NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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With the last site, I was completely unable to view niketalk on my desktop. It was painfully slow and crashed a bunch due to pop up ads and auto-play video ads. So I was forced to completely abandon NT on my computer and use NTmobile only. Which was fine because I preferred mobile. It was more sleek and easier to navigate for me for some reason.

This new site is the opposite. For some reason NTmobile is really slow and looks terrible on my phone. I think I'll use it sparingly. I think, like Meth said, it's just one of those personal preference things that can't really be helped with.

I do have a few questions though:

1. I'm having trouble quoting people. I'm sure it's something obvious and probably easier to figure out than it has been for me, but could someone walk me through this?

2. How do I tag or @ someone?

3. It may not be hashed out just yet, but is there a way to receive email notifications just for when I'm quoted and also is there a way to receive a site notification when I'm quoted instead of every time the thread gets a reply.

I'd like to thank the entire staff for putting in all this hard work for us. This website has been an invaluable asset to the sneaker community and I really appreciate the extra effort you guys put in to keep things running and to please people that you don't even know. Many times it probably feels like a thank-less task and more times than not trolls and comedians probably manage to get under your skin a little bit. But I really do thank you all from the bottom of my heart for staying strong through the adversity and the trouble makers, for the greater good (the greater good!)

trouble on desktop? You working on the Apple I?
No doubt :nthat:

I feel the same way.

Outside of things that have said multiple times now to be a work in progress/small subjective stuff (I agree with people saying the amount of red lines present isn't the best look; I would have said that during the beta but I honestly don't even remember noticing it, probably because I was able to do everything I wanted through 'mobile view'), my only issue is this Watched Forums/Threads stuff not feeling as intuitive as the My Subscriptions page was.

That's my main and only real issue with this new format.
I noticed that there are way less threads per page. on pg 1 of a forum... Idk why but that feels like a step back. Not a huge dilemma just go to oh 2 but I liked seeing ALLOT of threads per page.
I feel like threads pushed to page 2 or 3 will get less traffic
the red button next to the thread title will take you to the last post you've seen. did we have a last post button on huddler?
that thing when we was on huddler
where u could just click it and it would take you to ur last post in that thread
I noticed that there are way less threads per page. on pg 1 of a forum... Idk why but that feels like a step back. Not a huge dilemma just go to oh 2 but I liked seeing ALLOT of threads per page.
I feel like threads pushed to page 2 or 3 will get less traffic
can u change the posts per page???
I noticed that there are way less threads per page. on pg 1 of a forum... Idk why but that feels like a step back. Not a huge dilemma just go to oh 2 but I liked seeing ALLOT of threads per page.
I feel like threads pushed to page 2 or 3 will get less traffic

actually this is throwback NT default, i love da 20 threads per page, 20 replies per makes da site feel "fast" again
I HATED mobile on huddler. I always used the desktop version. I must say, this mobile version is much better.

Still looks a little weird on my laptop but I'm definitely getting used to it.
So I just discovered that every gif I uploaded to NT is dead. I always used the direct source of the image because the clickable white border wasn't wavy at all b. Plus the preview in the top right corner made it hard to surprise with them.

Example: R.I.P.

There should be a preview post button without having to click into another page with "more options".
So I just discovered that every gif I uploaded to NT is dead. I always used the direct source of the image because the clickable white border wasn't wavy at all b. Plus the preview in the top right corner made it hard to surprise with them.

Example: R.I.P.

There should be a preview post button without having to click into another page with "more options".
meth said they're still being transferred over.
For what it's worth, I really liked the "Last Post" feature.

Where you could actually see some of the content of the post.

Stumbled into mad threads because of that alone and now not so much.
yeah that peek-a-boo feature gotta come back...
That red button to the left of the thread title really takes you to the last post you've seen? Not working for me...or correctly at least.
the red button next to the thread title will take you to the last post you've seen. did we have a last post button on huddler?
Appreciate that. It's way smaller than the Huddler one though. Also if you hit the bubble it's gone and you have no way to reenter a thread and pick up from the last unread post unless you use the top right.

Everything I'm seeing that's different is minor for me and I'll get used to it.
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