NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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If you dont accurately click the red cirlce it takes you to the OP or first post in the thread smh. Dont get me started on how i click a thread im active in and it takes me back over a months worth of posts. I miss just clicking the thread, and it takes you to where you were in the thread or to the firsr post.

All these other highlighted sections and who likes what is annoying. I legit got a headache after 2 minutes of trying to figure this website out after jumping on google.

Plus, the font is way to big. Cant read in privacy anymore.

Still cant FULLY delete PM's.

I get that theres more "desktop" accessibility vs mobile. But this is a headache trying to figure out what to click. ESPECIALLY trying to get into a thread when you JUST posted and when you see there's a new post in that thread you have to click EXACTLY on that red dot to get to the last post.

Damn b, the site just fairly recently went live. Let it breathe.
If you dont accurately click the red cirlce it takes you to the OP or first post in the thread smh. Dont get me started on how i click a thread im active in and it takes me back over a months worth of posts. I miss just clicking the thread, and it takes you to where you were in the thread or to the firsr post.

All these other highlighted sections and who likes what is annoying. I legit got a headache after 2 minutes of trying to figure this website out after jumping on google.

Plus, the font is way to big. Cant read in privacy anymore.

everything feels way too big. Def felt like the other version had a more sophisticated look. Things feel huge and bulky right now. and brighter

compared to this..

Gotham  TV Series ...Mondays at 8 pm Eastern on Fox...   Page 19.png
everything feels way too big. Def felt like the other version had a more sophisticated look. Things feel huge and bulky right now. and brighter

compared to this..

Gotham  TV Series ...Mondays at 8 pm Eastern on Fox...   Page 19.png
Thing looks like a damn first time mothers website with how big everything is
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I like the little notification with your profile pic on threads telling you how many times you posted in there. Sometimes it's the little things in life.

download (2).png
Feels like our post counts aren't going up with every post lol. Anybody else notice that?
In the old site for threads that we posted in the bar would be gray (like how it is when you hover over a thread), will this be coming in the future?
Things should be spaced out a little more on mobile, your message is far too close to "report, like, quote and reply". Tends to make things blend into each other too much
Already found the frames im going to need when my sight goes bad by the end of the year with this format

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