NFL Week 8 In Review...

Unfortunately lost my last grandparent this week so I will just comment on a few topics

Dez - I think he acted like a child with his outburst, but not going to rip apart a team or anything dramatic like tat
Tom - I have always said his outbursts are childish as well. That said his career obviously earns him more leeway with pretty much anything
Obviously I am of the opinion that adults not handling their emotions is childish. This includes sports. That said it isn't the end of the world when it happens
Calvin - clearly the best in the league. AJ and Dez both put up great performances against him and he went above and beyond. Insane
CJ with Steve or Joe throwing to him? May actually get less passes since they are often ill advised throws :lol:
The Rice v CJ debate. I treat CJ like Moss. If I have one play left, I'd take Moss or CJ. If I have one game left, I'm taking Rice every time
As far as discrediting CJ due to physical size, not saying it's right but it happens in sports (see Wilt, Shaq, even Moss in some respects)

As I said, bad things happen when traveling to Oakland :lol:
Easy money betting against them when traveling west out there
DC, Ben was autually pick 11 but I see what you're saying
The team is bad, not much else to say. Go Pens

Great start and the Jets just lost their will early
D didn't miss a beat without Leon
Can we just have the Bengals v Broncos championship game now?
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Thanks gentlemen, it is appreciated. The real sad/surprising thing is between the wife and I, all 8 are gone, and the little man will never know one great grandparent :smh:
Damn man.. Sorry to hear about your loss dmx..

I can't even begin to understand what you are going through.. I lost all of my grandparents at a very young age when I couldn't really comprehend what was going on and appreciate how great of a loss they were..

Stay strong for your family and focus on all the good times and just the fact that you were able to have that person in your life
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Thanks gentlemen, it is appreciated. The real sad/surprising thing is between the wife and I, all 8 are gone, and the little man will never know one great grandparent :smh:

I'm extremely sorry to hear that man...

Were any of your grandparents, on both sides, able to meet the little guy?
My condolences DMX.

You seem like a good and strong dude, so I'm certain that even though your son won't know his grandparents in the flesh, he will as a reflection through you and your wife.
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Sorry for your loss, Dmx. 

Whitlock is garbage. Not reading that trash. Did he attribute it to the hip hop era as usual?
Thanks gentlemen, it is appreciated. The real sad/surprising thing is between the wife and I, all 8 are gone, and the little man will never know one great grandparent
You and your fam are in my thoughts and prayers.  I didnt know a single great grandparent either.
DMX... I can't even imagine. Stay positive man. Simply through your words I can tell you have the strength for something like this, even as unfortunate as it is. My inbox is open if you ever want to talk.

Shoes. I said that I didn't want to make the bet back in August because of any injuries that could be am issue then. Harrison Smith is out, and he was the only reason our defensive backfield wasn't the most notorious joke in the league. Now he's out. I'm smart with my $, so I just can't.

Can you get creative and think of anything else?
Shoes. I said that I didn't want to make the bet back in August because of any injuries that could be am issue then. Harrison Smith is out, and he was the only reason our defensive backfield wasn't the most notorious joke in the league. Now he's out. I'm smart with my $, so I just can't.

Yes Harrison Smith is that key part that's going to prevent the Vikings from winning this week. I understand.

...and I never wanted your lunch money, I wanted you gone....

Cowboys lose-I'll never post on NT again.
Cowboys win-you never post on NT again.
Shoes ill do the never post again bet when the Cowboys play the Packers in Dallas.

As long as Aaron Rodgers, Tony Romo and Dez Bryant are playing.
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Quick thanks for all of the support. I know this "is just a message board" but it does mean something. Sorry to derail the thread, let the WIR shenanigans commence :lol:
More emotion involved in that sentence than Keith Brooking's cryfest.

Yeah that's it.

So that's a yes on the bet I'm assuming?

JPZ is a good poster in my book. No reason to have him gone.

"Isn't it just awesome that we got to experience that year? I honestly think short of a season in the future where we hypothetically secure a Super Bowl victory (rimshot, whatever. I might be 40 when it happens, but I am confident one day it will), 2009 will be my favorite season as a Vikings fan, ever. Even a season where we reach the Super Bowl and lose will undoubtedly take a back seat, honestly."

You see that? LOL.

This man would give up one of his ribs for another 4th place season. No ring, no conference title...just a pathetic division title and this dude thought it was the rapture. LOL. It's that loser mentality that's got to go from the boards. You should know that, you're a Philly fan.

Shoes ill do the never post again bet when the Cowboys play the Packers in Dallas.

I don't even know who you are but just as long as I can get that other Packers fan involved, it's a bet.
Yeah that's it.

So that's a yes on the bet I'm assuming?
"Isn't it just awesome that we got to experience that year? I honestly think short of a season in the future where we hypothetically secure a Super Bowl victory (rimshot, whatever. I might be 40 when it happens, but I am confident one day it will), 2009 will be my favorite season as a Vikings fan, ever. Even a season where we reach the Super Bowl and lose will undoubtedly take a back seat, honestly."

You see that? LOL.

This man would give up one of his ribs for another 4th place season. No ring, no conference title...just a pathetic division title and this dude thought it was the rapture. LOL. It's that loser mentality that's got to go from the boards. You should know that, you're a Philly fan.
I don't even know who you are but just as long as I can get that other Packers fan involved, it's a bet.
So much jackassery going on here...

But I guess it's supposed to be what the kids call "trolling", so best ignored.
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