Niketalk, what's your age limit of being too old to live at home with moms?

19. @@!$
I'm 23 right now. I've moved out once if you don't count times moving into dorms. Once was to be a little closer to school, but I lived on my own and HATED it.

Living at home for now but hope to move out within the next month, me and 3 of my friends have been discussing getting a house for awhile, just still can't find anything.

But I'd say 26?
Originally Posted by acidicality

Yeah, that's the thing, California is real rough on jobs right now. It's not easy to find anything no matter how good your GPA is. You really help your chances out immensely if you know people. I'm sure if he was willing to relocate ANYwhere in the US he could find something, but he's set on SoCal because of family.

UCSD has a great engineering school (yes I'm a homer), and so does Berkeley and UCLA- and people at those schools are facing the same dilemma in trying to find a job. I know people who've had to wait almost a year before finding a job ( I don't know how their resumes look like...but yeah)

At the place I'm currently interning at, I've met a few interns who have Master's degrees, who couldn't find something, so they had to settle for an internship after a few months of job searching.
Your friends probably can't carry themselves on the interview or they just suck at finding a job/writing resume lol

This thread is laughable. Who cares if anyone move out early or stay home with mama for too long. People have different priorities and situation.

BUT If you're paying to much for rent . I have good news. Im working with a broker who got all the good rental houses and apartment for cheap. Starting from $600 you can get a decent/nice place to live.

If you're interested please feel free to PM me with your contact information and your needs.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Yeah, that's the thing, California is real rough on jobs right now. It's not easy to find anything no matter how good your GPA is. You really help your chances out immensely if you know people. I'm sure if he was willing to relocate ANYwhere in the US he could find something, but he's set on SoCal because of family.

UCSD has a great engineering school (yes I'm a homer), and so does Berkeley and UCLA- and people at those schools are facing the same dilemma in trying to find a job. I know people who've had to wait almost a year before finding a job ( I don't know how their resumes look like...but yeah)

At the place I'm currently interning at, I've met a few interns who have Master's degrees, who couldn't find something, so they had to settle for an internship after a few months of job searching.
Your friends probably can't carry themselves on the interview or they just suck at finding a job/writing resume lol

This thread is laughable. Who cares if anyone move out early or stay home with mama for too long. People have different priorities and situation.

BUT If you're paying to much for rent . I have good news. Im working with a broker who got all the good rental houses and apartment for cheap. Starting from $600 you can get a decent/nice place to live.

If you're interested please feel free to PM me with your contact information and your needs.
I'm 23 right now. I've moved out once if you don't count times moving into dorms. Once was to be a little closer to school, but I lived on my own and HATED it.

Living at home for now but hope to move out within the next month, me and 3 of my friends have been discussing getting a house for awhile, just still can't find anything.

But I'd say 26?
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.

One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.

One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...
Nah, that guy definitely has social skills and is a good interview. He's perfectly fine in that aspect, I've known him for quite a while, he can hold his own there. Either way, I forgot to mention he has gotten a couple interviews and he was waiting on a company to respond back to him.
California is rough on job market-wise and a few people have already talked about that as well. It isn't easy nowadays, and if you really think it's that easy even for people with great statistics (GPA, etc.), you should try applying to an engineering job in CA and see if you can get an interview with no connections. Jobs aren't out there for everyone to have in this day and age.
Nah, that guy definitely has social skills and is a good interview. He's perfectly fine in that aspect, I've known him for quite a while, he can hold his own there. Either way, I forgot to mention he has gotten a couple interviews and he was waiting on a company to respond back to him.
California is rough on job market-wise and a few people have already talked about that as well. It isn't easy nowadays, and if you really think it's that easy even for people with great statistics (GPA, etc.), you should try applying to an engineering job in CA and see if you can get an interview with no connections. Jobs aren't out there for everyone to have in this day and age.
Originally Posted by plumber E 20

I think this thread is pointless now. Its obvious that some people dont realize others arent in their situation. For those that are in a great situation, good for you.

For those of you giving the guys crap for not having a job after college, give him/them a break. As i said before, i know here, in California, there arent any jobs. For me, i was told not to expect work for atleast a year. There are too many cutbacks, no new hirings, lots of layoffs. If theres an engineering job available, who do you think is going to get hired, a guy fresh out of college, or someone whos had 10+yrs experience. Its cut-throat out here.

