Niketalk, what's your age limit of being too old to live at home with moms?

To those of you that moved out at an early age (maybe right after college, 21 or so), how long did it take to you get that down payment for your house, if you have one?
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Xavier

MisterP0315 wrote:
Trust me...I'm not condoning in sitting around the house eating up the refrigerator, not working, and playing video games.

But...if the opportunity to save $ presents itself, why not? What is there to prove? That doesn't mean you lack responsibility. Adulthood will not pat you on the back for spending unnecessary $. And if it did, who cares?

You moved out and wasted at least a stack a month on some apartment + utilities + bills when you could have paid off loans, improved your credit, saved for a house...and so on.
this man knows

- knows what?
- try placing a price on the life experiences learned while trying to make it on your own from 18-30, versus saying at home saving money and jumping right into the frying pan @ age 25+ having never lived on your own or paid bills by yourself. you can't, those experiences are priceless.
....i swear to GOD this generation stay losing, justify it, and brag about it
.  understand though, my generation had them too. but it was an embarassing thing. today cats is like "thats what everybody is supposed to do", and be dead serious too.

lol u dont know me

i joined the army when i was 18 duke from far under parents roof.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Xavier

MisterP0315 wrote:
Trust me...I'm not condoning in sitting around the house eating up the refrigerator, not working, and playing video games.

But...if the opportunity to save $ presents itself, why not? What is there to prove? That doesn't mean you lack responsibility. Adulthood will not pat you on the back for spending unnecessary $. And if it did, who cares?

You moved out and wasted at least a stack a month on some apartment + utilities + bills when you could have paid off loans, improved your credit, saved for a house...and so on.
this man knows

- knows what?
- try placing a price on the life experiences learned while trying to make it on your own from 18-30, versus saying at home saving money and jumping right into the frying pan @ age 25+ having never lived on your own or paid bills by yourself. you can't, those experiences are priceless.
....i swear to GOD this generation stay losing, justify it, and brag about it
.  understand though, my generation had them too. but it was an embarassing thing. today cats is like "thats what everybody is supposed to do", and be dead serious too.

lol u dont know me

i joined the army when i was 18 duke from far under parents roof.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.
One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...

- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........

For being one of the older ones here, you sure as hell lack maturity. Its been said already, just cuz it worked for you, doesnt mean its going to work out for others. Im not one of "these younger kids", but i do see it as you looking down on people. YOU have a lot of growing up to do, with responses like, "awwww" and attempting to be a smartass with the use of
, when in reality, you're looking like a %++*%$#. Judging by your responses, moving out early DIDNT build YOUR character, so i dont know why youre saying it does. YOU have to be right, it seems and youre not understanding as to whats going on with people's situations.

As for "the economy bit" comment....another sign of you lacking maturity. Are you sure you're 31?  I didnt know that the economy had a set age limit on who it effects. I guess all the unemployment stats arent correct. The Govt extended unemployment benefits because there are tons of jobs and everything is good, right?

All it takes is for you to get laid off and then, maybe, you'll see the light and realize whats really going on in the world. Then again, Im wrong, cuz judging by your responses, you're always right.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.
One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...

- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........

For being one of the older ones here, you sure as hell lack maturity. Its been said already, just cuz it worked for you, doesnt mean its going to work out for others. Im not one of "these younger kids", but i do see it as you looking down on people. YOU have a lot of growing up to do, with responses like, "awwww" and attempting to be a smartass with the use of
, when in reality, you're looking like a %++*%$#. Judging by your responses, moving out early DIDNT build YOUR character, so i dont know why youre saying it does. YOU have to be right, it seems and youre not understanding as to whats going on with people's situations.

As for "the economy bit" comment....another sign of you lacking maturity. Are you sure you're 31?  I didnt know that the economy had a set age limit on who it effects. I guess all the unemployment stats arent correct. The Govt extended unemployment benefits because there are tons of jobs and everything is good, right?

All it takes is for you to get laid off and then, maybe, you'll see the light and realize whats really going on in the world. Then again, Im wrong, cuz judging by your responses, you're always right.
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

age shouldnt matter in this economy. the only time it should matter is if youre some lazy slob and not doing anything to better your life.

True story. I don't think you can set an age limit on moving out. Everybody's sitation is different, but it goes without saying you can't be that dude playing xbox in the basement, getting no kind of education or money flow at ANY age.
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

age shouldnt matter in this economy. the only time it should matter is if youre some lazy slob and not doing anything to better your life.

