NFL Week 1 In Review...Ya'll Gonna Get This Work...

Both offensive and defensive rookie of the year will be bucs
Gerald McCoy will make the pro bowl


You right my fault, :\
I saw that Barron hit live and jumped the **** up off my *** to see that some more. :wow: :lol: That **** was outstanding, and Smitty didn't even know where he was and still got up like it was nothin. :rofl: It was somethin tho, and Smith knew it. That play was outstanding.

I forgot to mention, I freaking LOVE watching Charles Woodson play ball. That guy is every freaking where. And you can't tell me he was wearing a single pad under that uni, dude was out there in pants and a jersey with his helmet on. :lol:

Saw Vick take another shot yesterday too when he fumbled but recovered in the pile. Philly needs to save him from himself. They are going to get that man killed. And Ben won't be too far behind with that line he has. They need to get DeCastro back next year, and draft 7 more lineman, 1 per round. They have talent as always, but if they don't keep Ben alive, it's pointless. They need to stack that spot up QUICK.
Cam Newton Still a BEAST,

Ron Rivera and Rod Chudzininzki need a stern talking too by **** Vermeil/

13 rushing attempts ... WHAT! and half of that was Cam. You cant win in this league like that. Panthers backfield has DWill, First aid and Tolbert and you run the ball 11 times :smh: :x

The replacement refs were AWFUL. Horrible. Pitiful. The Real Refs have to be at Home seeing dollar signs.

The best thing about the replacement refs, Charles Woodson doesnt get his Reputation Non Holding/PI calls :smokin

Doug Martin looked real good

Von Miller, yup. still a top 3 LB in the NFL

Matt Forte is Still the Most complete RB in the NFL .

Mark Barron tried to KILL Steve Smith :lol:

Pete Carroll gotta put an end to the scrap heap WR movement. Baldwin and Braylon cost Russy his first Dub. :x

Ryan FitzPatrick.... :smh: :x

Tony gonzalez getting a Tub in his return to ArrowHead :pimp:
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The God hath spoken...........:nthat:
Mark Ingram should watch tape of Doug Martin.......:smh:

Yes Indeed.

also the Chiefs had no chance vs ATL without Tamba Hali and Brandon Flowers.

Gotta see how that defense looks with them at Full strength

Joe haden is So Good right now. its gonna Kill the already hapless Browns if his appeal doesnt go thru
Forte doesn't even score his own TDs
:lol: :lol:

I can't give the edge to Foster because of his injury history. You have to be on the field to be the most complete back. Considering their usage by their respective teams, it's a toss up between Rice, MJD, and Forte.
Funny when he says we are irrelevant but he still talks about us consistently :lol:

Your using the word "consistently" a little too loosely. When I say irrelevant, I mean just that champ............irrelevant. Even the local bum that lives on the street is irrelevant, but even still we as a society we have to look after and take care of those that need help the most to help them become relevant. With that being said trust me when I tell you that the Oakland Raiders are one of the teams that need help the most to become relevant. I'm just doing my duty as a concerned citizen.

Without looking up anything about the team right now, I bet you don't know anything about what we need.
Forte doesn't even score his own TDs
:lol: :lol:

I can't give the edge to Foster because of his injury history. You have to be on the field to be the most complete back. Considering their usage by their respective teams, it's a toss up between Rice, MJD, and Forte.

Def agree, you can't go wrong with either wrong, Shady is a notch below them also, I wish Reid knew how to use him :rolleyes
Def agree, you can't go wrong with either wrong, Shady is a notch below them also, I wish Reid knew how to use him :rolleyes

Oooooooh, shame on me for not including LeSean. It's criminal how light his workload is in Philly, especially with the performance he had last year. Give this man the ball, early and often Andy.
Forte doesn't even score his own TDs
:lol: :lol:

I can't give the edge to Foster because of his injury history. You have to be on the field to be the most complete back. Considering their usage by their respective teams, it's a toss up between Rice, MJD, and Forte.

by injury history, you mean the 3 games he's missed in his first 2 NFL seasons being the full time starter. oh. ok.

