Niketalk, what's your age limit of being too old to live at home with moms?

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

If you attend college then after your degree.

There is absolutely no reason at all why you should be living with your parents after that.

If you don't go to college than probably 21. 

A degree doesn't guarantee you anything.
Neither does mooching off your parents in a comfortable isolated bubble.

A degree will get you a full-time job somewhere, even if you have to work at a Best Buy.

But to think of it these are just my views, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their life. Its their life.

The unemployed and the underemployed account for 17% of Americans. 20% of the unemployed have college degrees.

As I said...a degree doesn't guarantee you %%%%...not even a job at Best Buy.
and 60% of statistics are made up. 

Please don't reach just to try and prove me wrong.

His percentages are pretty accurate, you're the one reaching. 
This.  Please do not underestimate the state of the economy or overestimate the value of your degree
... Govt hiring freezes FTL

I made a post about my struggles as a recent college grad but there are those out there that got families to feed losing their jobs at ALL levels.  Gotta hustle no matter what but things are that much harder now..
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

If you attend college then after your degree.

There is absolutely no reason at all why you should be living with your parents after that.

If you don't go to college than probably 21. 

A degree doesn't guarantee you anything.
Neither does mooching off your parents in a comfortable isolated bubble.

A degree will get you a full-time job somewhere, even if you have to work at a Best Buy.

But to think of it these are just my views, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their life. Its their life.

The unemployed and the underemployed account for 17% of Americans. 20% of the unemployed have college degrees.

As I said...a degree doesn't guarantee you %%%%...not even a job at Best Buy.
and 60% of statistics are made up. 

Please don't reach just to try and prove me wrong.

His percentages are pretty accurate, you're the one reaching. 
This.  Please do not underestimate the state of the economy or overestimate the value of your degree
... Govt hiring freezes FTL

I made a post about my struggles as a recent college grad but there are those out there that got families to feed losing their jobs at ALL levels.  Gotta hustle no matter what but things are that much harder now..
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

It's sad this many parents actually let their children stay at home after they're 18 

 you know

- this topic comes up every now and again. the responses from those trying to justify staying at home are always hilarious and are equally silly.
- 2 things though, one major contradiction in the lame excuse of:
Originally Posted by demik

Man, no limit.

Move out once you have a decent job/career or when you think you're ready for commitment. You'll be leaving your moms a real wealthy dude/chick, and you'll realize, that you didn't *!@% up like the rest of the ignorant 18 year olds that stepped out into the real world, with no support and experience of how crazy it really is out there. can one say in the same breath, "there is no age limit", then say 18 is too young? is that not putting an age on it?

- then the common excuse of:
Originally Posted by Big J 33

  Not everyones situation is the same and just because you managed doesn't mean everyone can. What's the better scenario... moving out at 19, working constantly just to make ends meet, not having any money to save, and constantly putting money into an apartment... or working and living at home, saving money to eventually BUY something that you own, and not going through unnecessary financial pressures and struggles. If you have a good job, good savings, and can actually afford to do it while still thinking towards your future... then move out as soon as you want to/can. But if you're just getting out to get out and think you're supposed to, then you should reevaluate your position... a lot of people are excited to leave the nest at 18, only to realize they have to come back in a couple years.  

- thing is NO ONE is saying it will be easy for everyone. the thing alot of you dont get is that little struggle? that period where you cant save money like you want to?...........THATS LIFE
. some may have careers/jobs where they dont have to struggle. but just because you may have to is no reason to %$@%! up and stay in mommy and daddy's nest until your 23+. its all a part of your education on how to deal with the road ahead. its not always going to be the way you want it to be
- and dont get me started on these so-called independent adults where mommy and daddy are paying their car notes and rent/mortgage
- this new generation has some major issues...........damn, and they thought we had problems

- my take? i say 18-19. and if you goto college, after your freshman year. your freshman year should be used as a transitional period for the training whells to come off.
  i knew fools in the military that after their 4-6 year stint, got out and went right back to mom and dads house. hey man, if you didnt get it too bad. you got bad credit? thats your fault.  if that means you have to live on the streets and beg for change thats on you.......
- LOL@ "how crazy it is out there"   Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!


Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

It's sad this many parents actually let their children stay at home after they're 18 

 you know

- this topic comes up every now and again. the responses from those trying to justify staying at home are always hilarious and are equally silly.
- 2 things though, one major contradiction in the lame excuse of:
Originally Posted by demik

Man, no limit.

Move out once you have a decent job/career or when you think you're ready for commitment. You'll be leaving your moms a real wealthy dude/chick, and you'll realize, that you didn't *!@% up like the rest of the ignorant 18 year olds that stepped out into the real world, with no support and experience of how crazy it really is out there. can one say in the same breath, "there is no age limit", then say 18 is too young? is that not putting an age on it?

- then the common excuse of:
Originally Posted by Big J 33

  Not everyones situation is the same and just because you managed doesn't mean everyone can. What's the better scenario... moving out at 19, working constantly just to make ends meet, not having any money to save, and constantly putting money into an apartment... or working and living at home, saving money to eventually BUY something that you own, and not going through unnecessary financial pressures and struggles. If you have a good job, good savings, and can actually afford to do it while still thinking towards your future... then move out as soon as you want to/can. But if you're just getting out to get out and think you're supposed to, then you should reevaluate your position... a lot of people are excited to leave the nest at 18, only to realize they have to come back in a couple years.  

- thing is NO ONE is saying it will be easy for everyone. the thing alot of you dont get is that little struggle? that period where you cant save money like you want to?...........THATS LIFE
. some may have careers/jobs where they dont have to struggle. but just because you may have to is no reason to %$@%! up and stay in mommy and daddy's nest until your 23+. its all a part of your education on how to deal with the road ahead. its not always going to be the way you want it to be
- and dont get me started on these so-called independent adults where mommy and daddy are paying their car notes and rent/mortgage
- this new generation has some major issues...........damn, and they thought we had problems

- my take? i say 18-19. and if you goto college, after your freshman year. your freshman year should be used as a transitional period for the training whells to come off.
  i knew fools in the military that after their 4-6 year stint, got out and went right back to mom and dads house. hey man, if you didnt get it too bad. you got bad credit? thats your fault.  if that means you have to live on the streets and beg for change thats on you.......
- LOL@ "how crazy it is out there"   Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!


Originally Posted by SoleWoman

I personally think guys have a harder time being on their own. i find so many dudes still staying with either mom or grandma...if they do move out... its usually to their babymoms or some other woman. With so many fatherless homes I suppose they feel like the man of the house. As a woman I will not force my kids out as long as they are doing something such as school or working. But I would hope they have enough drive and determination to want to leave on their own.

you're definitely telling the truth here....I see it all the time in D.C.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

I personally think guys have a harder time being on their own. i find so many dudes still staying with either mom or grandma...if they do move out... its usually to their babymoms or some other woman. With so many fatherless homes I suppose they feel like the man of the house. As a woman I will not force my kids out as long as they are doing something such as school or working. But I would hope they have enough drive and determination to want to leave on their own.

you're definitely telling the truth here....I see it all the time in D.C.
Originally Posted by youngcurse

^ i totally agree, but in todays society just like Jimmy McMillan said the rent is to damn high.In my area a 1 bedroom apartment is a 1,000 + without utilities.

got damn, you live in NY or something lol?
Originally Posted by youngcurse

^ i totally agree, but in todays society just like Jimmy McMillan said the rent is to damn high.In my area a 1 bedroom apartment is a 1,000 + without utilities.

got damn, you live in NY or something lol?
To pick a number and say THAT age is too old to be living at home with your parents might be hard to do, but everyone's situation is different.

With that being said, I WILL have my own place by the time I'm 25 (I'm 23 right now). That kind of SOUNDS crazy to say, I feel like I should have my own place by now but again, everyone's different.

I graduated college at 21, started working soon thereafter but not at what I would call even a decent paying job.
I stayed there for a while, saved a little (but not enough) and when I couldn't find anything better I decided to go back to graduate school.

I'll be graduating grad school at 24 and will be moving out upon graduation, one way or another, with a goal of having my own place by 25.