True story. I don't think you can set an age limit on moving out. Everybody's sitation is different, but it goes without saying you can't be that dude playing xbox in the basement, getting no kind of education or money flow at ANY age.
You dudes aren't even allowing your mom or parents to enjoy THEIR life.  Got dudes talking about staying at home with no real plans of really ever moving out.  Let your mom or parents enjoy themselves and their house.  They can't do that with you dudes still begging for home cooked meals.
You dudes aren't even allowing your mom or parents to enjoy THEIR life.  Got dudes talking about staying at home with no real plans of really ever moving out.  Let your mom or parents enjoy themselves and their house.  They can't do that with you dudes still begging for home cooked meals.
How do you guys think a Tiger gets his stripes?

You really don't learn anything from life without actually facing it head on first.

I know a couple of people who are on their own while having full-time jobs, going to school full-time, and I never hear them %#$!@ or complain about anything.

When there's a will, there's a way. I know some dudes like to use the economy, and "trying" to save money as an excuse.

But, it's not for everyone, some dudes struggle, school and expenses...  I just wouldn't be able to live at home passed 24.
How do you guys think a Tiger gets his stripes?

You really don't learn anything from life without actually facing it head on first.

I know a couple of people who are on their own while having full-time jobs, going to school full-time, and I never hear them %#$!@ or complain about anything.

When there's a will, there's a way. I know some dudes like to use the economy, and "trying" to save money as an excuse.

But, it's not for everyone, some dudes struggle, school and expenses...  I just wouldn't be able to live at home passed 24.
Im in school now..I plan to bounce when I finish my last year of school or around 23-24..No reason to leave now and struggle
Im in school now..I plan to bounce when I finish my last year of school or around 23-24..No reason to leave now and struggle
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

How do you guys think a Tiger gets his stripes?

You really don't learn anything from life without actually facing it head on first.

I know a couple of people who are on their own while having full-time jobs, going to school full-time, and I never hear them %#$!@ or complain about anything.

When there's a will, there's a way. I know some dudes like to use the economy, and "trying" to save money as an excuse.

But, it's not for everyone, some dudes struggle, school and expenses...  I just wouldn't be able to live at home passed 24.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

How do you guys think a Tiger gets his stripes?

You really don't learn anything from life without actually facing it head on first.

I know a couple of people who are on their own while having full-time jobs, going to school full-time, and I never hear them %#$!@ or complain about anything.

When there's a will, there's a way. I know some dudes like to use the economy, and "trying" to save money as an excuse.

But, it's not for everyone, some dudes struggle, school and expenses...  I just wouldn't be able to live at home passed 24.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

the reasoning why its okay to live at home is epic, lmaooooooooooo

i dunno man..........i live in CT

i know ppl OLDER than me an im 25 at home...........with college degrees and careers already.

rent isnt cheap out here at all.......................

if youre single and make decent money its still a lot......................some dont wanna pay rent, save up for a house.

i know a dude who was living with a girl but broke up so then he went back to his grandma crib........dude is like 27, its common around my area i guess.

factor in all expenses, car note, food, cell, taxes, bills, loans, i mean......more power to you but i dont see anything wrong with it

......its called sacrafice my man. you dont NEED a car note, and you dont NEED a cell phone bill. but it is possible.
- the problem is cats wanna be comfortable......COMPLETELY comfortable and sacrafice nothing. life just doesnt work that way.
what?! my question is to you. why the hell are you rushing outta ya crib in order to struggle?
I'd rather be stacking money, having my cell phone paid for, have a reliable car then have to STRUGGLE.
some of you guys are trying to justify struggling like you tryna prove something to someone. #%@##

I understand if you get kicked out - FINE.

I understand if you don't get along with parents - FINE.

But to leave your house willingly just because of your EGO and wanting to show people that you can make it? Please...

You guys take that road while I stack my paper til whatever age...Not 30 though 

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

some dudes just go by that "leaving the nest early" thing to show dudes that they have "bigger balls" than other dudes....

its a hell of a bragging right though in this day and age because so many dudes be chiling at moms house.......i could see me throwing it in a girl's face every chance I get

me to tomika: you know I got my own place right?

me to ebony: you know i live by myself? 1 bedroom, studio, nice environment, fluffy carpet

me to vivian: well you know i moved out a loooooong time ago, it's a stuggle but I'm making it......parents you say? what parents? lol, i assure you I live alone.


- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

<Lol dude why so serious? The bragging rights thing wasn't geared towards everybody.I was stating though that some dudes DO move out on their own because of that not ALL.I don't knock noone for moving out at 18, hell I should give you a round of applause just for manning up and taking on he world at such an age.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

the reasoning why its okay to live at home is epic, lmaooooooooooo

i dunno man..........i live in CT

i know ppl OLDER than me an im 25 at home...........with college degrees and careers already.

rent isnt cheap out here at all.......................

if youre single and make decent money its still a lot......................some dont wanna pay rent, save up for a house.

i know a dude who was living with a girl but broke up so then he went back to his grandma crib........dude is like 27, its common around my area i guess.

factor in all expenses, car note, food, cell, taxes, bills, loans, i mean......more power to you but i dont see anything wrong with it

......its called sacrafice my man. you dont NEED a car note, and you dont NEED a cell phone bill. but it is possible.
- the problem is cats wanna be comfortable......COMPLETELY comfortable and sacrafice nothing. life just doesnt work that way.
what?! my question is to you. why the hell are you rushing outta ya crib in order to struggle?
I'd rather be stacking money, having my cell phone paid for, have a reliable car then have to STRUGGLE.
some of you guys are trying to justify struggling like you tryna prove something to someone. #%@##

I understand if you get kicked out - FINE.

I understand if you don't get along with parents - FINE.

But to leave your house willingly just because of your EGO and wanting to show people that you can make it? Please...

You guys take that road while I stack my paper til whatever age...Not 30 though 

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

some dudes just go by that "leaving the nest early" thing to show dudes that they have "bigger balls" than other dudes....

its a hell of a bragging right though in this day and age because so many dudes be chiling at moms house.......i could see me throwing it in a girl's face every chance I get

me to tomika: you know I got my own place right?

me to ebony: you know i live by myself? 1 bedroom, studio, nice environment, fluffy carpet

me to vivian: well you know i moved out a loooooong time ago, it's a stuggle but I'm making it......parents you say? what parents? lol, i assure you I live alone.


- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

<Lol dude why so serious? The bragging rights thing wasn't geared towards everybody.I was stating though that some dudes DO move out on their own because of that not ALL.I don't knock noone for moving out at 18, hell I should give you a round of applause just for manning up and taking on he world at such an age.
seasoned vet wrote:
- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........

- bro, you used the phrase "leaving mommys blanket" or something like that, so you really are looking down.
- you seriously, gave an article about breastfeeding

- i had no idea the economy only affected people 23 and under.

- and seriously? what am i missing out by living on my own? real talk.
seasoned vet wrote:
- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........

- bro, you used the phrase "leaving mommys blanket" or something like that, so you really are looking down.
- you seriously, gave an article about breastfeeding

- i had no idea the economy only affected people 23 and under.

- and seriously? what am i missing out by living on my own? real talk.
Originally Posted by plumber E 20

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.
One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...

- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........

For being one of the older ones here, you sure as hell lack maturity. Its been said already, just cuz it worked for you, doesnt mean its going to work out for others. Im not one of "these younger kids", but i do see it as you looking down on people. YOU have a lot of growing up to do, with responses like, "awwww" and attempting to be a smartass with the use of
, when in reality, you're looking like a %++*%$#. Judging by your responses, moving out early DIDNT build YOUR character, so i dont know why youre saying it does. YOU have to be right, it seems and youre not understanding as to whats going on with people's situations.

As for "the economy bit" comment....another sign of you lacking maturity. Are you sure you're 31?  I didnt know that the economy had a set age limit on who it effects. I guess all the unemployment stats arent correct. The Govt extended unemployment benefits because there are tons of jobs and everything is good, right?

All it takes is for you to get laid off and then, maybe, you'll see the light and realize whats really going on in the world. Then again, Im wrong, cuz judging by your responses, you're always right.

Originally Posted by plumber E 20

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.
One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...

- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........

For being one of the older ones here, you sure as hell lack maturity. Its been said already, just cuz it worked for you, doesnt mean its going to work out for others. Im not one of "these younger kids", but i do see it as you looking down on people. YOU have a lot of growing up to do, with responses like, "awwww" and attempting to be a smartass with the use of
, when in reality, you're looking like a %++*%$#. Judging by your responses, moving out early DIDNT build YOUR character, so i dont know why youre saying it does. YOU have to be right, it seems and youre not understanding as to whats going on with people's situations.

As for "the economy bit" comment....another sign of you lacking maturity. Are you sure you're 31?  I didnt know that the economy had a set age limit on who it effects. I guess all the unemployment stats arent correct. The Govt extended unemployment benefits because there are tons of jobs and everything is good, right?

All it takes is for you to get laid off and then, maybe, you'll see the light and realize whats really going on in the world. Then again, Im wrong, cuz judging by your responses, you're always right.

A few years ago, I would've said 25-26.

Now that I'm in 40 grand worth of student loans..working a job that doesn't pay well...I won't be surprised if I'm still at my mom's crib till i'm 27-28.
A few years ago, I would've said 25-26.

Now that I'm in 40 grand worth of student loans..working a job that doesn't pay well...I won't be surprised if I'm still at my mom's crib till i'm 27-28.
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