I have an uncle who worked for one of the computer companies in Silicon Valley for over 20 years. He was laid off a couple years ago and he went to work at a car wash cuz things were/are THAT bad.

To some, theyre others, theyre legit reasons.
exactly. seriously, i've been looking for job openings really since the beginning of the year, i'd say 90% of new openings require people to have job experience. with so many new graduates, and so few entry-level "new college grad" positions, many people are not going to have a stable full-time job straight out of college. that's the reality.
Originally Posted by plumber E 20

I think this thread is pointless now. Its obvious that some people dont realize others arent in their situation. For those that are in a great situation, good for you.

For those of you giving the guys crap for not having a job after college, give him/them a break. As i said before, i know here, in California, there arent any jobs. For me, i was told not to expect work for atleast a year. There are too many cutbacks, no new hirings, lots of layoffs. If theres an engineering job available, who do you think is going to get hired, a guy fresh out of college, or someone whos had 10+yrs experience. Its cut-throat out here.

I have an uncle who worked for one of the computer companies in Silicon Valley for over 20 years. He was laid off a couple years ago and he went to work at a car wash cuz things were/are THAT bad.

To some, theyre others, theyre legit reasons.
exactly. seriously, i've been looking for job openings really since the beginning of the year, i'd say 90% of new openings require people to have job experience. with so many new graduates, and so few entry-level "new college grad" positions, many people are not going to have a stable full-time job straight out of college. that's the reality.
before I woulda said 25,but now that I got someone to rent my townhouse ad nothing in place,I'm back to the parents house at 29 hopefully.
before I woulda said 25,but now that I got someone to rent my townhouse ad nothing in place,I'm back to the parents house at 29 hopefully.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.
One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...

- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Truballa101

seasoned vet wrote:
- you cats really dont get it do you?
- what you call struggling, i call regular life. it has its ups and downs. this? what we are discussing right here has NOTHING to do with bragging or trying to prove something. the feelings yall keep catching over it shows that you just feel inferior to those that have done it.
- im good either way though, .......carry on.
laugh.gif man said struggling. na man, struggling would be panhandling, sleeping in your car, in a house with no heat in the winter. LOL@ struggling being a mere $2,000 reliable car and no cell phone bill
. and you dudes is dead serious too. these cats is straight diva status and have NO PROBLEM with it.
. but again im good.
- ask your parents how they lived starting out. and them to reflect on their past and how they started. im curious.

1) what are you talking about 'diva status'

2) it doesn't matter what kinda story you give us bro. I respect you since you probably made it out fine doing your solo thing.

3) a lot of people are DEFINITELY trying to prove something by moving out at young age. You really don't know people like this? People who try to act like they're ultra independent?

4) I understand your situation man, You probably made it. But lets be real and lets generalize for a second...

If people stayed home after school til say 25. and stacked a few Gs every year they'd be set..

opposed to...

leaving home and going to the unknown. Especially in this Economy?! Man, I respect ya grind but your argument is null and void.