Shout to the people that landed a decent/well paying job by 21,22 and have their own cribs already. I envy yall.

*Edit* Oh and co-sign on that $1000 for a 1 bedroom. That is seemingly the going rate in the nj/ny area, if not a little more. I was looking at apt listings a couple days ago and saw 1 BRs for between 1000-1250 (and a handful of studios just under that).
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

alot of you make valid points. I do agree you are suppose to stay until you are stable, and have a decent job/ career.. but lets be honest no female wants a guy thats 26 + living at

home with his mom. i sure wouldn't want no girl thats about that age in the same shoes, its certain ages that stuff like that can't rock. but imho

If that certain young lady "KNOWS" your story about you majoring in" Law "engineering" "or being a "Doctor" and your goals, I'm sure she'll give you a pass.

women give guys chances, it depends on what you're doing with yourself, and if you're trying to get things done....if they see that then they know you're about your stuff and will stick around.

now don't get me wrong though, you're right in some cases, some women will write you off as soon as you tell them your age and that you're living with moms, regardless if you're helping pay the bills and putting food on the table...they just don't want to deal with it.....but it's there loss.
To pick a number and say THAT age is too old to be living at home with your parents might be hard to do, but everyone's situation is different.

With that being said, I WILL have my own place by the time I'm 25 (I'm 23 right now). That kind of SOUNDS crazy to say, I feel like I should have my own place by now but again, everyone's different.

I graduated college at 21, started working soon thereafter but not at what I would call even a decent paying job.
I stayed there for a while, saved a little (but not enough) and when I couldn't find anything better I decided to go back to graduate school.

I'll be graduating grad school at 24 and will be moving out upon graduation, one way or another, with a goal of having my own place by 25.

Shout to the people that landed a decent/well paying job by 21,22 and have their own cribs already. I envy yall.

*Edit* Oh and co-sign on that $1000 for a 1 bedroom. That is seemingly the going rate in the nj/ny area, if not a little more. I was looking at apt listings a couple days ago and saw 1 BRs for between 1000-1250 (and a handful of studios just under that).
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

alot of you make valid points. I do agree you are suppose to stay until you are stable, and have a decent job/ career.. but lets be honest no female wants a guy thats 26 + living at

home with his mom. i sure wouldn't want no girl thats about that age in the same shoes, its certain ages that stuff like that can't rock. but imho

If that certain young lady "KNOWS" your story about you majoring in" Law "engineering" "or being a "Doctor" and your goals, I'm sure she'll give you a pass.

women give guys chances, it depends on what you're doing with yourself, and if you're trying to get things done....if they see that then they know you're about your stuff and will stick around.

now don't get me wrong though, you're right in some cases, some women will write you off as soon as you tell them your age and that you're living with moms, regardless if you're helping pay the bills and putting food on the table...they just don't want to deal with it.....but it's there loss.
I live with my parents on an indian reservation. I moved out when I was 20. Moved back in when I seperated from my ex wife when i was 25. Been at the house since and I'm 28. I haven't been in a rush to move out because it's the one stable place my kids have had since theyve been alive and I currently have no drivers license. My job is on the reservation so moving out to the nearest place I can get which would be 20 miles away wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. I had my 5 years of freedom and rite now I'm just focused on making sure my kids are going to be alrite and not about me. However I hope to get my restricted license soon and find a place of my own to chill at. I'd like to be able to do it in the next year or so, but I'm in no rush.

I live with my parents on an indian reservation. I moved out when I was 20. Moved back in when I seperated from my ex wife when i was 25. Been at the house since and I'm 28. I haven't been in a rush to move out because it's the one stable place my kids have had since theyve been alive and I currently have no drivers license. My job is on the reservation so moving out to the nearest place I can get which would be 20 miles away wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. I had my 5 years of freedom and rite now I'm just focused on making sure my kids are going to be alrite and not about me. However I hope to get my restricted license soon and find a place of my own to chill at. I'd like to be able to do it in the next year or so, but I'm in no rush.

