NT...what's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say?

Oct 28, 2007
A couple that've stuck in my mind over the years...."I don't believe in seatbelts." and "I'm not racist, but I ain't no n........"
Some people....:smh:
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"I need to lose weight, I'm gonna sweat it all off in the sauna."
"You can't do that; it's just water weight. Next time you drink water you'll gain it right back."
"I'll just drink Pepsi then."

"Hey! We just got back from Taco Night"
"Oh really Where do they do that?"
"Acapulco has Taco Tuesdays??"
"Well... it's Monday..."
"Oh yeah."

Definitely not the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but this week it is.
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"Times are hard...*explains why*" "It is what it is..." those are the stupidest things I've heard most of those will actually have me befriend you. the one that gets on my nerve is "At the end of the day...". all of these are actually phrases but what comes after them isn't very intelligent.
A:"Everything has to be created by someone, we cant just come from nothing"
B:"I agree, so who created God"
A:"He doesn't have to be created"


A: "I dont need to go to the gym. I can lose weight by eating subway"
"We should really thank God for the slaveowners bringing us here so we wouldn't have to be stuck in Africa" :stoneface:

"My dad found out my car wouldn't start because it wasn't in Park, I spent 15 mins yesterday trying to figure out what was wrong with it before I gave up"

Her: "All colleges business programs are equal if they're accredited" Me: "So you really think your Business school (Norfolk State) is equal to somewhere like Yale?" Her: "Of course it is, duh" :stoneface:

Girl A: "What's a vulva?" Girl B: "Apart of your vagina" Girl A: "oh really, I had no clue I thought it was apart of your mouth or something"

Last three were from the same person...
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Girl at my school: "im going to do something bad, and its not going to be good!"

it was the funniest thing when I heard it
"Filipino people are Spanish right?" "Indigenous people live in woods" from the same dumb football player my freshman year of college
when my roommate was in the shower with her bf and me and my other roommate overheard her say "do it harder"


roommate: "maybe he was scratching her back?"

"I need to lose weight, I'm gonna sweat it all off in the sauna."
"You can't do that; it's just water weight. Next time you drink water you'll gain it right back."
"I'll just drink Pepsi then."

last year one of the guys I met in college went with me to eat at Cane's. He asked me, "Dude... are chicken fingers really chicken fingers?" :lol:
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