NT Let us write the Man Law Book

Originally Posted by Theta

when passing through a tight space with another man (such as in an airplane) you must either go pole to pole or hole to hole. never is it ok to go pole to hole. also, when going pole to pole, eye contact must be avoided at all costs.

Originally Posted by Theta

when passing through a tight space with another man (such as in an airplane) you must either go pole to pole or hole to hole. never is it ok to go pole to hole. also, when going pole to pole, eye contact must be avoided at all costs.

Originally Posted by Theta

when passing through a tight space with another man (such as in an airplane) you must either go pole to pole or hole to hole. never is it ok to go pole to hole. also, when going pole to pole, eye contact must be avoided at all costs.

Originally Posted by Theta

when passing through a tight space with another man (such as in an airplane) you must either go pole to pole or hole to hole. never is it ok to go pole to hole. also, when going pole to pole, eye contact must be avoided at all costs.

This may not be a man law.

When you see me with a female, please don't tell me 'you better hold on to that one' or any other variation. I don't need you planting that seed in her head that she's special.
This may not be a man law.

When you see me with a female, please don't tell me 'you better hold on to that one' or any other variation. I don't need you planting that seed in her head that she's special.
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