In talking about the impending Madieu Williams fine or suspension for his hit on Jimmy Williams yesterday, do you all think we'll get to the point where offensive players will be fined/suspended for leading w/ the crowns of their helmets when trying to go through a defender? I really hope not. But you never know.
In talking about the impending Madieu Williams fine or suspension for his hit on Jimmy Williams yesterday, do you all think we'll get to the point where offensive players will be fined/suspended for leading w/ the crowns of their helmets when trying to go through a defender? I really hope not. But you never know.

i haven't seen the hit in question here, but my biggest issue with helmet to helmet is when the offensive player ducks himself to avoid the hit, and ends up getting the defenders helmet in his face when he would have originally got hit in the chest. some defenders are malicious, don't get me wrong. but i think they need some leeway because of how difficult it is for them to change their tackling angle in a matter of split seconds.
In talking about the impending Madieu Williams fine or suspension for his hit on Jimmy Williams yesterday, do you all think we'll get to the point where offensive players will be fined/suspended for leading w/ the crowns of their helmets when trying to go through a defender? I really hope not. But you never know.

I feel like that would be way too hard to judge because an offensive player can't just assume their gonna hit the crown of another player with their helmet when they lower their shoulder where as the defender usually has time to aim and go right at a defenseless receiver/runner, it's not fair but hey it's the rules
by injury history, you mean the 3 games he's missed in his first 2 NFL seasons being the full time starter. oh. ok.

Well, senior season at Tennessee, he had knee and thigh injuries which led to a decrease from his Junior year workload. He couldn't perform at the combine because of a pulled hammy. Last year, he strained that same hammy twice (tweeting MRI's to fans) causing him to miss those 3 games you mentioned. Granted, he's only had to miss 3 games because of injury (I thought it was more), but he's had question marks surrounding his health every year.
by injury history, you mean the 3 games he's missed in his first 2 NFL seasons being the full time starter. oh. ok.

Well, senior season at Tennessee, he had knee and thigh injuries which led to a decrease from his Junior year workload. He couldn't perform at the combine because of a pulled hammy. Last year, he strained that same hammy twice (tweeting MRI's to fans) causing him to miss those 3 games you mentioned. Granted, he's only had to miss 3 games because of injury (I thought it was more), but he's had question marks surrounding his health every year.

that's a fair assessment. his senior season killed his draft stock. wasn't until the end of his rookie year in the NFL he started getting some touches. and then he just broke out the next season. in your argument's defense, matt forte and ray rice have been STARTING NFL RBs for longer than foster, and have maintained good health and a high level of production.
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- Among the Jets fans I've been the biggest Sanchez non-believer/hater there is, was upset the mionute we drafted him. But he played his best game ever yesterday. Who knows if its for real or fools gold but I hope he can build on it.
- Love the clowns who were acting like Ryan brothers can't coach or Rex would be on tv after this year. Those guys are the best at what they ******g do on the defensive end.
- Braylon Edwards :rofl:
- Can't decide which franchise is more pathetic, the Browns or the Dolphins.
- Peyton still looking like God out chea
- Romo is a damned good QB and has been...fools just love putting Dallas's **** up's these past few years squarely on his shoulders when that is hardly the case.
- Still don't understand how people though 49ers would take a step back with all those studs on D and an improved WR core. Harbaugh is just too good of a coach for that to happen.
- Green Bay D is still putrid.
- Saints D is even more putrid.
- I like RGIII and all the rookies, but the Saints have one of the worst D's in the league and they play on turf. Let's let RGIII have a couple more games under his best before we anoint him king. Him and Luck will be having great weeks for years to come. Saying one is better than the other after one week is embarrassing plus the ******** have way more talent around him.
- New England looking they going to coast through the AFC again.
- Atlanta offense is explosive undeniably, still question that defense though, especially now with Grimes done for the year.
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