NT Rate Your Driving Skills On A 1-10 Scale Vol. Whos Below A 6???

I'll probably give myself a 7, maybe even more considering what i drive. Give me something with smooth handling and i would give myself an 8-8.5 (i drive a92 blazer, i hate driving it on the parkway)
I think some of the ratings are too high and some might be too overconfident with their driving skills. The demographic of male drivers underthe age of 25 are the ones who tend to get into the most car accidents and some insurance companies give them a hard time with insurance policies and premiumsdue to that statistic.
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo


this. i just got my license.
funny how everyone is saying they have equal driving skills as people like tsuchiya and ken block
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I think some of the ratings are too high and some might be too overconfident with their driving skills. The demographic of male drivers under the age of 25 are the ones who tend to get into the most car accidents and some insurance companies give them a hard time with insurance policies and premiums due to that statistic.
alright, so 100+ ppl posted so far, and 2 ppl rate themselves 5 or below. 98% of you rate yourself in the above average to flawless range. realistically, everyone's going off a 6-10 scale, with 8 being average.

how you gonna say you're an 8 or 9 just because you don't get tickets or get wrecked? besides, experience =/= expertise. on a day to day basis, thevast majority of people only use the skills of a "5" or "6" driver. and i know most people don't drive stick regularly, so that shouldbe an automatic -1 or -2 for driving skills.

personally, i think i'm about an 8. wrecked one time (recliner in the middle of a merging lane at night
), but that was a long time ago. worked valet for a year, got to drive all sorts of random cars. got the gran turismo racing line going aroundcorners, heel-toe, double clutch thing going on.

10s be on that f1/rally driver tip.
verynecessary, you made some good points that I noticed that people didn't talk much about
Like not being able to drive manually because that accounts for alot

But I would definitely rate myself a strong 7
Being taught to drive in DC and drive in DC FTW
I have very good awareness when it comes to the road
I abide by the rules for the most part and I have prevented 2 possible accidents
Due to my quick reacting

I just feel like I could improve more ... On what I'm not too sure but I know I could be better
Maybe breaking......
And since I never learned to drive manually only but one time I know I can't be above a 7
But once I learn to drive manually as good as automatic ...... Its a wrap
I'm probably a 7, maybe 8

I speed and switch lanes. Not too crazy. I don't tailgate. And sometimes I'll eat when I'm driving, but not much
I love how everything thinks they're great drivers but on the road I can't go 5 minutes without saying "What the $*** is he doing?"

Anyways, I'm a 10.
I'd say im about a 7.5 to 8

And NY drivers need to lower your rating, yall cant drive for *%@+ outta state. stay messing up traffic
driving 3 years, no accidents, but i've been pulled over 10+ times (mostly for speeding and tints)
i can parallel park in any space though. just give me 6 inches longer than my car. NYC FTW
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