- in all honesty i didnt grow up with those types. i did graduate with some that graduated early and tried to brag. but every last one of them ended up dropping out of college and moving back in with mom's. some even ended up in prison. but no one ever bragged on their living situation. not saying i dont believe you though.
- even still, yall keep missing me. can you stack hella g's at the crib with mom? sure. but every year after 20 and you're that many years behind where you should be as far as living independently.
- i mean, still no one has answered the question. what price can you put on those 5+ years of lost experience living alone while at home with mom? does it equal all those g's you stacked? is it really worth it??
- no matter how yall keep trying to rationalize it. it all just sounds like you wanna jump in the pool, but mommy says its too cold and to stay under her blanket. is it cold in the pool......sure. but not as cold as mommy makes it out to be. but you'd never know because mommy's blanket feels too good. leave it up to mommy and you'd never get from under the blanket into the pool.
- the things yall keep trying to argue with me isnt my argument. READ. stop getting so defensive.
........and im not even going to address the diva comment. if the claims and excuses for not moving out dont say diva to you, theres nothing more i can do to explain it.
....and for the ones having to move back in due to different circumstances (divorce, losing a job) I AM  NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU.
One thing that realllly irritates me, is someone who's older with this mindset that if everyone does it exactly how they did they'll be fine. Awesome, your way worked for YOU. It will not work for everyone else. It's funny you sound like my uncle, who coincidentally is the exact same age as you, and I had to tell him...things are nowhere near the same as when you guys were 20. I've been in 3 of my own apartments since I graduated HS, and guess where I had to move back? Each apartment I had to work 2 jobs plus my music hustle on the side...that's NOT the life a 19 year old should be living while trying to go to school. Not at all. For what? Because life is hard? Yeah that's obvious but part of being able to survive life's ills is preparation. So when my car breaks down or I lose a job...I can go get that money I saved and stay afloat until I get another job. Not have to be at rock bottom until then. That mindset you have won't work for everyone. Everyone is NOT that tough skinned, and to parade around this thread as if people your age were that tough, or that this is some new age thinking is extremely ignorant. There is no real reason to suggest that by 20 I should be out on my own. Most people at that age are in their 2nd or 3rd year of college, which almost always will not get you a great job. It's as if you believe parents can not teach life lessons while their child is home. It seems to me that the kids that "stay in the nest" until they are ready to leave run into a lot less problems than those who aren't "diva status". I can look at my own life and estimate I'd have about....20K had I not ran into the "regular life" problems that I did...and I'm only 22. You need to get off your high horse. It's good that you survived what you did, I can truly appreciate that. But don't look down on others because they are going about it a different way. Then again...maybe you aren't as mature as you are trying to make yourself appear on here...

- awww.....
 @ cats still catching feelings thinking im looking down on them. funny how you can have conversations with these younger kids and all they see is a pointing finger, completely missing out on the opportunity to use the stories/criticism to build on their character.
- give your uncle some dap from Vet
...... i even found some more research on the subject: here
- yall killing me with the economy bit. that should only be good for the 23 y/o and below........
i thought 18 was when it was ok to move out on your own
i did move out at 18 but its hard ill have to say not alot of fun being alone well for me working 2 jobs
to pay all the bills
but im 20 now and just moved back in with mom and dad
been living here for the past 3 months kinda like it lol
ima stay here till she kicks me out haha nothing like chilling and having home cooked meals
and pay 100 o 200 bucks of rent plus using there cars dont get better then this i tell you
i thought 18 was when it was ok to move out on your own
i did move out at 18 but its hard ill have to say not alot of fun being alone well for me working 2 jobs
to pay all the bills
but im 20 now and just moved back in with mom and dad
been living here for the past 3 months kinda like it lol
ima stay here till she kicks me out haha nothing like chilling and having home cooked meals
and pay 100 o 200 bucks of rent plus using there cars dont get better then this i tell you
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

age shouldnt matter in this economy. the only time it should matter is if youre some lazy slob and not doing anything to better your life.

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

age shouldnt matter in this economy. the only time it should matter is if youre some lazy slob and not doing anything to better your life.

Originally Posted by 23sonmyfeet

i thought 18 was when it was ok to move out on your own
i did move out at 18 but its hard ill have to say not alot of fun being alone well for me working 2 jobs
to pay all the bills
but im 20 now and just moved back in with mom and dad
been living here for the past 3 months kinda like it lol
ima stay here till she kicks me out haha nothing like chilling and having home cooked meals
and pay 100 o 200 bucks of rent plus using there cars dont get better then this i tell you

you a fool
, I know the feeling too
Originally Posted by 23sonmyfeet

i thought 18 was when it was ok to move out on your own
i did move out at 18 but its hard ill have to say not alot of fun being alone well for me working 2 jobs
to pay all the bills
but im 20 now and just moved back in with mom and dad
been living here for the past 3 months kinda like it lol
ima stay here till she kicks me out haha nothing like chilling and having home cooked meals
and pay 100 o 200 bucks of rent plus using there cars dont get better then this i tell you

you a fool
, I know the feeling too
If you're not paying my bills whatever your limit is doesn't matter to me

same thing as people who think if you don't have a BMW, Benz, etc then you not doing it, if you not paying my car note %#+* your opinion
If you're not paying my bills whatever your limit is doesn't matter to me

same thing as people who think if you don't have a BMW, Benz, etc then you not doing it, if you not paying my car note %#+* your opinion
To those of you that moved out at an early age (maybe right after college, 21 or so), how long did it take to you get that down payment for your house, if you have one?
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