NT Rate Your Driving Skills On A 1-10 Scale Vol. Whos Below A 6???

Driving Skills: 542,136 [Ranked: 2]

I win.

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

def. in a 6-7 range
thats where i'd say i am...but some people that ride with me say i drive too fast..which i do and i tailgate people when they driveslow..might be lower though..i've gotten two speeding tickets and 1 accident that was my fault..ran into back of dudes car after he slammed onbrakes..lukily i didn't mess his car up
Yesterday I was eating sonic tater tots, a messy cheesburger, shifting gears, and using the phone on 76-W towards Phila.

So I would say im a solid 8.

10 when im inebriated.
I'd have to say I'm a 9 maybe 9.5

I drive alot, I can drive with my knees, and today I drove a
manual (Without ever driving one before) and it was extremely succesful
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

town bars all day


If you from the town, best -5 from your perceived score.

In the grand scheme of things, I'd say I'm a solid 8.5. I've avoided my fair share of accidents thanks to my defensive driving, have never spun outmy car yet, and I have not been in a traffic accident where I was at fault.
Honestly, a 9 or 9.5. I've never gotten any kind of ticket and have never been in an accident. I'm usually 15-20 above the speed limit btw. Plus I cantext while driving and drive with my knees lol.
im giving myself a 1 because i got a speeding ticket yesterday, good driver smells pigs nearby and the worst part about this is that my mom told me to slowdown driving home all day and i didnt listen! dammit!
honestly... i'm not a very good driver. never had any accidents or even close calls but i suck at parallel parking and little things like that. i'dgive myself a 6
ima a................. 6-7


I go the speed limit or 5 above the speed limit...

my parrellel parking skills tho.... ehhhhh FTL
I would rate myself a 9-9.5. Been driving for about 6 years now, never been pulled over. I tend to speed sometime, but noth crazy.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

town bars all day


If you from the town, best -5 from your perceived score.

See lil @%%#@ up there talkin about drivin with his knees?

Try flippin a blunt (again.. town bars) hands through the steering wheel while switchin lanes (wit your knees) on 580 during rush hour.

Naw blud, +5

by myself or with friends I'd say 7.5-8 depends on where I'm going, how much time I have and the weather(Rain I drive very well, snow I drove well butI have the moments of sliding). But other times I'm too cautious when I don't need to be.

with the parents I'm like a 4 because they like to comment on people's driving which is rather annoying so I have to drive like an idiot to avoid acomment
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