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

alot of you make valid points. I do agree you are suppose to stay until you are stable, and have a decent job/ career.. but lets be honest no female wants a guy thats 26 + living at

home with his mom. i sure wouldn't want no girl thats about that age in the same shoes, its certain ages that stuff like that can't rock. but imho

If that certain young lady "KNOWS" your story about you majoring in" Law "engineering" "or being a "Doctor" and your goals, I'm sure she'll give you a pass.

women give guys chances, it depends on what you're doing with yourself, and if you're trying to get things done....if they see that then they know you're about your stuff and will stick around.

now don't get me wrong though, you're right in some cases, some women will write you off as soon as you tell them your age and that you're living with moms, regardless if you're helping pay the bills and putting food on the table...they just don't want to deal with it.....but it's there loss.
I definitely feel Fresh on this one, but from personal experience I gotta co-sign with Batman.

My shorty is a year younger than me, but she's moving out of her moms crib within the next few months. Unfortunately (for me) she'll be making that move before I will. While I would prefer to have my own place right now she definitely understands my situation, and why I'm gonna have to hold off a while longer (still in school, with a job that pays my tuition, and only very limited income). She tells me all the time that she not only respects my grind, but applauds it. Again, everyone's different though.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

alot of you make valid points. I do agree you are suppose to stay until you are stable, and have a decent job/ career.. but lets be honest no female wants a guy thats 26 + living at

home with his mom. i sure wouldn't want no girl thats about that age in the same shoes, its certain ages that stuff like that can't rock. but imho

If that certain young lady "KNOWS" your story about you majoring in" Law "engineering" "or being a "Doctor" and your goals, I'm sure she'll give you a pass.

women give guys chances, it depends on what you're doing with yourself, and if you're trying to get things done....if they see that then they know you're about your stuff and will stick around.

now don't get me wrong though, you're right in some cases, some women will write you off as soon as you tell them your age and that you're living with moms, regardless if you're helping pay the bills and putting food on the table...they just don't want to deal with it.....but it's there loss.
I definitely feel Fresh on this one, but from personal experience I gotta co-sign with Batman.

My shorty is a year younger than me, but she's moving out of her moms crib within the next few months. Unfortunately (for me) she'll be making that move before I will. While I would prefer to have my own place right now she definitely understands my situation, and why I'm gonna have to hold off a while longer (still in school, with a job that pays my tuition, and only very limited income). She tells me all the time that she not only respects my grind, but applauds it. Again, everyone's different though.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Trust me...I'm not condoning in sitting around the house eating up the refrigerator, not working, and playing video games.

But...if the opportunity to save $ presents itself, why not? What is there to prove? That doesn't mean you lack responsibility. Adulthood will not pat you on the back for spending unnecessary $. And if it did, who cares?

You moved out and wasted at least a stack a month on some apartment + utilities + bills when you could have paid off loans, improved your credit, saved for a house...and so on.
this man knows
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Trust me...I'm not condoning in sitting around the house eating up the refrigerator, not working, and playing video games.

But...if the opportunity to save $ presents itself, why not? What is there to prove? That doesn't mean you lack responsibility. Adulthood will not pat you on the back for spending unnecessary $. And if it did, who cares?

You moved out and wasted at least a stack a month on some apartment + utilities + bills when you could have paid off loans, improved your credit, saved for a house...and so on.
this man knows
Originally Posted by Xavier

MisterP0315 wrote:
Trust me...I'm not condoning in sitting around the house eating up the refrigerator, not working, and playing video games.

But...if the opportunity to save $ presents itself, why not? What is there to prove? That doesn't mean you lack responsibility. Adulthood will not pat you on the back for spending unnecessary $. And if it did, who cares?

You moved out and wasted at least a stack a month on some apartment + utilities + bills when you could have paid off loans, improved your credit, saved for a house...and so on.
this man knows

- knows what?
- try placing a price on the life experiences learned while trying to make it on your own from 18-30, versus saying at home saving money and jumping right into the frying pan @ age 25+ having never lived on your own or paid bills by yourself. you can't, those experiences are priceless.
....i swear to GOD this generation stay losing, justify it, and brag about it
.  understand though, my generation had them too. but it was an embarassing thing. today cats is like "thats what everybody is supposed to do", and be dead serious too.
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