks. We wld give yall a gm too

I'm honestly rooting for your guys. I'd much rather play you guys than Russell Wilson and the Seahawks again and I don't mean that as a slight against you guys. I don't want any part of that ******* in the playoffs
I can dig it. Maybe im not reading and jumping in but dam why cnt we be happy that we rallied around alot of practice squad players and made it. We not even supposta be here!!!
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