NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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The process of moving sounds crazy, and that's why i'm really not trying to complain

I'll eventually get use to it
dope...i like this look. Y'all keep up the great work.
Yeah, I'm told that's just the text. You should be able to change the name entirely. If that's not the case, we'll get it fixed. The text will be corrected as well.

We're using a system that was custom developed, but it was initially deployed on a site that only allowed formatting changes (e.g. caps). If it doesn't allow for complete name changes, let me know and we'll get it patched up.
Full name change still isn't working.

I also noticed that when you highlight some text and click quote, it looks like something flashes towards the top of the screen but whatever that is isn't visible (at least for me).

Also, we need the favicon back!
Does this new platform not catch all previously auto-censored words? I just noticed that an f-bomb of mine wasn't caught.

This....this is a problem. I curse, a lot.
As long as boastful works and not censored. I'm happy...

A lot of you are so eager to change their name... Seems kinda weird but whatever... I'm a just keep mines because people know me by it and it wouldnt be the same if I changed it
So it let me change capitalization but it wouldn't let me change name. Not sure if I have to have permissions restored back to 1 because I'm out of permissions.

Plz halp.
That's why I didn't wanna waste my 1 shot of changing my name on capitalizations.
I mean I doubt Meth is gonna be like "nah man you had one shot you blew it" because we didn't have sufficient permissions to actually change our name.
I have to say, on Sunday morning I went on NT and the new forum showed up but with no content and none of the links worked. I thought, "oh geez, the move failed, everything is destroyed. It's ok though, we can start from scratch."

Next time I checked, all the data was up.

Point is, this is a big move, and the fact that all the posts and members made it over here is a Herculean task on its own. Anyone who's dealt with moving data around knows this. So congrats and thanks are in order.

dope...i like this look. Y'all keep up the great work.
Thank you both. I appreciate the kind words.

I think it's human nature to focus on the negative comments and criticism, so it is very much appreciated for the team here to see that their efforts are appreciated and that there are indeed people who actually like what's been done thus far.

Given the stakes, sleep was not really an option for several of us this week. It's encouraging and energizing to hear from people who generally approve of the new site or, at least, the new direction. (Forward)

The search engine doesn't work for ANYTHING
Right now, it seems like it does work for posts made after the migration, but not those created prior. Hopefully all of that can be indexed.

Also, we need the favicon back!
We do! I want it up ASAP, too, but cosmetic stuff has to take a back seat right now as I'm sure you would understand.

Does this new platform not catch all previously auto-censored words? I just noticed that an f-bomb of mine wasn't caught.
That should have been fixed by now. As mentioned earlier, some of the false positives were corrected today. If you have an example of a post that hasn't been properly censored, send me a PM. We'll get it cleaned up.
Will do, one request tho boss man. Can you run back my name change permissions? I could only capitalize my name, I wanna actually change it please.
I mean I doubt Meth is gonna be like "nah man you had one shot you blew it" because we didn't have sufficient permissions to actually change our name.
If you did squander your one time name change - despite all of the warnings that it was a ONE TIME CHANGE - on capitalization and you would like to change to something else entirely, we can probably accommodate those requests manually - but I would urge everyone to try and avoid this as it will delay the name change.

Self-serve name changes would go through very quickly. Anything that runs through the staff has to wait until there's nothing on fire.

I think we can all agree that staff time right now is better spent solving some of the problems that affect a large number of people. There are issues with redirects right now, search isn't working for imported content, a few users are experiencing issues with email deliverability, everyone wants the old emoji back, navigation is not where it should be and we need to add a proper forum directory to the nav menu as was initially envisioned, etc.
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