No Lebron Hair Line Thread?


This pic gets me every time 
some dude made a comment about trading athletic ability for a horrible hairline. And I have definitely thought about this before. Would I trade my (close to box-cut shape) hairline for the athletic ability of the 3 top Balding NBA players of all-time; MJ, Kobe and Lebron. Now that they have hair transplants I would definitely say yes and just get that done asap. But if those didn't exist and it was either lose it progressively or cut it all off I don't know if I can make that trade. Sure I would have hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars but I'm in love with my hair, it's so much a part of my identity and I've been blessed with such beautiful texture hair from both of my parents that I don't know if I could commit that. Plus I wouldn't just trade it for the athletic ability too, I'd have to be a professional athlete and be getting paid like one.
But back to LBJ, he just need to get that transplanted asap, nothing else to it. Hit up Bosley Hair Care Treatments lebron, I see them commercials all the time, they'll have you straight!
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